
1920X1080 mp4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络 机译)含课程文件

Advanced Setups
Advanced Setups 00 – Intro
Advanced Setups 01 – Genetic Algorithms
Advanced Setups 02 – Installing 3rd Party Libraries For Houdinis Python
Advanced Setups 03 – Accessing Geo Attributes In Python – Using potpourri3d
Advanced Setups 04 – Field Guided Reaction Diffusion
Advanced Setups 05 – Knots & Half Edges
Advanced Setups 06 – Yarn Art Using Metropolis Hastings Sampling
Advanced Setups 07 – Reading XML Files & GPS Tracks
Advanced Setups 08 – From Paper to VEX- Electrostatic Halftoning
Advanced Setups 09 – From Formula to VEX Winding Numbers
Advanced Setups 10 – Creating an Urquhart Graph
Advanced Setups 11 – DIY Poisson Solvers pt. 1 Jacobi, Gauss Seidel & SOR
Advanced Setups 12 – DIY Poisson Solver- Jacobi Red Black & OpenCL
Advanced Setups 13 – DIY Poisson Solver- Jacobi Two Pass & von Neumann Boundaries
Advanced Setups 14 – DIY Poisson Solver pt. 4- Designing Caustics
Advanced Setups 15 – Solving Optimal Transport using Python and POT
Advanced Setups 16 – Multithreading Python In Houdini
Advanced Setups 17 – Jeroen Claus Solving The Traveling Salesperson Problem in Python
Advanced Setups 18 – Monte Carlo Geometry Processing
Advanced Setups 19 – Jeroen Claus- Dataviz Excursion – K-means Clustering Explained
Advanced Setups 20 – Jeroen Claus- Dataviz Excursion – DBScan
Advanced Setups 21 – Jeroen Claus- HDBSCAN
Advanced Setups 22 – Dataviz – Comparing Algorithms
Advanced Setups 23 – Controlling Stable Diffusion With Houdini
Advanced Setups 24 – Controlling Stable Diffusion With Houdini Pt. 2 img2img
Advanced Setups 25 – Controlling Stable Diffusion With Houdini Pt. 3 ControlNet
Advanced Setups 26 – Building a Latent Space in Houdini – Part 2 – Implementation
Advanced Setups 27 – PyTorch Series 2a – Upgrading the Autoencoder
Advanced Setups 28 – PyTorch Series 2b – Battle of the Latent Spaces
Advanced Setups 29 – Python State Sculptures
Advanced Setups.7z.rar

Adding Houdini To Your Arsenal
AHTYA01 – Intro To The UI And Basic Concepts
AHTYA02 – About Geometry And Attributes
AHTYA03 – Noisy VOPs
AHTYA04 – Working With Clones Part 1
AHTYA05 – Working With Clones Part 2
AHTYA06 – Procedural Modeling- AHTYA Title Graphics
AHTYA07 – Finishing The Title Graphics Model
AHTYA08 – Introduction To Redshift3D
AHTYA09 – Shading in Redshift 3D
AHTYA10 – Pathtracing and Adaptive Sampling in Redshift 3D
AHTYA11 – Intro to DOPS – The SOP Solver

Geometry Nodes
Geometry Nodes Ep 00- Overview
Geometry Nodes Ep 01- Intro to Geometry Nodes
Geometry Nodes Ep 02- Working with Geometry
Geometry Nodes Ep 03- Working with Attributes
Geometry Nodes Ep 04- Beyond Geometry – Node Properties
Geometry Nodes Ep 05- What are Vectors
Geometry Nodes Ep 06- Creating a Vector Visualizer
Geometry Nodes Ep 07- Refine the Vector Visualizer
Geometry Nodes Ep 08- Make a Node Group
Geometry Nodes Ep 09- Visualize Vector Addition
Geometry Nodes Ep 10- Fields
Geometry Nodes Ep 11- Create Noise Driven Displacement
Geometry Nodes Ep 12- Displace and Shade a Torus by Noise
Geometry Nodes Ep 13- Create the Procedural Low Poly Rocks Geometry
Geometry Nodes Ep 14- Create the Procedural Low Poly Rocks Shader
Geometry Nodes Ep 15- Real World Project 1 – Psyche Transform Effect
Geometry Nodes Ep 16- Psyche Transform – Spherical Falloff
Geometry Nodes Ep 17- Finishing the Falloff and Node Groups
Geometry Nodes Ep 18- Creating Instances and Manipulating them
Geometry Nodes Ep 19- Cleaning Up and Creating Reusable Node Groups
Geometry Nodes Ep 20- Implementing a Linear Falloff
Geometry Nodes Ep 21- Creating the Second Layer- The Yarn Sculpture
Geometry Nodes Ep 22- Coloring the Yarn Sculpture
Geometry Nodes Ep 23- Finishing The Effect
Geometry Nodes.7z.rar

