人工智能内容创作和营销的权威指南:实践中的ChatGPT和Jasper,“人工智能内容掌握:ChatGPT & Jasper Masterclass”是一个突破性的综合三元课程集,由澳大利亚培训和职业发展研究所(AITCD)专业策划。本课程旨在让学习者沉浸在人工智能在内容创作和数字营销领域的潜力和力量中。该课程提供了三个独特的学习模块,每个模块由20节详细的课程组成:ChatGPT教程:这个基础模块提供了OpenAI前沿语言模型ChatGPT的功能和应用的沉浸式视图。学习者将全面了解该技术,学习如何创建帐户,创建HTML实例,解决具体的业务问题,并洞察ChatGPT的未来。ChatGPT Masterclass:这个高级模块深入研究了ChatGPT的专业用例。学员将探索各种应用,如制作引人注目的销售信函、标题、发布电子邮件等。该模块还介绍了如何创建有效的销售视频脚本,以及如何使用PowerPoint实现人工智能以实现设计和可访问性。Jasper人工智能营销大师班:这个模块向学习者介绍Jasper,一个动态的人工智能内容生成器。从设置Chrome浏览器扩展、使用模板、改进和重写内容,到为YouTube创建独特的价值主张和视频内容,该模块确保彻底了解Jasper的能力。Ai Content Mastery: Chatgpt & Jasper Masterclass

主要亮点:对ChatGPT和Jasper AI的全面介绍,它们的功能、特性和能力。关于使用人工智能生成创意内容、解决业务问题和简化业务流程的深入教程。使用ChatGPT制作有说服力的销售信函、标题、发布电子邮件、视频脚本等大师课程。使用人工智能工具创建令人惊叹的设计和演示的高级技术。关于使用Jasper AI改进、重写和组织输出内容的详细说明。利用人工智能创建引人入胜的产品名称、个人简历、独特的销售主张和视频内容的策略。立即注册本课程,在内容创作和数字营销中探索人工智能的未来,增强您的技能,重塑您在数字时代的专业工具包。

MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz
语言:英语|大小:1.1 GB |时长:1小时57分钟

1[01] -了解ChatGPT开户的基本原理。
1[02] -深入了解OpenAI、它的使命和核心价值。
1[03] -探索OpenAI所述的ChatGPT的已知限制。
1[04] -学习如何创建与ChatGPT交互的有效提示,使用OpenAI提供的示例。
1[05] -发现ChatGPT是否会过渡到付费应用。
1[06] -使用ChatGPT进行想法生成,了解其功效。
1[07] -评估ChatGPT产生的想法的准确性和质量。
1[08] -了解ChatGPT如何获取和引用信息以确保准确性。
1[09] -了解ChatGPT如何帮助创建HTML实例。
1[10] -了解如何应用ChatGPT解决具体的业务问题。
1[11] -学习使用ChatGPT验证统计信息。
1[12] -使用ChatGPT为不同的上下文重写内容。
1[13] -了解如何使用AI检查内容以进行优化和改进。
1[14] -探索ChatGPT如何简化复杂的信息。
1[15] -从ChatGPT学习查询上下文最有效的方法。
1[16] -了解如何在ChatGPT中交叉发布查询。
1[17] -了解如何缩小精确查询的范围。
1[18] -了解ChatGPT如何帮助解决业务流程。
1[19] -向专家学习如何使用ChatGPT开发方法。
1[20] -讨论ChatGPT的未来潜力和发展轨迹。

