NUKE – Advanced CG Compositing and Look Development – NK606 – Additional Feedback by Compositing Academy 是一门高级的CG合成和外观开发课程,由Compositing Academy提供。该课程旨在帮助学生进一步提升他们在NUKE软件中的合成技能,并学习如何开发逼真的CG外观。



该课程旨在模拟标准视觉效果工作室流程 – 因此您可以获得合成这样的镜头的真实经验。而且,您还可以为演示卷轴拍摄精彩的照片。

专业画家了解如何调整画笔的角度,如何看待图像,以及迭代的方法和过程以获得最终结果。在本课程中,我们使用 Nuke 作为画笔和画布,并学习这些方法。

MP4 | Video: h264, 1920×1034 | 语言:英语+.srt英文字幕 含课程文件 课程时长: 51小时 48分钟 作者:Alex Hanneman

-已经了解Nuke 2D和3D系统(基础知识)并希望学习提高艺术能力的个人。(这些可在 NK101-NK505 中找到)

工作室希望“升级”他们的视觉特效合成器,以便能够更有效地进行 LookDev。

–PAUSE Light Sketchover–
000 How the class will work
001 Planning out a VFX Shot
002 Losing Detail – Highlights, Exposure, Shadow
003 Black Levels – Artistic Principles – Volumes – Glow
004 Making VFX Cheaper (And Better)
005 Impressions VS Reality
006 Value Contrast VS Value Conflict
007 Lighting – Drops of Color
008 Compositing Iterations
009 Scale
010 Script Walkthrough (View Only, not follow along yet)
011 Factory (View Only, not follow along yet)
012 Sky and Ship (View Only, not follow along yet)
013 Grades (View Only, not follow along yet)
014 FG, Laser Elements, Finalizing (View Only, not follow along yet)
015 Assets and Project Files Overview ((START OF PROJECT))
016 Script Template and Python
017 Transform Planes
018 Projecting the Mountains
019 Projecting Mountains ST Map
020 Base Comp (Sky)
021 Base Comp (Clouds)
022 Base Comp (Sky Stars)
023 base sky cloud refinement
024 Ship (Slap Comp), Light Paint Over Sketch
025 Asteroids and Parallax
026 Blocking in Asteroid Field
027 Edge Fixes
028 Perspective Atmosphere
029 Layering Small Asteroids – Establish LOD
030 Ship Grading
031 Ship Small Noise
032-33 Volume Rays
034 Volume Rays Detail
035 Volume Rays Dark Details
036 Volume rays Ping
037 Asteroid Shadow
038 Asteroid Depth
039 Asteroid Edge Blending
040 Pinging Highlights, Balancing Exposure
041 Ship Dust Interaction
042 Ship Dust Interaction Front
043 Ship Dust Tiny Trails
044 Ship Lights
045 Engine Glows
046 BG Final Adjustments
047 Matte Painting Reference
048 Matte painting studying mine
049 MP First Rock
050 (Matte Paint) Second Rock
051 MP Third Rock
052 (Matte Paint) Fourth Rock
053 (Matte Paint) Fifth Rock
054 (Matte Paint) Blend Shadows Rocks
055 (Matte Paint) Transition Rocks
056 Extra Rocks Optional
057 Detailed Color Integration
058 Matching Blacks and Shadows
059 Finalizing Matte Painting and Shadows
060 Factory Overview
061 Starting The Factory
062 Top Part of Factory
063 Pipe Junctions Factory
064 Pipe Junction
065 Pipe Connection and Cap
066 Pipe Connection
067 Far Pipes
068 Factory Shadows
069 Factory Cast Shadows
070 Finishing up Shadows
071 Breaking up Highlights
072 Break up Highlights Small Details
073 Break Up Texture Detail
074 Perspective Pipe Details
075 Pools of Light
076-77 Garage
078 Pause, Explain Next Steps
079 Explaining Projection Resolution
080 Explaining Projection Resolution and Lunar Fog
081 Lunar Fog P2
082 Lunar Fog Second Pass
083 Balancing Highlights
084 Pinging Highlights
085 Depth Hazing
086 Detailing Ship Higlights and Materials
087 Light Paintover Part 1
088-89 hot Highlights
090 City Projection
091 Rotopaint Sticky Projections
092 Precomping DaisyChains
093 City Adjustments and Balance
094 City Adjustments
095 Hill Pipe
096 Pipe Integration
097 Quick Fixes
098 Mountains Far
099 Foreground
100 Exploring Possibilities Point Cloud
101 Examining Foreground
102 Dirt and Specular Breakup
103 Vent Details
104 Detailing Noises
105 more detailing
106 Finalizing Details
107 Vent Glows
108 glow and smoke
109 FG Smoke PMatte
110 finalizing Smoke
111 Heat Distortion
112 Labeling FIxes
113 Parallax Fix
114 Depth Fixes
115 Optical Volume Ray
116 Creative Grades and Optical Volume Rays
117 More Balancing Small Grades
118 Bounding Box
119 Rocket Render
120 Smoke Trail
121 Fire Trail
122 Fire Trail Interaction
123 Introduction to Second Half of Comp – Laser and Interaction
124 Interactive Light
125 Electrical Tips
126-127 Lookdev Laser Ring Main
128 Lookdev Laser Ring Main
129 Creating Alphas From Scratch
130-131 Placing Elements Together
132 Distortion
133 Thin Electrical
134 Merging the Script
135 Adjusting Interactive Pass
136 Adjusting Interactive Pass Small Tweaks
137 Setting up The Laser (Lookdev Experimental)
137.5 Setting up The Laser P2 (Lookdev Experimental)
138 Projectile Bullet
139 Bullet Projectile Combined
140 Bullet Projectile Tweaks
141 Projectile burst and lightning
142 Bigger Lightning
143 Starting The Trail
144 Integrating The Trail
145 Wider Trail
146 Wider Trail Integration
147 Trail Distortion and Tweaks
148 (Optional) Secondary Lightning
149 Advanced Spiral
150 TroubleShooting 2d VS 3D
151 Integrating Spinning Disk
152 Particle Charge
153 Particle Charge Footage
154 Script Merging
155 Comp Evaluation
156 OPTIONAL Comp Fixes
157 OPTIONAL Comp Fixes Two
158 Dust Motion
159 Rocket Integration
160 Optical FX
161 Optical FX and Anamorphic Flare
162 Anamorphic Flares
163 Creative Flares
164 Creative Flares P2
165-166 Blown Out Flares
167 Camera Shake
168 Travel Flare
169 Halation , Chromatic Abberation
170 Explosion Starting
171 Explosion Overview
172 Explosion Layers
173 Explosion Design
174 Explosion Design Second Explosion
175 Explosion Design Blending and Timing
176 Adjusting Tendrils
177 Forced Perspective
178 Explosion Edge Breakup P1
178 Explosion Edge Breakup P2
179 Integration Further
180 Color Tweaks and Integration
181 Tendril Breakup
182 Slap Comp Explosion p1
182 Slap Comp Explosion p2
183 Merging Scripts, Layering
184 Scale , Rocket Removal
185 Secondary Spot Grades
186 HueCorrects and Small Balances
187 Small Balances and Silhouette Blending
188 Levels of Glow
189 Crunching Fire Pass
190 Evaluating The Comp
191 – 192 Shockwave
193 Small Changes Shockwave
194 Camera Shake
195 Overview of Optical Flares
196 Expression Lights
197 Lightning P1
198 Lightning P2
199 Lightning Light Interaction P3
200 Lightning Render Out
201 Explosion Pieces
202 Final Change

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