学习如何将角色概念从草图发展到最终渲染,使用Blender进行3D建模和渲染,使用Photoshop进行后期制作。这是由艺术总监兼视觉开发艺术家Francesco Guarini主讲的3.5小时课程,适合中级艺术家,但初学者也能轻松跟上,掌握Blender的基础知识。

本次以角色为主题的课程展示了Photoshop中角色设计的基本原则,以及如何使用Blender将设计转化为3D模型的过程。Francesco强调在设计过程中考虑功能性的重要性,并保持对设计如何影响建模、绑定和动画的意识。2D & 3D Character Design in Photoshop & Blender by Francesco Guarini


课程时长:3.5小时 1920X1080 mp4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络 机译)含课程文件

00 – 预览
01 – 介绍
02 – 收集参考资料和创意
03 – 构思草图
04 – 人物设计开发 – 第1部分
05 – 人物设计开发 – 第2部分
06 – 准备在Blender中阻塞
07 – 在Blender中粗略阻塞
08 – 在Blender中处理体积 – 第1部分
09 – 在Blender中处理体积 – 第2部分
10 – 在Blender中雕刻细节
11 – 在Blender中应用颜色和基本材质
12 – 在Blender中摆姿势和渲染
13 – 在Photoshop中完成人物设计
14 – 结束语

2D & 3D Character Design in Photoshop & Blender
Learn how to develop a character concept from a rough sketch to a final render, using Blender for the 3D modeling and rendering and Photoshop for the final post-production work. This 3.5-hour workshop by art director and visual development artist Francesco Guarini is ideal for intermediate artists, though beginners can easily follow along and enjoy some Blender basics.

The workflow demonstrated in this character-focused workshop covers the basic principles of character design in Photoshop and how to translate a design in 3D using Blender. Francesco discusses the importance of considering functionality during the design process and always being mindful of how your design will affect the modeling, rigging, and animation departments.

This comprehensive tutorial is recommended for artists looking to incorporate Blender modeling into their character design workflow, though the techniques taught can be applied to any design workflow. Project files supplied with this workshop include Francesco’s design, model, and render files for subscribers to learn from.

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