Release date:2022, August 2
Author: 3D Tudor
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
About This Class Blender 3 to Unreal Engine 5 Dungeon Modular Kitbash
Welcome to 3D Tudor! This is a one-man tutoring enterprise and I pride myself in creating courses with clear and full instructions that will take you to the next level of 3D modelling and animation.
My goal is to provide you with no-fuss, easy to follow courses about 3D modelling that will help you expand your skillset, workflow, and ultimately, your portfolio. I am committed to creating high quality professional courses for 3D art and computer games art students
001. Introduction to Blender 3 to Unreal Engine 5 Dungeon Modular Kitbash 002. The Basics of Blender 003. Importing Reference images 004. The Importance of Seams & Sharps 005. Working with HDRI Lighting 006. What is Transformation Orientation 007. Working with Blenders Asset Manage 008. How to Create Edge Loops 009. Creating Variation in Meshes 010. Working with the Array Modifier 011. Creating our First Dungeon Wall 012. How Smoothing Works in Blender 013. Techniques for Creating Geometry 014. Taking UV Unwrapping to the Next Level 015. Creating our Large Wall Modular Pieces 016. Fixing Issues with Our Large Brick W 017. What is Modifier Stacking 018. Project from View Unwraps 019. Creating the Bottom Walls 020. Creating our Small Grate 021. Creating the Top Walls 022. Starting our Dungeon Doors 023. Working with Proportional Editing 024. Adding Realism to Our Models 025. Finishing our Dungeon door Meshes 026. Creating Hinges & Handles the Easy Way 027. Finishing our Dungeon Doors 028. Creating Ornate Pillars 029. Creating the Ornate Wall Supports 030. Basic Sculpting Setup in Blender 031. Importing Custom Brushes to Blender 032. Creating our First Stairs 033. Finishing our Straight Stairs 034. Working with Boolean Modifier 035. Modeling the Modular Door Walls 036. Outlining our Door Arches 037. Creating the Door Arches 038. Adding Materials to our Door Arches 039. Using the Simple Deform Modifier 040. Finishing the Spiral Stair Mesh 041. Creating the Vault Wall 042. Parenting Objects and Keeping Transform 043. Creating the Brazier Mesh 044. Creating the Hot coals 045. Creating the Ornate Torch 046. Creating the Torch Handle & Holder 047. Finishing our Torch Models 048. Creating our Animated Flame 049. Setting up our Flame Node Tree 050. Setting up the Light Flicker Effect 051. Creating the Flame embers 052. Finishing the Dungeon Modular Pack 053. Building the Dungeon Sewer System 054. Creating our First Dungeon Room 055. Starting the Library Room 056. Finishing the Dungeon First Floor 057. Starting the Dungeon Armory 058. Creating Under Flooring 059. Building the Dungeon Kitchens 060. Creating the Dungeon Mid level 061. Creating the Dungeon Prison 062. Finishing the Dungeon Main Build 063. Placing our Torches Through out the Dungeon 064. Setting up our Camera 065. Rendering with Eevee Renderer 066. Rendering with Cycles X Render Engine 067. Setting up Collections 068. Setting up Assets for Unreal Engine 5 069. Final Blender 3 Finishing Preparation69. Final Blender 3 Finishing Preparation 070. Creating New UE5 Project 071. Introduction to UE5 Viewport Controls 072. Introduction to UE5 UI 073. Creating New Level and Importing Assets 074. Setting Up Basic PBR Material 075. Setting up Emissive Material 076. Replacing Material References 077. Sorting out Kitbash Assets 078. Setting up Kitbash Assets in Order 079. Creating asset color adjustments 080. Creating Mesh Collisions 081. Generating Custom Collisions 082. Generating Collisions for Complex Shapes 083. Setting up Background Environment 084. Creating a Lava Base Material 085. Creating Motion for a Lava Material 086. Setting up Lava as PBR material 087. Building a Sewer Systems 088. Building a Staircase and our First Modular Room 089. Creating our first room 090. Creating the library room 091. Changing the main viewpoint 092. Starting the armoury room 093. Creating two tier rooms 094. Finishing the armoury room 095. Setting out the pantry room 096. Working with different lighting modes 097. Learning how to adapt assets 098. Laying out our prison 099. Working with Colliders 100. Creating the Treasure Room Hallway 101. Bringing our Dungeon Design Together 102. Adding in the Bottom Walls 103. Adding in the Final Doors 104. Setting up Door Blue Print 105. Creating Interactable Door Blueprint Animation 106. Setting up Door Blueprint With Specified Distance Activation 107. Creating Blueprints for our Door 108. Animating all our Modular Doors 109. Fixing the Door Collisions 110. Creating Manhole Floor Covers 111. Setting up Water Mesh for Sewer 112. Creating Water Material 113. Creating Additional Control for Water Material 114. Setting up Water Flow Material Animation 115. Setting up Water Material Parameters 116. Creating Waterfall Using Mesh 117. Creating a Niagra Particles System for Water 118. Setting up Particle System as Waterfall 119. Creating Base Splash Particle 120. Setting up Waterfall Particle Curve Graph Parameters 121. Setting up Base Splash Particle 122. Creating Animated Particle Splash 123. Setting up Waterfall Splash 124. Setting up Niagara Fire Fluid Simulation 125. Creating Fire Simulation for Torches 126. Baking out Fire Particle Animations 127. Creating Animated Fire Particle Material 128. Setting up Fire Particle Texture 129. Creating Niagara Fire Particle System 130. Adding Ember Particles to our Fire System 131. Creating a Torch Blueprint 132. Setting up Light Flicker Effect 133. Setting up Torch Blueprint Variations 134. Placing Light Sources Within our Dungeon 135. Placing Rock Asset Decorations 136. Setting up Lighting for our UE5 Scene 137. Color Grading Using Post Process [Skillshare] Blender 3 to Unreal Engine 5 Dungeon Modular Kitbash by 3D Tudor.7z [Skillshare] Blender 3 to Unreal Engine 5 Dungeon Modular Kitbash by 3D Tudor_Subtitles.7z
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