Kinefx 101
KineFX 101 – Pt.00- Intro & Overview
KineFX 101 – Pt.01- Deep Dive- Skeletons
KineFX 101 – Pt.02- Building Procedural Skeletons
KineFX 101 – Pt.03- Constraints A- IK-Deep-Dive
KineFX 101 – Pt.04- Balancing Pebbles
KineFX 101 – Pt.05- The Rig Attrib VOP
KineFX 101 – Pt.06- Building Procedural Walkers
KineFX 101 – Pt.07- Building An Auto Framing Camera
KineFX 101 – Pt.08- Character Animation Using Motionclips
KineFX 101 – Pt.09- Retiming Simulations With DIY Motion Clips
KineFX 101 – Pt.10- The Non-Animator Character Animation Pipeline
KineFX 101 – Pt.11- Enhancing Growth-Sims With KineFX
KineFX 101 – Pt.12- KFX Potpourri- Capturing, Secondary Motion And Fixing Skeletons
KineFX 101 – Pt.13- Combining Vellum with KineFX
KineFX 101 – Pt.14- Capturing A- Procedurally Creating And Modifying Weights
KineFX 101 – Pt.14- Capturing B- Building A DIY Bone Deform SOP
KineFX 101 – Pt.15- KineFX & Vellum 2- Building a Balloon Character
KineFX 101 – Pt.16- Rigging An IK Robot Arm
KineFX 101 – Pt.17- No VEX Procedural Walkers
KineFX 101 – Pt.18- CFX- Muscles Part 1
KineFX 101 – Pt.19- CFX- Muscles Part 2
KineFX 101 – Pt.20- CFX Fur – Part 1b- Karma Hair Procedurals
KineFX 101 – Pt.21- CFX Fur – Part 2- Using and Misusing Fur Nodes in SOPs
KineFX 101 – Pt.22- TD Techniques- Copy Rigged Characters
KineFX 101 – Pt.23- Flower 01- Petal
KineFX 101 – Pt.24- Flower 02- Blossom
KineFX 101 – Pt.25- Flower 03- Extra Bits
KineFX 101 – Pt.26- Flower 04- Blossom Animation
KineFX 101 – Pt.27- Flower 04- Fur, Karma and Variations
KineFX 101 – Pt.28- Building a Curve Controller for KineFX
KineFX 101 – Pt.29- Rigging Volumes
KineFX 101 – Pt.30- Tree Rig 01- Generating a Tree
KineFX 101 – Pt.30- Tree Rig 02- Rigging the Tree
KineFX 101 – Pt.30- Tree Rig 03- Simulating the Twig
KineFX 101 – Pt.30- Tree Rig 04- Rendering in Karma
KineFX 101 – Pt.31- Fixing Faulty FBX Files
Kinefx 101.7z.rar

Particles Part 01 – Addendum – Shading in RS
Particles Part 01 – Paint Removal
Particles Part 02 – Conform To Surface
Particles Part 03 – The Principle Of Particle Simulation
Particles Part 04 – Tubular Flow With Vector Fields
Particles Part 05 – 01 – Plant Growth With POPReplicate
Particles Part 05 – 02 – Plant Growth With POPReplicate
Particles Part 06 – The Curve Force Twister
Particles Part 07 – On POP Streams And How DOPs Work
Particles Part 08 – Sticking Particles To Animation
Particles Part 09 – Rain Part 01 – Setup
Particles Part 09 – Rain Part 02 – Rendering

Patreon Specials
Dual Sculptures
Move Geometry Along a Curve
Patreon Special- Importing a MRI Scan as VDB Volume
Patreon Specials.7z.rar

PDG 101
PDG 101 – Pt.01- Course Overview & PDG Basics
PDG 101 – Pt.02- Wedging
PDG 101 – Pt.03- Wedging 2
PDG 101 – Pt.04- Batch Processing
PDG 101 – Pt.05- Problem Solving in TOPs
PDG 101 – Pt.06- Render Manager
PDG 101 – Pt.07- Product Lineup
PDG 101 – Pt.08- Command Line Programs & Texture Synthesis
PDG 101 – Pt.09- HDAs & File Tags
PDG 101 – Pt.10- Online Data & APIs
PDG 101 – Pt.11- Comping in COPs
PDG 101 – Pt.12- Faux 3d printing
PDG 101 – Pt.13- Houdini Engine in UE4
PDG 101 – Pt.14- The Python Processor
PDG 101 – Pt.15- Batch Processing II- Manual Edits
PDG 101 – Pt.16- Feedback Loops
PDG 101 – Pt.17- Sloppy Machine Learning
PDG 101 – Pt.18- The Top Geometry SOP
PDG 101.7z.rar

