Release date:2022, August
Author:Kenan Proffitt
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
What will you learn?
translate 2d art into a 3d environment
make your own library of nature assets useful for any outdoor scene
build a hut you can customize to build various houses
the ability to create nature scenes from start to finish
knowing how to make your scene shine with the best lighting
using your camera to present your scene
next step: creating your own epic worlds in BlenderChapter 1: Pre-Production & Proxy Build At first glance, you see a painting by Nathan Proffitt (the course author’s brother). Look closer…and find assets for your 3d world.
Call out those assets and build proxies for a spooky 3d environment.
Chapter 2: Creating Foliage In this chapter you will create rocks, trees, and grass. These are essentials for any outdoor scene you will make in the future.
We’ll model, texture and sculpt our way to an entire library of outdoor assets, ready to drop into our scene.
Chapter 3: Building The Scary Hut In the midst of what might otherwise be a walk in the dreamy woods is a ram-shackled hut. It’ll be a walk in the park to build it together.
Seriously, though. We’ll dig into the planks and door, the deck, windows, roof, porch and canopy to build the centerpiece of our story.
Chapter 4: Look Dev Here we go into all the details of our hut, the lantern and the landscape to bring our environment to life…or, more fittingly, to death.
Chapter 5: Scatter & Set Dressing It’s time to populate our environment and set the scene. We’ll be working on scattering and utilizing raycast node to randomize the elements and assets within the environment. In a very intentional way, of course.
Chapter 6: Rendering & Compositing Lighting can make or break your scene – and in this chapter, we’ll light our scene for theatrical quality.
We’ll tackle to world and key lights as well as the background and accent lights. The challenge: create a dark environment that shines.
C01L00_introduction C01L01_assetCallouts C01L02_assetLibrary C01L03_proxyHutBlocking C01L04_cameraTreesBlocking
2. Foliage CreationC02L01_modelRocks C02L02_surfRocks C02L03_modelGrass C02L04_surfGrass C02L05_modelTrees C02L06_sculptTrees C02L07_surfTrees
3. ModelingC03L01_modelHutSilhouette C03L02_modelHutPlanks C03L03_modelHutDoor&Deck C03L04_modelHutSubDiv C03L05_modelHutRoofs&Windows C03L06_modelHutPorch&Canopy C03L07_modelLanternProp
4. Look DevC04L01_surfacePlanks&Porch C04L02_surfaceCloth&Walls C04L03_surfaceLantern C04L04_groundDetail
5. Scatter & Set DressingC05L01_additionalProps C05L02_setDressing C05L03_scatteringGrass C05L04_usingRaycast C05L05_scatteringRocks
6. Rendering & CompositingC06L01_lights-WorldAndKey C06L02_lights-BackandAccent C06L03_RenderingAndCompositing
7. Wrap Up & Homework[CGCookie] ASTRAY – Environment Building Workflow in Blender.7z [CGCookie] ASTRAY – Environment Building Workflow in Blender_Subtitles.7z
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