探索尖端技术、应用和工具,利用人工智能驱动的内容创作的力量,欢迎来到全面的生成式人工智能课程,这是你掌握令人兴奋的生成式人工智能世界的门户。通过本课程,您将获得在这个快速发展的领域取得成功所需的知识和技能,预计未来几年该领域的价值将达到1000亿美元。多小时的内容,世界级的幻灯片和资源,这个课程是最详细的生成式AI,你当然会发现。即使你没有编程经验,这门课程也会带你从初学者到精通。原因如下:该课程由一位在世界各地的多所大学任教多年、发表过多篇论文的计算机科学博士教授。该课程面向2023年,您将学习OpenAI等大公司使用的最新工具和技术。本课程不走捷径,有漂亮详细的演示、作业、项目、可下载资源、文章等等。该课程是在教师在大学任教期间开发的,有全面的学生测试和反馈。我们已经教了成千上万的学生如何编程,许多人已经通过成为专业开发人员或创办自己的科技创业公司改变了他们的生活。课程不断更新新的内容,由学生决定新的项目和模块——就是你!我们将带你一步一步地通过引人入胜的视频教程,并教你理解生成式人工智能所需知道的一切& nbsp并在行业中取得成功。该课程包括多个小时的高清视频教程,并在实际作业中积累知识。在这个全面的生成式人工智能课程中,您将探索各种工具和技术,包括:提示设计及其在生成所需输出中的重要性基础模型及其对生成式人工智能开发的影响使用AppSheet构建应用程序并集成生成式人工智能不同类型的生成式人工智能模型(文本到文本、文本到图像等。)使用生成式人工智能模型生成代码,如Bard、ChatGPT 3.5和GPT-4大型语言模型(LLM)及其优势LLM中的提示工程技术构建对话式人工智能引擎深入学习及其在人工智能中的重要性模型花园中提供特定于任务的模型使用Gen AI Studio和Maker进行模型培训和部署创建定制Gen AI应用程序等多得多!通过在整个课程中获得的知识,您将准备好利用生成性人工智能技术将您的创造性愿景带入生活,并在各个领域开发创新的解决方案。Generative AI Guide: DALL-E, ChatGPT, and Creativity With AI

由Evergreen Programming创建
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道

利用Google Cloud Gen AI工具,如Gen AI Studio、Maker Suit、PaLM API、AppSheet和Gen AI App Builder


Explore Cutting-Edge Techniques, Applications, and Tools to Harness the Power of AI-Driven Content Creation

What you’ll learn
Principles and functioning of Generative AI models
Create custom Generative AI apps
Build conversational AI engines
Building apps with AppSheet and integrating Generative AI
Effective prompt engineering methods to achieve desired results
Utilization of Google Cloud Gen AI Tools such as Gen AI Studio, Maker Suit, PaLM API, AppSheet, and Gen AI App Builder
And SO much more!

No programming experience needed – we’ll teach you everything you need to know
A computer with access to the internet
No paid software required

Welcome to the Comprehensive Generative AI Course, your gateway to mastering the exciting world of Generative Artificial Intelligence. With this course, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills needed to excel in this rapidly growing field which is expected to be valued at $100 billion over the next years.With multiple hours of content, world class slides and resources, this course is the most detailed Generative AI course you will find. Even if you have zero programming experience, this course will take you from beginner to mastery. Here’s why:The course is taught by a PhD in computer science with multiple publications who has taught in multiple universities all over the world for years. The course has been created to be 2023 ready and you’ll be learning the latest tools and technologies used at large companies such as OpenAI.This course doesn’t cut any corners, there are beautiful detailed presentations, assignments, projects, downloadable resources, articles, and so much more. The curriculum was developed over years while the instructor taught at the university level, with comprehensive student testing and feedback.We’ve taught thousands of students how to code and many have gone on to change their lives by becoming professional developers or starting their own tech startup.The course is constantly updated with new content, with new projects and modules determined by students – that’s you!We’ll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to understand Generative AI and succeed in the industry. The course includes multiple hours of HD video tutorials and builds your knowledge while working on actual assignments. In this comprehensive Generative AI course, you’ll explore a variety of tools and technologies, including:Prompt design and its importance in generating desired outputsFoundation Models and their impact on Generative AI developmentBuilding apps with AppSheet and integrating Generative AIDifferent types of Generative AI models (text to text, text to image, etc.)Code generation using Generative AI models like Bard, ChatGPT 3.5, and GPT-4Large Language Models (LLMs) and their advantagesPrompt Engineering techniques in LLMsBuilding conversational AI enginesDeep Learning and its significance in AITask-specific Models available in the Model GardenModel training and deployment with Gen AI Studio and Maker SuitCreating custom Gen AI appsAnd SO much more!With the knowledge gained throughout the course, you’ll be ready to leverage Generative AI techniques to bring your creative visions to life and develop innovative solutions in various domains.Sign up today, and look forward to:Animated Video Lectures5+ Hours of University Professor InstructionGenerative AI Assignments and ProjectsQuizzes & Opportunities to PracticeDownloadable Programming Resources and CheatsheetsTailor-made Generative AI Articles$1000+ worth of Generative AI course materials and course curriculumWe’re excited to have you as part of Evergreen Programming. So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join this world class Generative AI course.See you inside.

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