在数字艺术的广阔领域中,环境艺术家们不断寻求提升自己的创作技能与技巧。而《Blender 4:终极环境艺术家指南》正是为这些艺术家量身定制的,堪称一门40小时的宏伟课程,让您沉浸于维多利亚时代的建筑与设计的魅力之中。课程由经验丰富的CG艺术家肖恩·基南带领,旨在帮助初学者和资深艺术家创造出充满往昔优雅气息的数字杰作。Blender 4 The Ultimate Environment Artist’s Guide by Neil Bettison (3D Tudor)

课程时长:40小时10分钟 1920X1080 mp4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络 机译)含课程文件




























踏上这段非凡的旅程,参加《Blender 4:终极环境艺术家指南》的学习,您将能够将自己的作品集提升到新的高度,创造出惊艳的维多利亚风格作品。这不仅是一门课程,更是通往顶尖数字艺术创作之路的一把钥匙,等待着您的探索与实践。

001 Blender 4 The Environment Artists Guide Introduction
002 Getting Started Resource Pack and Project Overview
003 Mastering Blender with a Referencing Guide
004 Blender Basic Navigation
005 Blender Modeling Basics
006 Modeling Greybox Using Human Scale Referencing
007 Greyboxing Buildings Crafting the Foundation of Your Victorian Scene
008 Sculpting Victorian Rooftops with Greyboxing
009 Organizing Your Scene Collections and Layers in Blender
010 Enhancing Atmosphere with Blenders Sky Texture Node
011 Streamlining Workflow Introduction to Blenders Asset Manager
012 Setting Up Your Asset Manager with the Victorian Resource Pack
013 Perfecting Details Seams and Sharps in Blender
014 Material Nodes Introduction
015 Architectural Details Modeling Cafe Supports with Bevel Modifier
016 Crafting Decorative Pillars with Extrusion and Inset Techniques
017 Window Framing Mastery Using Seams and Face Split Techniques
018 UV Unwrapping and Texturing Window Frames
019 Streamlining Texturing Copying Window UVs with Magic UV Addon
020 Background Details Creating 2D Planes for Window Backgrounds
021 Creating Decorative Stone Blocks for Cafe Frame Support
022 Multi Story Building Modeling Cafe Floors
023 Advanced Beveling Techniques for 3D Window Bases
024 Efficient Workflow Copying Modifiers and Using Shade Flat
025 Mastering Window Overhangs with the Solidify Modifier
026 Advanced UV Mapping Unwrapping Window Overhangs
027 Crafting Stepping Stones for Door Entrances
028 Modeling Detailed 3D Doors with Multiple Materials
029 Adding Decorative Details to Cafe Entrances
030 Modeling Symmetrical Borders and Applying Directional Lighting
031 Creating Wooden Decorative Panels Using Boolean Techniques
032 Extending Windows Modeling Techniques for Additional Detail
033 Utilizing Wood Geometry Nodes for Window Extensions
034 Advanced Texturing for Window Extensions
035 Designing Larger Cloth Overhangs
036 Implementing Coffee Store Windows with Texture Planes
037 Mastering Linked Duplicates in Blender for Efficient Modeling
038 Balcony Modeling Detailing with Face Normals
039 Decorating Balconies Using the Mirror Modifier
040 Resolving 3D Balcony Symmetry Challenges
041 Creating Stone Frame Supports for Victorian Roofs in Blender
042 Decorative Roof Supports with Blenders Curve Tool
043 Integrating Roof Tiles with Geometry Nodes and Curve Modifiers
044 Overcoming Mesh Bugs in Roof Tile Overlays
045 Modeling an Oval Window for Victorian Buildings
046 Texturing and 3D Modeling Street Signs
047 Crafting 3D Chair Assets for Victorian Scenes
048 Designing a Victorian Coffee Table in Blender
049 Modeling a Victorian Cafes Concrete Entrance
050 Adding Victorian Fence Posts to Cafe Scenes
051 Crafting Stone Tiles with Blender for Victorian Walkways
052 Texturing Techniques for Victorian Fencing
053 Dynamic Subdivision for Creating Cafe Signs
054 Crafting Sign Supports with Curve Draw in Blender
055 Manipulating Bezier Curves for Elegant Cafe Signage
056 Applying Materials for Realistic Cafe Signs
057 Basics of CYCLES and EEVEE Rendering for Victorian Scenes
058 Camera Setup and Turntable Animation for Victorian Environments
059 First Render and Compositor Setup for Enhanced Visuals
060 Integrating AO, Glare, and Gloss in Renders
061 Enhancing Renders with Compositor for Antialiasing and Contrast
062 Beginning Bookstore Building Modeling
063 Decorative Pillar Techniques for Victorian Entrances
064 Framework Modeling for Structural Integrity
065 Applying Consistent Brick Patterns for Authentic Walls
