Release date:2022, November
Author:Stephen Ulibarri
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
What you’ll learn
How to make games in Unreal Engine 5. C++, the games industry standard language. Object Oriented Programming and how to put it into practic e. Game design principles Programming patterns and best practices. Artificial Intelligence behaviour programming for enemies. Write code that is clean and to understand. When to use Blueprint or C++. How to achieve anything you want in Unreal using C++. Unreal Gameplay Framework to make games easily. Strong and transferable problem solving skills. Modern game development technologies and techniques.Requirements
64-bit PC capable of running Unreal 5 (recommended).
Or a Mac running latest MacOS Big Sur.
+8GB of RAM.
Quad-core CPU, 2.5 GHz or faster.
DirectX 11, 12 or Metal 1.2 Compatible Graphics Card.
About 50GB of free disc space.
No previous Unreal or coding experience needed.Discription Ready to make games in the amazing world of Unreal Engine 5?
This “critically-acclaimed” and “insanely successful” Unreal Engine course was created in collaboration with Epic Games.
The majority of the course has been fully updated and remastered to Unreal Engine 5. Existing students get all the new material for free.
Learn how to create and mod video games using Unreal Engine 5, even if you’re a complete beginner. Unreal is a free-to-use game development engine used by AAA studios and indie developers worldwide. It is a massive and powerful beast, but we break it down step-by-step so you can tame it.
We start super simple so no prior experience of Unreal or coding is needed! With our online tutorials, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve. We believe project-based learning is the best way to learn Unreal Engine, so you’ll create 5 Unreal games!
Already know Unreal and want to learn VR or Multiplayer? Check out our other Unreal courses, just look for the green leaf for our other world-class Unreal courses.
Learn C++, the powerful industry-standard language from scratch. By the end of the course, you’ll be very confident in the basics of coding and game development, and hungry to learn more.
“Any serious game programmer needs to know C++”
Jason Gregory, Lead Programmer at Naughty Dog (creators of Uncharted & The Last of Us)Anyone who wants to learn to create games: Unreal Engine is a fantastic platform which enables you to make AAA-quality games. Furthermore, these games can be created for Windows, consoles, macOS, iOS, Android and Web from a single source!
Benefit from our world-class support from both other students, and the instructors who are on the forums regularly. Go on to build several games including a tank game, and a First Person Shooter.
You will have access to a course forum where you can discuss topics on a course-wide basis, or down to the individual video. Our thriving discussion forum will help you learn and share ideas with other students.
Get plugged into our communities of amazing developers on Facebook (nearly 20k), in our own TA-curated Community (17k views/day), and our student chat group (10k live at any one time).
Start to learn Unreal C++ now, you won’t be disappointed!Who is Course for?
Competent and confident with using a computer. Artists who want to bring their assets alive in a game engine. Developers who want to re-skill across to coding. Complete beginners who are willing to work hard. Existing programmers who want to re-skill to game development. Thos wanting to explore the exciting new world of UE5!01. Introduction 02. How to Get Help 03. Installing Unreal Engine 5 04. The Level Editor Viewport 05. View Modes 06. Object Manipulation 07. Panels 08. Section 1 Challenge
02. Realistic Landscapes01. Quixel Bridge 02. Open World 03. Lighting and Atmosphere 04. Landscape 05. 11 – Landscape Material 06. Landscape Painting 07. Foliage Painting 08. More Foliage Painting 09. Post Process Volume 10. Forest Polish Up 11. Packed Level Actors 12. Mountains 13. Level Instances 14. Section 2 Challenge
03. Vectors, Rotators, and Trigonometry01. Coordinates 02. Vectors 03. Vector Examples 04. Vector Operations 05. Vector Operations Examples 06. Vector Magnitude 07. Vector Magnitude Examples 08. Vector Normalization 09. Rotators 10. Section 3 Challenge
04. C++ in Unreal Engine01. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 02. Setting up Visual Studio 03. C++ Refresher 04. Reflection and Garbage Collection 05. Section 4 Challenge
05. The Actor Class01. Actor Creation 02. Blueprint Creation 03. Onscreen Debug Messages 04. Formatting Strings 05. Drawing Debug Spheres 06. Drawing Debug Lines 07. Drawing Debug Points 08. Custom Header Files 09. Section 5 Challenge