Rendering 101
Rendering 101 pt. 00- The Overall Plan
Rendering 101 pt. 01- Theory – Raytracing, Pathracting & Monte Carlo
Rendering 101 pt. 02- Theory- Materials, BxDFs, Fresnel & Microfacets
Rendering 101 pt. 03- Theory- Camera Models & Film Response Curves
Rendering 101 pt. 04- Lights – Real World vs. Render Engine
Rendering 101 pt. 05- Studio Introduction – Light Formers
Rendering 101 pt. 06- Three Point Light (Studio)
Rendering 101 pt. 07- Basic Setup – Mantra
Rendering 101 pt. 08- Basic Setup – Redshift
Rendering 101 pt. 09- Basic Setup – Octane
Rendering 101 pt. 10- Basic Setup – RenderMan
Rendering 101 pt. 11- Basic Setup – Arnold
Rendering 101 pt. 12- Basic Setup – V-Ray
Rendering 101 pt. 13- Lighting & Rendering Glass In Redshift
Rendering 101 pt. 14- Photon Mapping – Caustics In Redshift
Rendering 101 pt. 15- Volume Shading Principles Demonstrated In Redshift
Rendering 101 pt. 16- Subsurface Scattering in Redshift – 3 Flavors
Rendering 101 pt. 17- Displacement in Redshift
Rendering 101 pt. 18- Layering Materials (Plus A Bit Of Curvature)
Rendering 101 pt. 19- Faster GI Using Irradiance Caching & Irradiance Point Clouds
Rendering 101 pt. 20- Color Space Basics & Intro to ACES
Rendering 101 pt. 21- Instancing In Redshift (Plus A Bit Of Shading)
Rendering 101 pt. 22- Instancing Using Redshift Proxies
Rendering 101 pt. 23- Building A Procedural Wood Shader In Redshift
Rendering 101 pt. 24- Building Non Photorealistic Shaders In Redshift
Rendering 101 pt. 25- AOVs In Redshift
Rendering 101 pt. 26- Contemporary Lighting Styles Pt.1 – The Very Simple Ones
Rendering 101 pt. 27- Contemporary Lighting Styles Pt.2 – The (Slightly) More Complex Ones
Rendering 101 pt. 28- Seamless High Key Lighting
Rendering 101 pt. 29- PBR Part 1 – The Physics
Rendering 101 pt. 30- Redshift In Solaris – Specular Lighting
Rendering 101 pt. 31- Guest Tutorial – Additive Particle Shading
Rendering 101.7z.rar

UE Blueprints 101
UE Blueprints 101.7z.rar
Unreal Engine Blueprints – Pt.01 Introduction – Entagma
Unreal Engine Blueprints – Pt.02 Physics – Entagma
Unreal Engine Blueprints – Pt.03 Getting Started With Blueprints
Unreal Engine Blueprints – Pt.04 Setting Up A Camera
Unreal Engine Blueprints – Pt.05 The Mysterious Sphere
Unreal Engine Blueprints – Pt.06 Your First Actor
Unreal Engine Blueprints – Pt.07 Events
Unreal Engine Blueprints – Pt.08 Scene Overview
Unreal Engine Blueprints – Pt.09 First Nodes
Unreal Engine Blueprints – Pt.10 Recap & Infinite Loop
Unreal Engine Blueprints – Pt.11 Variables
Unreal Engine Blueprints – Pt.12 Randomness
Unreal Engine Blueprints – Pt.13 Setting Up Color
Unreal Engine Blueprints – Pt.14 Sending Color to The Actor
Unreal Engine Blueprints – Pt.15 Recap & Final Steps
Unreal Engine Blueprints – Pt.16 Adding Impulse
Unreal Engine Blueprints – Pt.17 Maintaining Velocity & Additional Impulse
Unreal Engine Blueprints – Pt.18 Scale Down Animation
Unreal Engine Blueprints – Pt.19 Finale – Using For Loops & Spawning Multiple Actors