2 – ChatGPT大师级
2[01] -通过对教程Masterclass的互动介绍,了解AI驱动的课程的结构和好处。
2[02] -利用ChatGPT的对话功能,与chat GPT进行有效的沟通和对话。
2[03] -有效地使用Google的Talk to Books功能来搜索和获取信息。
2[04] -实施ChatGPT变通办法来收集最新的统计信息,帮助制定数据驱动的决策。
2[05] -选择有效的销售信函框架,优化与潜在客户的沟通。
2[06] -向ChatGPT请求图像提示,增强内容的视觉吸引力。
2[07] -使用Canva的文本到图像功能创建引人入胜的ChatGPT销售演示。
2[08] -利用ChatGPT制作引人注目的标题和副标题,以吸引注意力并引起兴趣。
2[09] -使用ChatGPT编写一个专业的感谢页面。
2[10] -为客户起草引人入胜的发布电子邮件,有效传达您产品的价值主张。
2[11] -编写发送给ChatGPT分支机构的电子邮件,培养有益的合作伙伴关系。
2[12] -使用ChatGPT为销售视频制作引人入胜的脚本,旨在提高转化率。
2[13] -利用人工智能的能力,通过PowerPoint演示蔻驰制作精美而有影响力的演示文稿。
2[14] -利用人工智能和PowerPoint实现更好的设计和可访问性,确保所有观众都能访问您的内容。
2[15] -用ChatGPT写一封热情迷人的欢迎邮件,与你的订户建立积极的关系。
2[16] -利用ChatGPT的建议为您的销售页面提供有效的布局和顺序。
2[17] -应用ChatGPT的建议为您的销售页面布局选择颜色和背景,确保视觉连贯性和吸引力。
2[18] -使用ChatGPT构建必要的收益免责声明,保持对受众的透明度。
2[19] -让ChatGPT为你的选择加入页面创建副本,确保它具有说服力和吸引力。
2[20] -使用ChatGPT创建带有强烈销售信息的选择加入电子邮件,旨在提高转化率和订户参与度。

3 – Jasper人工智能营销大师班
3[01]-Jasper简介:对Jasper AI、其功能以及其在市场营销中的潜在应用有一个基本的了解。
3[02] -添加Chrome浏览器扩展:了解如何安装和使用Jasper Chrome扩展以获得无缝的人工智能帮助。
3[03] -设置和团队成员:了解如何在平台内配置Jasper设置和管理团队成员。
3[04] -模板:了解如何使用预先存在的模板快速高效地创建内容。
3[05] -处理输出:了解如何有效地解读和利用Jasper的输出。
3[08] -碧玉艺术生成器-基础版:学习使用碧玉艺术生成器生成简单图形的基础知识。
3[09] – Jasper Art参数:了解如何在Jasper Art生成器中操作各种参数以进行定制输出。
3[10] -使用Jasper命令模板:学习使用命令模板来指导Jasper,提高效率和输出精度。
3[11] -组织输出:获得分类和安排Jasper输出的技能,以获得最大的效率。
3[13] -改进和重写内容:了解如何使用Jasper修改和精炼您的内容,增强其质量和影响。
3[14] -允许Jasper决定您的写作风格:了解如何让Jasper决定您的内容的写作风格,增加可变性和适当性
3[15] -用Jasper总结你的内容:学会利用Jasper来浓缩信息,创建简洁明了的摘要。
3[16] -使用Jasper创建产品名称:了解如何使用Jasper集思广益,生成朗朗上口的相关产品名称。
3[17] -写一个Quora问题的答案:学习如何利用Jasper为Quora问题提供写得很好的全面的答案。
3[18] -允许贾斯珀写个人简历:了解如何指导贾斯珀写引人注目的、专业的个人简历。
3[19] -与Jasper一起创造独特的价值或销售主张:学习与Ja一起创造有影响力的独特价值主张(uvp)或销售主张
3[20] -使用Jasper为YouTube创建视频内容:了解如何使用Jasper为YouTube编写引人入胜且经过SEO优化的视频内容。


The Definitive Guide to AI Content Creation and Marketing: ChatGPT and Jasper in Practice

