Release date:2022

Author: Claudio Seguel

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Not Provided

Learn to create stories that reach the audience and instill your brand values Telling ideas is important, but telling stories is essential. Under this premise, the publicist Claudio Seguel explains how storytelling is an essential strategy to create engagement with the audience. He has his own consultancy where he advises companies on brand building and the idea of transmitting their values through stories.

In this course, you will learn the steps to create a brand storytelling and identify and connect with your audience, also generating a story that transmits your brand or personal brand values.

What will you learn in this online course? Claudio will make a brief presentation, he will explain a little more about his life and his beginnings on a professional level, like where he worked and what projects he developed. He will also tell you about what factors and references influenced him throughout his career.

You will see what storytelling , when it began to be used and you will find out why it is so important in marketing. You will receive tips to get a really effective narrative.

Claudio will address the great paradigm shift that the advertising sector has undergone, as brands have decided to focus on people instead of products and services. Therefore, you will see that it is now more important than ever to make a storytelling that connects with them.

Based on the model developed by Claudio, Focustory , you will discover how to start building a brand account by asking yourself several questions about it, such as who is it, what is your current situation or what is the purpose?

To lay the foundations of the story it is good that you make a holistic observation in the first place – Claudio will explain to you what it is and how it can help you – and that you look at the audience. It will also explain what Carl Jung’s archetypes are, how they are applied to marketing and how to identify one that goes hand in hand with your future story. You will decide who your audience is and once done, you will answer questions such as what characterizes them, what excites them and what doesn’t, and how that can affect your story.

You will start writing the story that connects with your audience following all the stages of dramatic arc that you will learn with Claudio, so you can work on them in the storytelling brand.

Finally, you will see the basic characteristics that a story must have to build trust. You will also learn what Brand Voice to give a final format to your storytelling , and that you can apply it from now on in your brand stories.

What is this course’s project? Make a storytelling or story for a product, service or personal brand, based on who says it and for what purpose; So then understand what to tell, to connect emotionally with the audience, to connect emotionally with the audience and build on brand values.

Who is this online course for? To people who have marketing knowledge even if that is not their area of expertise, and enterprising people who want to learn to build a story for a project, product or service.

Requirements and materials Knowledge of basic marketing terms and desire to create stories are needed.

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