MP4 |视频:h264,1920×1080 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz
语言:英语|大小:3.71 GB |时长:10小时7分钟
Practical Data Science Skills, Python, Real-World Machine Learning, Predictive Modeling, Project-Based Learning
What you’ll learn
Define the roles of Data Scientist
Model and interpret a complete machine learning project on python
Be able to answer most-asked Data Scientist interview questions
Explain the logic and all the fundamentals about Machine Learning algorithms
No Machine Learning experience needed
High school level algebra
Very basic understanding about some programming terms (what is a ‘for loop’, what is ‘if conditions’ etc.)
Section 1: Introduction
Lecture 1 Introduction
Lecture 2 Course Structure
Section 2: What is Data Science, Machine Learning and Data Science Project Process ?
Lecture 3 Let’s Begin!
Lecture 4 All about Machine Learning.Let’s make first Machine Learning model without code!
Lecture 5 Data Science Project Process
Section 3: Environment Setup
Lecture 6 Anaconda Installation – Windows
Lecture 7 Anaconda Installation – MacOS
Section 4: Toolkit Intro: Statistics and python pandas, numpy, matplotlib and seaborn Recap
Lecture 8 Basic Statistics Intro
Lecture 9 pandas Intro
Lecture 10 numpy Intro
Lecture 11 matplotlib and seaborn Intro
Section 5: Data Preprocessing with Hands-on Python
Lecture 12 First Glance to Our Dataset
Lecture 13 Reading Data into Python
Lecture 14 Detecting Data Leak and Eliminate the Leakage
Lecture 15 Null Handling
Lecture 16 Encoding
Lecture 17 Feature Engineering on Our Geoghraphical Data
Section 6: Machine Learning Classification Algorithms – All the Logic Behind Them
Lecture 18 Logistic Regression Logic
Lecture 19 Logistic Regression Key Takeaways
Lecture 20 kNN Classifier Logic and Key Takeaways
Lecture 21 Decision Tree Classifier Logic
Lecture 22 Logistic Regression, kNN and Decision Tree Algorithms Wrap-up
Lecture 23 There Are Some Inexpensive Lunches in Machine Learning
Lecture 24 Random Forest Classifier Logic – Bagging Algorithm
Lecture 25 LightGBM Logic – Boosting Algorithm
Lecture 26 XGBoost Logic
Section 7: General Modelling Concepts
Lecture 27 Train Test Split and Overfit-Underfit
Lecture 28 More on Overfit-Underfit Concept
Section 8: Classification Model Evaluation Metrics
Lecture 29 Classification Model Evaluation Metrics
Section 9: Logistic Regression Classifier and kNN Classifier – Hands-on in Python
Lecture 30 Data Recap, Separation and Train Test Split
Lecture 31 Outlier Elimination
Lecture 32 Take a Look at the Test Set Considering Outliers
Lecture 33 Feature Scaling
Lecture 34 Update the Train Labels After Outlier Elimination
Lecture 35 Logistic Regression in Python
Lecture 36 kNN Classifier in Python
Section 10: Decision Tree Classifier and Random Forest Classifier – Hands-on in Python
Lecture 37 Decision Tree Classifier in Python
Lecture 38 Random Forest Classifier in Python
Section 11: LightGBM Classifier and XGBoost Classifier – Hands-on in Python
Lecture 39 LightGBM Classifier in Python
Lecture 40 XGBoost Classifier in Python
Section 12: Classification Model Selection, Feature Importance and Final Delivery
Lecture 41 Classification Model Selection
Lecture 42 Feature Importance Concept
Lecture 43 LightGBM Classifier Feature Importance
Lecture 44 LightGBM Classifier Re-train with Top Features
Lecture 45 Final Prediction for Joined Customers
Section 13: Multi-Class Classification – Hands-on in Python
Lecture 46 MultiClass Classification Explanation
Lecture 47 MultiClass Classification in Python
Section 14: Machine Learning Regression Models – Algorithms and Evaluation
Lecture 48 Regression Introduction
Lecture 49 Linear Regression Logic
Lecture 50 kNN, Decision Tree, Random Forest, LGBM and XGBoost Regressors’ Logic
Lecture 51 Regression Model Evaluation Metrics
Section 15: Regression Models in Python – Hands-on Modelling
Lecture 52 Linear Regression in Python
Lecture 53 LightGBM Regressor in Python
Section 16: Unsupervised Learning – Clustering Logic and Python Implementation
Lecture 54 Unsupervised Learning Logic and Use Cases
Lecture 55 K Means Clustering Logic
Lecture 56 Evaluation of Clustering
Lecture 57 Do the Scaling Before KMeans
Lecture 58 KMeans Clustering in Python
Section 17: You Made It !
Lecture 59 Congratz!
People who are curious about Machine Learning,People who have less than 10 hours to learn about Machine Learning
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