What you’ll learn
1[01] – Understand the fundamentals of starting an account with ChatGPT.
1[02] – Gain insights into OpenAI, its mission, and core values.
1[03] – Explore the known limitations of ChatGPT as stated by OpenAI.
1[04] – Learn how to create effective prompts for interaction with ChatGPT, with examples provided by OpenAI.
1[05] – Discover whether ChatGPT will transition into a paid application.
1[06] – Use ChatGPT for idea generation and understand its efficacy.
1[07] – Evaluate the accuracy and quality of ideas generated by ChatGPT.
1[08] – Learn how ChatGPT sources and cites information to ensure accuracy.
1[09] – Understand how ChatGPT can assist in creating HTML instances.
1[10] – Discover how to apply ChatGPT in solving specific business problems.
1[11] – Learn to verify statistical information using ChatGPT.
1[12] – Use ChatGPT to rewrite content for different contexts.
1[13] – Learn how to check content with AI for optimization and improvement.
1[14] – Explore how ChatGPT can simplify complex information.
1[15] – Learn the most effective way to query context from ChatGPT.
1[16] – Understand how to cross-post queries in ChatGPT.
1[17] – Discover how to narrow down the context of your queries for precision.
1[18] – Understand how ChatGPT can help to solve a business process.
1[19] – Learn how to use ChatGPT in developing a methodology from experts.
1[20] – Discuss the future potential and development trajectory of ChatGPT.
2 – ChatGPT Masterclass
2[01] – Understand the structure and benefits of AI-powered courses through an interactive introduction to the Tutorial Masterclass.
2[02] – Engage in effective communication and conversations with ChatGPT, leveraging its conversational capabilities.
2[03] – Efficiently use Google’s Talk to Books feature for researching and sourcing information.
2[04] – Implement ChatGPT workarounds to gather up-to-date statistical information, helping in data-driven decision making.
2[05] – Choose an effective Sales Letter Framework to optimize communication with potential customers.
2[06] – Ask ChatGPT for image prompts, enhancing your content’s visual appeal.
2[07] – Use Canva’s text-to-image feature for creating captivating ChatGPT Sales Presentations.
2[08] – Utilize ChatGPT for crafting compelling headlines and sub-headlines that capture attention and generate interest.
2[09] – Script a professional and appreciative Thank You Page using ChatGPT.
2[10] – Draft engaging launch emails to customers, effectively conveying your product’s value proposition.
2[11] – Script launch emails to affiliates with ChatGPT, fostering beneficial partnerships.
2[12] – Generate an engaging script for a sales video with ChatGPT, aiming to increase conversion rates.
2[13] – Harness the capabilities of AI with PowerPoint Presentation Coach for polished and impactful presentations.
2[14] – Utilize AI with PowerPoint for better design and accessibility, ensuring all audience members can access your content.
2[15] – Write a warm and engaging welcome email with ChatGPT, initiating a positive relationship with your subscribers.
2[16] – Utilize ChatGPT’s suggestions for an effective layout and order for your Sales Page.
2[17] – Apply ChatGPT’s advice for choosing colors and backgrounds for your Sales Page layout, ensuring visual coherence and appeal.
2[18] – Construct necessary Earnings Disclaimers using ChatGPT, maintaining transparency with your audience.
2[19] – Let ChatGPT create the copy for your Opt-In Page, ensuring it’s persuasive and engaging.
2[20] – Use ChatGPT to create the opt-in email with a strong sales message, aiming to increase conversions and subscriber engagement.
3 – Jasper AI Marketing Masterclass
3[01] – Introduction to Jasper: Gain a basic understanding of Jasper AI, its functionality, and its potential applications in marketing.
3[02] – Adding the Chrome Browser Extension: Learn how to install and use the Jasper Chrome extension for seamless AI assistance.
3[03] – Settings and Team Members: Understand how to configure Jasper settings and manage team members within the platform.
3[04] – Templates: Learn how to use pre-existing templates for quick and efficient content creation.
3[05] – Processing the Output: Understand how to interpret and utilize Jasper’s output effectively.
3[06] – Recipes in Boss Mode: Learn how to create and use specific instructions (recipes) to guide Jasper’s content generation in Boss Mode.
3[07] – The AI Art Generator: Gain knowledge on how to use Jasper’s AI-powered art generator to create engaging visuals.
3[08] – The Jasper Art Generator – Basic Side: Learn the basics of using the Jasper Art Generator to produce simple graphics.
3[09] – Jasper Art Parameters: Understand how to manipulate various parameters within the Jasper Art Generator for customized output.
3[10] – Using the Jasper Commands Template: Learn to utilize command templates to instruct Jasper, enhancing efficiency and output precision.
3[11] – Organizing the Output: Gain skills in categorizing and arranging Jasper’s output for maximum effectiveness.
3[12] – Content Editor in Boss Mode: Learn to edit content directly within Boss Mode, improving workflow and productivity.
3[13] – Improving and Rewriting Content: Understand how to use Jasper to revise and refine your content, enhancing its quality and impact.
3[14] – Allowing Jasper to Determine Your Writing Tone: Discover how to let Jasper determine the writing tone for your content, adding variability and appropri
3[15] – Summarize Your Content With Jasper: Learn to utilize Jasper to condense information, creating concise and clear summaries.
3[16] – Create A Product Name With Jasper: Discover how to use Jasper to brainstorm and generate catchy and relevant product names.
3[17] – Write an Answer to A Quora Question: Learn how to leverage Jasper to provide well-written and comprehensive answers to Quora questions.
3[18] – Allow Jasper to Write a Personal Bio: Understand how to instruct Jasper to write compelling and professional personal bios.
3[19] – Creating A Unique Value or Selling Proposition with Jasper: Learn to create impactful unique value propositions (UVPs) or selling propositions with Ja
3[20] – Creating Video Content for YouTube Using Jasper: Discover how to use Jasper to script engaging and SEO-optimized video content for YouTube.