066 Modeling a Detailed Victorian Bookstore Door
067 Crafting an Entrance Archway for Victorian Libraries
068 Adding Texture Details to Enhance Entrance Realism
069 Brick Detailing for Entrance Steps
070 Wall Detailing with Wooden Panels
071 Large Window Frame Modeling for Victorian Libraries
072 Polishing the Library Extension for Enhanced Realism
073 Performance Optimization for Blender Scenes
074 Adding Final Details to Library Balconies
075 Detailed Roof Modeling for Victorian Libraries
076 Tile Detailing on Library Roofs with Tile Generator
077 Advanced Roof Cutting Techniques with Blenders Bisect Tool
078 Modeling Victorian Library Windows Above Entrance
079 Crafting a Bay Window for Victorian Libraries
080 Adding Wood Frame Details to Bay Windows
081 Boolean Techniques for Shaping Wood Planks in Blender
082 Finalizing Texture Details for Bay Window Backdrops
083 Modeling an Authentic Victorian Bookstore Sign
084 Adding Ornamental Swirls to Metal Signs with Curves
085 Integrating Street and Wall Textures for Realism
086 Modeling Supports for Second Floor Extensions
087 Techniques for Modeling Second Floor Extensions on Bookstores
088 Optimizing Library Mesh for Improved Performance
089 Detailed Roofing for Large Library Sections
090 Optimizing Roof Tiles with Face Normal Selection
091 Modeling Decorative Roof Spikes with Modifiers
092 Creating yet another victorian stylized window
093 Improving Wall Textures with Material Nodes
094 Mastering 3D Modeling of Lamp Post Bases
095 Crafting Elegant Victorian Lamp Posts
096 Decorating Victorian Lamp Posts with Ornamental Curves
097 Attaching Ornaments to Lamp Post Bases
098 Applying Materials for Realistic Victorian Lamp Posts
099 Integrating Street Signs onto Victorian Lamp Posts
100 Modeling Public Benches for Victorian Scenes
101 Starting the Bus Stop Stand Project
102 Designing Bus Stop Signage in Blender
103 Finalizing the Bus Stop Stand Model
104 Texturing Techniques for Victorian Bus Stops
105 Beginning the Newspaper Stand Project
106 Implementing Geometry Nodes for Dynamic Newspaper Stands
107 Completing the Newspaper Stand Model
108 Modeling Doors for Community Stands
109 Advanced Texturing for Newspaper Stands
110 Finalizing Scene Assets for Enhanced Realism
111 Initiating the Subway Entrance Model
112 Completing the Modeling of the Subway Entrance
113 Creating Subway Supports for Enhanced Realism
114 Designing Railings for Subway Entrances
115 Modeling Complex Roofs for Victorian Structures
116 Finalizing the Subway Model with Detailed Features
117 Incorporating Swirls into Subway Decorations
118 Texturing Subway Surfaces for Authenticity
119 Mastering Texturing for Complex Walls
120 Completing the Subway Model with Final Enhancements
121 Incorporating Trees and Greenery into Victorian Scenes
122 Updating Renders with New Environmental Elements
123 Initiating the Butchers Building Project
124 Addressing Window Mesh Issues in Victorian Buildings
125 Adding Final Details to the Butchers Shop
126 Modeling the Butchers Canopy for Realistic Shadowing
127 Finalizing the Butchers Window with Advanced Techniques
128 Resolving Material Bugs in Blender
129 Crafting the Main Door for Victorian Butchers in Blender
130 Modeling the Victorian Butchers Shop Front
131 Designing the Backdoor for Victorian Butchers Shops
132 Finalizing the Rear of the Victorian Butchers Shop
133 Starting the Roof for Victorian Butchers Buildings
134 Modeling and Texturing Victorian Chimneys
135 Butchers Roof Modeling
136 Creating Detailed Roof Windows for Victorian Buildings
137 Completing the Victorian Butchers Roof
138 Designing Victorian Window Supports
139 Completing the Main Structure of Victorian Butchers Shop
140 Detailed Finishing for the Victorian Butchers Shop
141 Modeling a Victorian Butchers Shop Sign
142 Finalizing the Butchers Shop Sign with Advanced Texturing
143 Greyboxing a Vintage Truck for Victorian Scenes
144 Modeling the Engine Bay of a Vintage Truck
145 Adding Details to the Vintage Truck Model