06. Moving Objects With Code01. SetActorLocation 02. SetActorRotation 03. Actor World Offset 04. Trig Functions 05. The Sine Function 06. Exposing Variables to Blueprint 07. Visible But Not Editable 08. Exposing Variables to the Event Graph 09. Exposing Functions to Blueprint 10. Template Functions 11. Components 12. Components in C++ 13. Section 6 Challenge
07. The Pawn Class01. The Pawn Class 02. Capsule Component 03. Forward Declaration 04. Skeletal Mesh Components 05. Binding Inputs 06. Adding Movement Input 07. Camera and Spring Arm 08. Adding Controller Input 09. Setting the Default Pawn 10. Section 7 Challenge
08. The Character Class01. The Character Class 02. Character Inputs 03. Character Camera and SpringArm 04. The Rotation Matrix 05. Controller Directions 06. Hair and Eyebrows 07. Custom Hair Color 08. Section 8 Challenge
09. The Animation Blueprint01. The Animation Blueprint 02. The Anim Instance 03. Jumping 04. Jump Animations 05. Inverse Kinematics 06. Section 9 Challenge
10. Collision and Overlaps01. Collision Presets 02. Overlap Events 03. Delegates 04. On Component Begin Overlap 05. On Component End Overlap 06. Section 10 Challenge
11. The Weapon Class01. The Weapon Class 02. Sockets 03. Downloading Animations 04. IK Rig 05. IK Retargeter 06. Attaching the Sword 07. Picking Up Items 08. Enum for Character State 09. Switching Animation Poses 10. Equipped Animations 11. Multiple Animation Blueprints 12. Section 11 Challenge
12. Attacking01. Animation Montages 02. Playing Montages from C++ 03. Attacking State 04. Resetting the Action State 05. Item State 06. Sound Notifies and Meta Sounds 07. Meta Sounds for Footsteps 08. Fixing Foot Placement 09. Putting the Sword Away 10. Playing Arm and Disarm Animations 11. Attaching the Sword to the Back 12. Equip and Unequip Sounds 13. Editing Animations 14. Section 12 Challenge Option A 15. Section 12 Challenge Option B
13. Weapon Mechanics01. Collision Box 02. Tracing 03. Box Trace in C++ 04. Dynamic Arrays 05. Disabling Weapon Box Collision 06. Unreal Interfaces 07. Enemies 08. Root Motion Animations 09. Implement Interface 10. Hit React Montage 11. Playing the Hit React Montage 12. Dot Product 13. Cross Product 14. Directional Hit Reactions 15. One Hit Per Swing 16. Hit Sounds 17. Hit Particles 18. Weapon Trails 19. Section 13 Challenge
14. Breakable Actors01. Destructible Meshes 02. Field System Actors 03. Creating Fields with Weapons 04. Breakable Actor 05. Blueprint Native Event 06. Breaking Sounds 07. Section 14 Challenge
15. Treasure01. Treasure 02. Spawning Actors 03. Spawning Actors from C++ 04. Different Types of Treasure 05. Different Types of Breakables 06. Niagara Effects 07. Niagara Components 08. Section 15 Challenge
16. Combat01. Actor Components 02. Widget Components 03. User Widget Class 04. Setting the Health Percent 05. Damage 06. Custom Health Bars 07. Enemy Death Animations 08. Enemy Death 09. Death Poses 10. Polishing Enemy Death 11. Section 16 Challenge
17. Enemy Behavior01. Making Enemies Move 02. Enemy Movement Anims 03. Blendspaces 04. Patrol Targets 05. Selecting Patrol Targets 06. Patrol Wait Time 07. Pawn Sensing Component 08. Enemy States 09. Enemies Losing Interest 10. Attack Radius 11. Agro When Hit 12. Weapon Alterations 13. Section 17 Challenge
18. Enemy Attacks01. Using Inheritance 02. Enemy Base Blueprint 03. Enemy Weapon 04. Enemy Attack Montage 05. Enemy Attack Timer 06. Refactoring Montage Functions 07. Engaged State 08. Finishing Refactoring 09. Hitting the Character 10. Section 18 Challenge
19. Smarter Enemies01. IK Rig for the Paladin 02. Echo Hit React Montage 03. Echo Gets Hit 04. Hit Reaction State 05. Improving Directional Hit React 06. Root Motion Attacks 07. Motion Warping 08. Fixing Warp Targets 09. Section 19 Challenge
20. Echo’s Attributes01. Echos Health 02. Echo Health Bar 03. Slash Overlay 04. SlashHUD 05. Setting the HUD from C++ 06. Updating HUD Health 07. Echos Death Montage 08. Playing Echos Death Montage 09. Stop Enemy Attacks 10. Section 20 Challenge
21. Souls and Stamina01. Souls Niagara System 02. Soul Class 03. Pickup Interface 04. Soul Pickup Effects 05. Soul and Gold Attributes 06. Enemies Spawning Souls 07. Dodge Animation 08. Dodge Montage 09. Stamina 10. Section 21 Challenge
22. Multiple Types of Enemies01. Animation Blueprint Templates 02. Raptor 03. Raptor Attacks 04. Raptor Attack Montage 05. Raptor Hit React 06. Raptor Sound Effects 07. Insect 08. Soul Drift 09. Assignment – New Enemies 10. Section 21 Challenge 11. My Level and Course Conclusion
[Udemy] Unreal Engine 5 C++ The Ultimate Game Developer Course with Stephen Ulibarri.7z [Udemy] Unreal Engine 5 C++ The Ultimate Game Developer Course with Stephen Ulibarri_Subtitles.7z
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