准备好解锁 Unity 和 C# 中 2.5D 回合制游戏的秘密了吗?



探索 Unity 的广阔世界,涵盖从使用 Cinemachine 和后期处理效果使您的游戏看起来惊人,到使用粒子效果增添风采的各个方面。我们致力于确保您的游戏既有趣又视觉上令人惊叹,完全沉浸玩家在您创造的世界中!

您将学会如何让游戏的世界栩栩如生,从打造充满魅力的环境与 3D 模型和精灵,到创建准备好探索和战斗的角色。我们深入探讨游戏创作的艺术和技术两面,为您提供技能,让您将最疯狂的游戏理念变为现实。


这门课程专为初学者到中级 Unity 开发人员量身定制,他们对 Unity、C# 和 2D/3D 工作流程有基本了解。它非常适合任何准备着手下一个大项目的人。





MP4 | 视频:h264,1920×1080 | 语言:英语+中英文字幕 | 大小:6.5GB | 课程时长:9小时5分钟

01 – Introduction Setup
01 – Welcome To The Course
02 – Setup Unity VS Code
04 – Project Setup
05 – Accessing Our Projects
06 – Community Support

02 – Player Controller
07 – Section Intro Player Controller
08 – New Input System
09 – Player Movement
10 – Importing Sprites
11 – Using Cinemachine
12 – Creating Player Animations
13 – Integrating Animations
14 – Terrain Basics

03 – Entering the Battle
15 – Section Intro Entering the Battle
16 – Creating Grass
17 – Setting Up Grass Triggers
18 – Counting Steps
19 – Creating The Battle Scene
20 – Switching Scenes

04 – Creating Party Members Enemies
21 – Section Intro Creating Party Members Enemies
22 – Creating Scriptable Objects
23 – Creating The Party Manager
24 – Creating The Enemy Manager
25 – Party Member Battle Visuals
26 – Enemy Battle Visuals
27 – Creating Battle Visual UI
28 – Integrating Battle Visual UI
29 – Integrating Battle Animations

05 – Spawning Entities
30 – Section Intro Spawning Entities
31 – Creating the Battle System
32 – Creating Battle Entities
33 – Creating Spawn Points
34 – Spawning Battle Visuals

06 – Selecting Attacking Enemies
35 – Section Intro Selecting Attacking Enemies
36 – Animating Buttons
37 – Creating Battle Menus
38 – Setting Battle UI
39 – Battle Entity States
40 – Attack Action
41 – Battle System States
42 – Attacking Enemies

07 – Finishing The Battle Loop
43 – Section Intro Finishing The Battle Loop
44 – Select Random Functions
45 – Enemy Attacking
46 – Generating Encounters
47 – Returning to the Overworld
48 – Determining Battle Order
49 – Run Action
50 – Polish Bug Fixes

08 – Polishing Our Environments
51 – Section Intro Polishing Our Environments
52 – 3D Models
53 – Skybox God Rays
54 – Overworld Environment
55 – Battle Environment
56 – Post Processing
57 – Camera Stacking

09 – Adding New Party Members
58 – Section Intro Adding New Party Members
59 – Interaction Prompt
60 – Joining the Party
61 – Join Banner
62 – Claire Battle Visuals
63 – Claire Overworld Visuals
64 – Spawning Overworld Members
65 – Follower AI
66 – Wrapping Up
67 – Course Outro Extra Assets

10 – Sprite Shadow Shader
68 – Sprite Shadow Shader
69 – New Sprite Flipping

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