146 Modeling Realistic Wheels for Vintage Trucks
147 Creating the Interior of a Vintage Truck in Blender
148 Modeling Vintage Truck Wheel Arches with Precision
149 Finalizing the Sides of the Vintage Truck
150 Crafting Detailed Back Doors for a Vintage Truck
151 Completing the Vintage Truck Model with Advanced Techniques
152 Preparing the Vintage Truck Mesh for Texturing
153 Creating New Shaders for Victorian Scenes in Blender
154 Finalizing Main Truck Textures for Authenticity
155 Enhancing Scene Performance in Blender
156 Starting the Victorian Perfume Shop Building in Blender
157 Laying the Foundations for the Perfume Shop
158 Designing the Perfume Shops Exterior Style
159 Modeling the Second Floor of the Perfume Shop
160 Designing the Perfume Shop Roof with Ornate Features
161 Crafting Ornate Wooden Details for the Perfume Shop Roof
162 Creating Authentic Victorian Windows for the Perfume Shop
163 Completing the First Side of the Perfume Shop
164 Adding Interior Backdrops and Curtains to the Perfume Shop
165 Modeling Victorian Townhouses for Scene Expansion
166 Detailing Townhouse Entrances with Historical Accuracy
167 Modeling Staircase Walls for Victorian Townhouses
168 Creating Detailed Windows for Victorian Townhouses
169 Final Touches on the Bay Window Design
170 Texturing Bay Windows for Authenticity
171 Modeling Decorative Door Arches for Townhouses
172 Completing the Ground Floor of Victorian Townhouses
173 Starting on the Second Floor and Roof of Townhouses
174 Addressing Mesh Issues for Optimized Modeling
175 Finalizing the Second Floor Window Design
176 Applying Textures to Second Floor Windows
177 Initiating Main Roof Construction for Townhouses
178 Adding Final Details to Complete the Townhouse Roof
179 Crafting Authentic Stone Windows for Townhouses
180 Finalizing the Exterior of Victorian Townhouses
181 Creating Backdrops for Townhouse Interiors
182 Designing Window Backdrops for Apartments
183 Completing the Roofing Detail for a Cohesive Look
184 Integrating the Rear of the Perfume Shop into the Scene
185 Deciding on the Rear Roof Slant for Historical Accuracy
186 Building Out Slanted Roofs for Visual Interest
187 Crafting Wooden Arches for Exterior Detailing
188 Finalizing the Model of the Perfume Shops Lower Floors
189 Texturing the Rear of the Perfume Shop for Realism
190 Completing the Second Floor and Roof of the Perfume Shop
191 Modeling Intricate Chimneys for Victorian Perfume Shops
192 Designing Functional Roof Windows for Enhanced Lighting
193 Crafting Realistic Glass Frames for Roof Windows
194 Finalizing Roof Window Designs with Advanced Detailing
195 Initiating the Front Fa?ade of the Perfume Shop Building
196 Finalizing the Upper Floors of the Perfume Shop
197 Greyboxing the Main Entrance of the Perfume Shop
198 Detailing Windows and Ornate Styling for the Perfume Shop
199 Modeling the Main Steps and Entranceway of the Perfume Shop
200 Creating the Perfume Shops Main Door with Historical Details
201 Completing the Model of Window Displays and Doors
202 Finishing the Main Building of the Perfume Shop
203 Finalizing Interiors and Exterior Details of the Perfume Shop
204 Essential Greyboxing Techniques for Victorian Towers
205 Modeling the Foundation of Victorian Towers
206 Constructing Second Floor Supports for Victorian Towers
207 Crafting the Second Floor of Victorian Towers
208 Designing the Main Structure of Victorian Towers
209 Detailing the Second Floor of Victorian Towers
210 Initiating the Top Floor of Victorian Towers
211 Architectural Roof Design for Victorian Towers
212 Finishing the Tower Roof
213 Finalizing the Tower Modeling
214 Starting the Tower Texturing Process
215 Fixing Major Texturing Issues
216 Son 215 Finishing the Tower Interior
217 Creating the Perfume Shop Sign
218 Finishing the Perfume Shop
219 Creating Authentic Victorian Terrains and Edges
220 Advanced Techniques in Terrain Shading
221 Final Render and Presentation of Your Scene

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