Release date:2021
Author:Iliya Mirochnik
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
In this 8-week program, Iliya Mirochnik will be your guide to the Russian Academic method of observing and drawing drapery. You will learn how to properly capture the six different types of folds in your drawings. Iliya will demonstrate the impact gravity has on fabric and how incorporating folds in your artwork can add movement. By the end of this course, you will have a complete understanding of how to incorporate cloth and folds into your drawings, resulting in a beautifully draped, clothed figure.
Week 1: Introduction to the Pipe Fold Overview of the Pipe Fold structure and its key elements Techniques for reconstructing the Pipe Fold from imagination Analytical approach to drawing drapery Week 2: Mastering the Diaper Fold Study of the Diaper Fold and its elements Techniques for identifying the “eyes” of the fold Constructing the Diaper Fold from imagination and life observation Week 3: The Art of Half-Lock Fold Analysis and rendering of the Half-Lock Fold Adding realism to drawings with cast and occlusion shadows Enhancing the illusion of three-dimensional space Week 4: The Zigzag Fold in Detail Observing, constructing, and rendering the Zigzag Fold Drawing the fold when hanging from a point of tension or over cylindrical forms Understanding the movement and fabric weight of the fold Week 5: The Beauty of the Spiral Fold Rendering the Spiral Fold, seen in loose-fitting sleeves and pant legs Expanding your ability to describe drapery, movement, and fabric weight Week 6: Understanding Inert Cloth Techniques for drawing and rendering inert cloth or cloth resting on a surface Applying knowledge of fabric weight and fold construction to complete the drawing Week 7: Draped Figure – Part I Drawing fabric over a figure Grouping values over a large area to create separation and unity in the drawing Week 8: Draped Figure – Part II Refining halftones and shadows to bring the draped figure drawing to a polished finish Clarifying the texture and secondary forms of the fabric to add depth to the drawing.[New Masters Academy] Drapery – The Russian Approach by Iliya Mirochnik (2023)
1. Drawing Drapery The Pipe Fold1. Lesson Overview 3. Analyzing and Blocking in the Structure of the Pipe Fold 4. Blocking in the Shadows and Halftones of the Pipe Fold 5. Using the Shadows and Halftones to Define the Texture of the Fabric 6. Defining the Smaller Forms of the Pipe Fold and Adding the Finishing Details 7. Assignment Instructions
2. Drawing Drapery The Diaper Fold1. Lesson Overview 3. Analyzing the Structure and Form of the Diaperfold 4. Blocking in the Shadows of the Diaper Fold 5. Building Halftones and Refining the Shadows of the Diaper Fold 6. Resolving the Edges and Adding Finishing Details 7. Assignment Instructions
3. Drawing Drapery The Half-Lock Fold1. Lesson Overview 10. Finishing the Drawing and Refining the Halftones and Shadows for Clarity 11. Assignment Instructions 3. Analyzing and Comparing the Half-Lock Fold to the Diaper Fold 4. Blocking in the Shadows of the Half-Lock Fold 5. How to Apply Shadows to a Half-Lock Fold 6. Strengthening Shadows and Adding Finishing Touches to the Half-Lock Fold 7. The Half-Lock Around a Form 8. Blocking in the Structure of the Half-Lock Fold Around the Form 9. Laying Down the Shadows of the Half-Lock Fold
4. Drawing Drapery The Zigzag Fold1. Lesson Overview 3. Observing and Analyzing the Structure of the Zig- Zag Fold 4. Refining the Drawing and Enhancing the Shadows and Highlights 5. Adding the Finishing Details and Resolving the Drawing 6. A Zig-Zag Fold Around a Form 7. Analyzing and Blocking in the Structure of the Zig- Zag Fold around the Form 8. Refining the Halftones and Shadows and Finishing the Drawing 9. Assignment Instructions
5. Drawing Drapery The Spiral Fold1. Lesson Overview 3. Understanding and Blocking in the Spiral Fold 4. Developing the Shadows and Applying Halftones to the Spiral Fold 5. Refining the Forms and Halftones on the Spiral Fold 6. Finishing Touches and Resolving the Drawing 7. Assignment Instructions
6. Drawing Drapery Inert Cloth1. Lesson Overview 3. Observing and Blocking in the Shadows of the Inert Fold 4. Developing the Cast and Core Shadows of the Inert Fold 5. Refining the Shadows and Clarifying the Forms of the Fabric 6. Developing the Halftones of the Drawing 7. Touching up the Highlights, Shadows, and Halftones and Resolving the Drawing 8. Assignment Instructions
7. The Draped Figure Block-in & Shadows1. Lesson Overview 3. Identifying Each Fold and Blocking in the Draped Mannequin 4. Emphasizing the Movement of the Fabric 5. Designing and Inventing the Folds of Fabric and Refining the Form 6. Refining the Shadows and Highlights to Clarify Form 7. Assignment Instructions
8. The Draped Figure Halftones & Finishing Touches2. Clarifying the Forms through Refinement 3. Using Highlights to Describe the Material of Fabric 4. Refining the Drawing for Clarity and Composition 5. Adding the FInishing Details and Resolving the Drawing
[New Masters Academy] Drapery The Russian Approach (2023).7z.rar [New Masters Academy] Drapery The Russian Approach (2023)_Subtitles.7z
01 Pipe Fold vid 01 vid 02 vid 03 vid 04 vid 05 vid 06 vid 07
02 Diaper Fold vid 01 vid 02 vid 03 vid 04 vid 05 vid 06
03 Half-Lock Fold vid 01 vid 02 vid 03 vid 04 vid 05 vid 06 vid 07 vid 08 vid 09 vid 10
04 Zig Zag Fold vid 01 vid 02 vid 03 vid 04 vid 05 vid 06 vid 07 vid 08
05 Spiral Fold vid 01 vid 02 vid 03 vid 04 vid 05 vid 06
06 Inert Cloth vid 01 vid 02 vid 03 vid 04 vid 05 vid 06 vid 07
07 Final Project vid 01 vid 02 vid 03 vid 04 vid 05 vid 06 vid 07 vid 08 vid 09
[NMA Art] Drapery – The Russian Approach.7z
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