Release date:2021, August 8
Author:Kenneth Andersen
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
This course is all you need, if you want to learn how to create games in Unity. You can’t create games in unity without knowing how to code, that’s why we will spend the first part of the course learning how to code C#.
This course will teach you best practices and teach you how to program. In this course you will not only learn how to do things, but also why we do things.
No prior knowledge is required because you will learn everything you need to know right here! When you are done with this course, you will be able to take your own game ideas and bring them to life in Unity.
The course is divided into 3 main sections:
Section 1 – Basic programming
In this section we will get to know our tools and get a basic understanding of C#. We will end the section by creating our very first complete game in the console.
Section 2 – Object oriented programming
In this section you will learn about classes and objects. These are the building blocks of every game. When you are done with this section you will know everything you need to know about C# before we dive into the world of Unity.
We will end this section by creating our very own complete game with animated sprites, without using any game engine or frame work. We will use all the knowledge that we have acquired in section 1 and 2 to create this game.
Section 3 – Unity
In this section we will learn about the Unity game engine and editor. Because we have learned everything we need to know about C# in the previous section, we will be able to focus all our efforts on Unity.
We will end this section by creating a complete game in Unity.
01 Introduction 001 Who am I_ 002 Course structure
02 Basics 001 Basics introduction 002 1.0 Visual studio 003 1.1 Writing code 004 1.2 Our first program 005 1.3 Error list 006 1.4 String variables 007 1.5 Reading input 008 1.6 Numeric datatypes
03 Program flow 001 Program flow introduction 002 2.0 Flow control 003 2.1 Else statements 004 2.2 Logic and 005 2.3 Logic or 006 2.4 Switch cases 007 2.5 For loops 008 2.6 While loops 009 2.7 Nested loops 010 2.8 Foreach & arrays
04 Datatypes 001 Datatypes introduction 002 3.0 Enums 003 3.1 Type conversion
05 Methods 001 Methods introduction 002 4.0 Methods 003 4.1 Parameters 004 4.2 Return types 005 4.3 Ref and out 006 4.4 Value tuple 007 4.5 Method overloading
06 Your first complete game 001 5.0 Hangman
07 Object oriented 001 Object oriented introduction 002 6.0 Classes and objects 003 6.1 Fields and properties 004 6.2 Methods and constructors 005 6.3 Static members
08 Inheritance 001 7.0 Inheritance 002 7.1 Protected 003 7.2 Overriding 004 7.3 Abstract 005 7.4 Base Constructors 006 7.5 Polymorphism 007 7.6 Interfaces 008 7.7 Interfaces – Challenge
09 Collections 001 Collections introduction 002 8.0 Lists 003 8.1 List Challenge 004 8.2 Dictionary
10 Creating a game in Windows forms 001 Game introduction 002 9.0 Drawing a sprite 003 9.1 GameObject 004 9.2 GameWorld 005 9.3 Player movement and Double buffering 006 9.4 Transform 007 9.5 Component pattern 008 9.6 SpriteRenderer 009 9.7 Player 010 9.8 Player movement 011 9.9 DeltaTime 012 9.10 Enemy 013 9.11 Enemy Movement 014 9.12 Laser 015 9.13 Collision 016 9.14 Destroy 017 9.15 Screen limits 018 9.16 Background 019 9.17 Infinit Background 020 9.18 Animation 021 9.19 Explosion 022 9.20 Player lives 023 9.21 Remove life 024 9.22 Removing the player 025 9.23 Game Over 026 9.24 Scoring points 027 9.25 Supply crate 028 9.26 Shield 029 9.27 Immortality
11 Unity – Basics 001 Unity 01 – Creating your first project 002 Unity 02 – Setting up the scene 003 Unity 03 – Scripts 004 Unity 04 – Component references 005 Unity 05 – Animations 006 Unity 06 – Input System 007 Unity 07 – Triggering Animations 008 Unity 08 – Player Movement
12 Unity – The Camera 001 Camera introduction 002 Unity 09 – Camera follow 003 Unity 10 – Player rotation 004 Unity 11 – Camera rotation 005 Unity 12 – Camera orbit
13 Unity – Animation 001 Animation introduction 002 Unity 13 – Setting up animations 003 Unity 14 – AnyStateAnimator 004 Unity 15 – AnyStateAnimation 005 Unity 16 – Blend Trees 006 Unity 17 – Run animation 007 Unity 18 – Jump animation 008 Unity 19 – Avatar mask 009 Unity 20 – Shoot animation
14 Unity – Physics 001 Unity 21 – Gravity 002 Unity 22 – Jumping 003 Unity 23 – Jump Animation fixed
15 Unity – Collision 001 Unity 24 – Collision types 002 Unity 25 – OnTriggerEnter 003 Unity 26 – Turret 004 Unity 27 – Projectile 005 Unity 28 – Shooting turret 006 Unity 29 – Car 007 Unity 30 – Die 008 Unity 31 – Collectables
[Udemy] The Ultimate C# and Unity course for beginners.7z [Udemy] The Ultimate C# and Unity course for beginners_Subtitles.7z
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