

集合分为两种类型,静态和动态。动态资源以可循环动画为特色,根据植物的复杂程度,其范围从150到170帧(24 /30 fps)不等。

Blender Version 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 Blend 格式


使用TerraScape Manager可以轻松控制模型的各个方面。


• 11/20/2020
• 09/15/2020
• 11/29/2020
–添加了Scatter 4.0包。
• 04/16/2021

27 Species + groundcover assets and many variations.
The library features 27 species of vegetation, including tropical trees, herbaceous plants, grasses and large-leaved shrubs. But unlike many model packs (which use one model and only vary the size and rotation), each of the plant species includes between 4 and 15 distinct variations, making your scenes more natural and diverse.

Everything in motion!
Empower your creativity and bring your projects to life with realistically animated plants, that are ready to use in videogames, movies, illustrations and interactive experiences.

The collection is divided into two types, static and dynamic. The dynamic assets feature loopable animations, which range from 150 to 170 frames (24 /30 fps) depending on the complexity of the plants.

Why should you buy this pack?
You can of course make your own models, but this takes huge amounts of time and effort to get exactly right – which is why professionals use models too. We’ve spent hundreds of hours making some of the finest vegetation you’ll see anywhere, and we hope the quality of this pack speaks for itself.

TerraScape Manager!
Use TerraScape Manager to easily control all aspects of your models.

Cycles and Eevee, hand-in-hand.
The entire pack uses Principled BSDF materials that work perfectly in both Cycles and Eevee – just choose your preferred render engine and you’re ready to go.

• 11/20/2020
– New formula added that makes animations loopable without the need to copy Mesh Cache modifier.
• 09/15/2020
– The entire animation data has been rebuilt. Wind quality Improved. Speed increased.
– Added low-poly and proxy models.
– Fixed mesh deformations when Mesh Cache modifier is applied. Fixed minor issues. Object rotation (+90) no longer needed when using the particle system to scatter.
• 11/29/2020
– Scatter 4.0 package added.
• 04/16/2021
– TerraScape Manager added.
– The entire animation data has been re-built (no more 170 frames timeline loop, only 150).
• All shaders have been re-created from scratch.

2、资源默认为百度网盘链接,请用浏览器打开输入提取码不要有多余空格,如无法获取 请联系微信 yunqiaonet 补发。
3、分卷压缩包资源 需全部下载后解压第一个压缩包即可,下载过程不要强制中断 建议用winrar解压或360解压缩软件解压!