Basic Computer Skills: You should be comfortable navigating the internet, downloading and installing software, and creating and managing files and folders.
Internet Access: As the course is hosted on Udemy, you’ll need a stable internet connection to access course materials and interact with the learning community.
Interest in Artificial Intelligence: While no formal AI training is necessary, a basic interest in AI and its applications would be beneficial.
Willingness to Learn: Our course is beginner-friendly, but an eagerness to learn and explore new concepts will make your experience more rewarding.
English Proficiency: As the course is taught in English, proficiency in the language will be important for understanding the course material.
Access to ChatGPT and Canva: Some sections of our course involve the use of these tools. Free versions of these tools are more than sufficient to follow along with the course.

“AI Content Mastery: ChatGPT & Jasper Masterclass” is a groundbreaking, comprehensive triad course set, expertly curated by the Australian Institute of Training and Career Development (AITCD). This course is designed to immerse learners in the potential and power of artificial intelligence in the realm of content creation and digital marketing.The course offers three unique learning modules, each consisting of 20 detailed lessons:ChatGPT Tutorial: This foundational module offers an immersive look at the capabilities and applications of OpenAI’s cutting-edge language model, ChatGPT. Learners will gain a comprehensive understanding of the technology, learn how to start an account, create HTML instances, solve specific business problems, and gain insight into the future of ChatGPT.ChatGPT Masterclass: This advanced module delves into the professional use cases of ChatGPT. Learners will explore applications such as crafting compelling sales letters, headlines, launch emails, and more. The module also addresses how to create effective sales video scripts and implement AI with PowerPoint for design and accessibility.Jasper AI Marketing Masterclass: This module introduces learners to Jasper, a dynamic AI content generator. From setting up the Chrome Browser Extension, using templates, and improving and rewriting content, to creating unique value propositions and video content for YouTube, this module ensures a thorough understanding of Jasper’s capabilities.Key Highlights:A comprehensive introduction to ChatGPT and Jasper AI, their functions, features, and capabilities.In-depth tutorials on using AI to generate creative content, solve business problems, and streamline business processes.Masterclass lessons on crafting persuasive sales letters, headlines, launch emails, video scripts, and more using ChatGPT.Advanced techniques for using AI tools to create stunning designs and presentations.Detailed instruction on using Jasper AI to improve, rewrite, and organize output content.Strategies for leveraging AI to create engaging product names, personal bios, unique selling propositions, and video content.Enroll in this course today to navigate the future of AI in content creation and digital marketing, enhancing your skills and reshaping your professional toolkit for the digital age.

Section 1: ChatGPT Basic to Advance Tutorials

Lecture 1 Opening account with ChatGPT

Lecture 2 OpenAI: Its mission, and core values.

Lecture 3 Limitations of ChatGPT as stated by OpenAI

Lecture 4 Chatbot Prompt Examples Given By Open AI

Lecture 5 Will Chat GPT Be a Paid Application?

