Release date:2022, August

Author:Mark Diaz

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Have you ever felt the frustration?

When you want to improve your drawing and animation skills, but time just doesn’t let’s you do that?

We have great ideas and imagination, but we don’t have the experience to pull something original

And of course, we know we can improve over time, but what if we don’t have that time?


We have a full-time job We have Family to look after We have to get kids ready for school Kids start puberty and family gets noisy Sitting at the computer for a long time gets harder and harder

If time was not a limit, if you were only limited by your own imagination and nothing else, what would you do?

Making a single scene that looks original, like something we did on our own (and also looks great), can take months to pull it off.

Professionals and Big studio’s hire all kinds of artists to create just a single scene.. but

How can a single person, a solo artist, do it by themselves? Is it even possible?

01- Introduction

01 The future you, weeks from now 02 Installing iClone8 03 Download the Project Files 03b How to install the Project Files 03c How to transition from Trial to Full version 03d How to get 1on1 Support 04 Downloading the Free Content 05 Zoom and Navigation 06 Understanding the Interface 07 Playing around with iClone and its Free Content 08 My Frequently Used Shortcuts 09 Setting up PSD Editor for Textures 10 Practical Preferences for Comfortable Navigation 11 Time Saving Shortcuts when Editing in Different Views 12 How to get paid content FOR FREE (legally and without cheating) 13 Saving money on paid content

02- Using Pre-Made Content

14 Using the Content Panel Effectively 15 Accessing content fast without wasting time 16 Scene Panel to organize your scene for quick editing

03- Creating and Editing

17 Moving, Scaling and Rotating Objects 18 Align Objects 19 Moving the Pivot Point 20 Time Saving Diplication Techniques 21 Grouping Objects (Attach) to finish the Platform 22 Planting Trees and Vegetation in iClone – Pros and Cons

04- Building from Scratch

23 Creating Objects 24 Using 3D Basic Shapes to Build Stuff 25 Challenge – Create a Basic 3D Structure 26 Adding Basic Texture 27 Adapting the Texture to fit the Shape 28 Texturing more Shape Types

05- Advanced Cinematic Mood

29 Build Interior Scene Introduction 30 Adding Character, floor, and walls 31 Adding Furniture 32 Adding Frames to Walls 33 Adding Basic Spot Light 34 Adding Glow and Extra Light 35 Adding the Ceiling 36 Advanced Light Settings for Cinematic Mood 37 Adding Lens Flare

06- Fast Character Animation

38 Introduction to Character Animation 39 MD – Motion Director to Animate Easily As If It Was a Video Game 40 MD – Using Real-Time Nav Points for Movement 41 MD – Adding MD Animation to the Timeline 42 Adding Motion Director to New Project with Behavior Manager and Trajectory 43 Removing Animation from Clip for Secondary Action 44 Old Motions vs New Motions 45 Using Motion Clips with Direction 46 Smooth Transitions between motions and redirection

07- Animating Crowds and NPCs

47 Introduction to Animating Crowds and NPCs 48 Nav Points to Move Manually or Automatically 49 Adjusting the Path of Movement 50 Using Area Movements for Random Crowd Animation 51 Following a Character 52 Animating Detective Peterson in the Film Noir Scene

08- Face Expression Animations

53 Introduction to Face Expression Animations 54 Using Accurate Auto Lip Sync 55 Face Puppet for Quick Face Expressions and Acting_1 56 Face Key for Advanced Facial Expression 57 Face Key Muscle Control 58 Animating with Face Key 59 Tweaking the Face for Im Detective Peterson 60 Adjustments to Detective Scene before Face Animation 61 Adding Voice and Face Expressions to the Dectective Scene

09- Camera Movement

62 Introduction to Camera Movement 63 Basic Camera Movement 64 Linear vs Orbit Camera 65 View Camera Preview with Mini Viewport 66 Camera Trajectory with Camera Viewport 67 Improving Camera Control for Look At 68 Depth of Field for Focus and Blur Effect 69 DOF – Animating Camera Focus 70 Switching between Multiple Shots

10- Adding Cameras to the Detective Scene

71 Introduction to Adding Camera Movement to the Dectective S 72 Adding Camera 1 Floor 73 Adding Camera 2 Top 74 Adding Camera 3 Table 75 Adding Camera 4 Lamp 76 Adding Camera 5 Close Up 77 Adding Camera 6 Extreme Close Up 78 Improving Each shot from Each Camera 79 Adding DOF (Depth of Field) for Blur Effect (+ Fade in)

11- Conclusion

80 Conclusion – What you learned_1 81 Whats Next

[2Danimate101] Speed Up Your Animation in iClone 8.7z [2Danimate101] Speed Up Your Animation in iClone 8_Subtitles.7z

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