Release date:2022
Author:Viacheslav Olianishyn
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Requirements There are no prerequisites for this course, no previous knowledge of Figma required.
Description What is my course about? Creative practices. You will learn how to get away from grey and identical sites to unique solutions that suit your clients. In this course we will talk about: working with client wishes, mood boarding, searching for references, analyzing how to make a creative concept, principles in typography principles. Going through all stages to create a memorable website: from early idea to great layout. I will give you some creative tips and hacks.
What will you have in the end of the course? Going through all stages described above together, we will create the main page/screen, using Figma.
You will learn
How to create something really new How to implement the best creative practices How to create and work with moodboards and references Different methods of coming up with a concept How to train your “well-watched” skill How to design a creative home page concept Fundamentals of Figma The course includes01. Intro 02. Why Creative Concepts Are Importand and Needed
02. The Best Creative Practices03. Working with a Brief 04. Moodboard 05. References – What, Where and How 06. Well-Watched Skill and How to Train It 07. Concept 08. Typography Principles, Colors, Grid and Rhymes 09. Trends and Good Practices
03. Desing Practice10. Figma – Basic Tools 11. Coming Up with an Idea 12. Creating the Main Screen Design
04. Conclusion[Awwwards] From Idea to Final Layout Using Figma.7z [Awwwards] From Idea to Final Layout Using Figma_Subtitles.7z
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