Lecture 6 Chat GPT Idea Generation

Lecture 7 Idea Qualification and Accuracy

Lecture 8 ChatGPT – Accuracy and Citations

Lecture 9 Chat GPT – Creating HTML Instances

Lecture 10 How to Solve Specific Business Problems

Lecture 11 Statistical Verification of Information

Lecture 12 Rewrite Content for Different Contexts

Lecture 13 ChatGPT Content Checked With AI

Lecture 14 Simplifying Information

Lecture 15 How to Ask the Chatbot about Context

Lecture 16 How to Cross Post Queries

Lecture 17 How to Narrow Down the Context of Your Query

Lecture 18 How to Solve a Business Process

Lecture 19 Developing a Methodology From Experts

Lecture 20 The Future of ChatGPT

Section 2: ChatGPT Masterclass[Advanced]

Lecture 21 ChatGPT Masterclass Intro Video

Lecture 22 Introduction to the Tutorial Masterclass

Lecture 23 ChatGPT Conversation

Lecture 24 Google Talk To Books

Lecture 25 ChatGPT Workaround for Up To Date Statistical Information

Lecture 26 Choosing a Sales Letter Framework

Lecture 27 ChatGPT – Ask for Image Prompts

Lecture 28 Canva Text to Image for ChatGPT Sales Presentation

Lecture 29 Use ChatGPT to Write Headlines and Sub Headlines

Lecture 30 ChatGPT Thank You Page Script

Lecture 31 Launch E-Mails to Customers

Lecture 32 ChatGPT Launch E-Mails to Affiliates

Lecture 33 ChatGPT Script for a Sales Video

Lecture 34 AI with PowerPoint Presentation Coach

Lecture 35 AI with PowerPoint -Design and Accessibility

Lecture 36 ChatGPT – Write a Welcome E-Mail

Lecture 37 ChatGPT Suggests a Layout and Order for the Sales Page

Lecture 38 ChatGPT Suggests Colors and Background For the Sales Page Layout

Lecture 39 ChatGPT Earnings Disclaimers

Lecture 40 ChatGPT Creates the Copy for the Opt-In Page

Lecture 41 ChatGPT – Creates the Opt-In E-Mail with Sales Message

Section 3: Jasper AI Marketing Masterclass

Lecture 42 Introduction to Jasper AI Marketing Masterclass

Lecture 43 Introduction to Jasper

Lecture 44 Adding the Chrome Browser Extension

Lecture 45 Settings and Team Members

Lecture 46 Templates

Lecture 47 Processing the Output

Lecture 48 Recipies in Boss Mode

Lecture 49 The AI Art Generator

Lecture 50 The Jasper Art Generator – Basic Side

Lecture 51 Jasper Art Parameters

Lecture 52 Using the Jasper Commands Template

Lecture 53 Organizing the Output

Lecture 54 Content Editor in Boss Mode

Lecture 55 Improving and Rewriting Content

Lecture 56 Allowing Jasper to Determine Your Writing Tone

Lecture 57 Summarize Your Content With Jasper

Lecture 58 Create A Product Name With Jasper

Lecture 59 Write an Answer to A Quora Question

Lecture 60 Allow Jasper to Write a Personal Bio

Lecture 61 Creating A Unique Value or Selling Proposition with Jasper

Lecture 62 Creating Video Content for YouTube Using Jasper

Beginners in Artificial Intelligence: If you’re curious about AI and its applications, this course will offer a practical introduction, no prior knowledge required.,Content Creators and Digital Marketers: Learn how to leverage AI tools like ChatGPT and Canva for creating compelling content, crafting engaging sales pitches, and implementing effective marketing strategies.,Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners: Discover how AI can automate and optimize various aspects of your business, from drafting emails to designing presentations.,Educators and Trainers: If you’re interested in innovative teaching methods, our AI Avatar-led approach can inspire new ways to engage your students.,Life-Long Learners: For those passionate about continual personal and professional growth, this course offers a unique opportunity to explore the cutting edge of technology and education.,Career Changers: If you’re considering a move into tech-oriented roles, this course will provide a solid foundation in understanding and utilizing AI tools.

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