Vellum 101
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 00- Animating Vellum Constraints
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 01- Constraint Types
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 02- Dynamic Constraints In Vellums SOP Solver
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 03 – Quicktip – What About Grains.
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 04- Using Vellum In DOPs
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 05- Quicktip – Avoiding Jitter
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 06- Manually Creating Vellum Constraints
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 07- Shrinkwrap
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 08- Swirly Cloth
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 09- Rigid Bodies & Grains
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 10- Twisting Wires
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 11- Soft Constraining Grains & Soft Bodies
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 12- Inflating Balloons Into A Shape
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 13- Connecting Wires
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 14- Force Directed Graph
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 15- New In H17.5 – Per Point Friction
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 16- Blendshapes In Vellum
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 17- Awkward Locomotion Using Vellums Fiber Constraint
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 18- Voronoi Cloth Bags
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 19- Stiffness Dropoff
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 20- Removing Pressure Constraints – Popping A Balloon
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 21- Plastic Deformations – Crushing A Can
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 22- Peel Off
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 23- Looping A Simulation
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 24- Tearing A Grain Bag
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 25- Activating Grains
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 26- Structural Optimisation
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 27- Grain Softbodies in Vellum
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 28- Slicing Grain Softbodies in Vellum
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 29- Inflation Driven By Attribute
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 30- growing_grains
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 31- Attaching Hairs To Softbodies
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 32- Guest Tut – Vellum Sewing Pt. I
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 33- Guest Tut – Vellum Sewing Pt. II
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 34- Guest Tut – Vellum Sewing Pt. III
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 35- Sphere Packing A Surface
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 36- Rigid Bodies In Vellum (2021 Technique)
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 37- Hair_tear
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 38- Differential Edge Growth
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 39- Differential Growth With Adaptive Subdivisions
Grains & Vellum 101 pt. 40- Melting Objects Using Vellum Fluids
Vellum 101.7z.rar

VEX 101
VEX 101 pt. 00- Whats In This Course.
VEX 101 pt. 01- An Honest Foreword
VEX 101 pt. 02- SOP Wrangle Basics
VEX 101 pt. 03- Basic Data Types & Accessing Attributes
VEX 101 pt. 04- Intro To Variables
VEX 101 pt. 05- Intro To Functions
VEX 101 pt. 06- Generating Randomness
VEX 101 pt. 07- Accessing Other Streams Point Attributes
VEX 101 pt. 08- Generating Curl Noise
VEX 101 pt. 09- Chladni Patterns
VEX 101 pt. 10- For Loops & Lissajous Curves
VEX 101 pt. 11- Arrays & Foreach-Loops
VEX 101 pt. 12- If-Statements
VEX 101 pt. 13- Custom Functions
VEX 101 pt. 14- Starting A Function Library
VEX 101 pt. 15- Quick (Long) Repetition – And Fake Hanging Wires
VEX 101 pt. 16- Pixel Sorting
VEX 101 pt. 17- Intersecting Lines
VEX 101 pt. 18- Transformation Matrix Intuition
VEX 101 pt. 19- Why Quaternions.
VEX 101 pt. 20- Primitive Intrinsics
VEX 101 pt. 21- Wheres The Pixel Wrangle.!
VEX 101 pt. 22- How About A Material Wrangle.
VEX 101 pt. 23- Implementing Hidden Point Removal
VEX 101.7z.rar

Volumes 101
Volumes 101 pt. 01- Volume Basics
Volumes 101 pt. 02- Vector Volumes
Volumes 101 pt. 03- Signed Distance Fields
Volumes 101 pt. 04- VDBs vs. Standard Volumes
Volumes 101 pt. 05- Volume Booling
Volumes 101 pt. 06- Volume Gradient
Volumes 101 pt. 07- Reshaping SDFs
Volumes 101 pt. 08- Organic Cells
Volumes 101 pt. 09- Curvature
Volumes 101 pt. 10- Curvature Driven Growth
Volumes 101 pt. 11- Adding Forces
Volumes 101 pt. 12- Adding Colliders
Volumes 101 pt. 13- Point Advection
Volumes 101 pt. 14- Volume Kernels – Edge Detection For Smoke Sims
Volumes 101 pt. 15- Volume Kernels Using OpenCL
Volumes 101 pt. 16- Reaction Diffusion System Using OpenCL
Volumes 101 pt. 17- Multistate Cellular Automata in OpenCl
Volumes 101 pt. 18- Volume Procedural Basics
Volumes 101 pt. 19- Juliabulb Fractal Using Volume Procedurals
Volumes 101 pt. 20- Volume Displacement Shader
Volumes 101 pt. 21- Dissolving Geometry
Volumes 101 pt. 22- Art Directing Volumes
Volumes 101 pt. 23- Something New
Volumes 101 pt. 24- Addendum – Linear Ramping Volume Density
Volumes 101 pt. 25- Addendum – Smoke Sims- Controlling Turbulence To Add Detail
Volumes 101 pt. 26- Addendum – Changes Since Houdini 17
Volumes 101.7z.rar

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