Release date:2019, April

Duration:16 h 38 m

Author:Widhi Muttaqien, S.Kom, MMSI

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

What Will I Learn?

Master the fundamentals of 3D software specifically using Blender.

Create any type of 3D models you can imagine from simple to complex ones using different kind of methods.

Able to create material, texture and understand in-depth UV mapping techniques

This course will get lifetime updates so more and more lessons are coming each week …


Designed for complete beginners so no prior experince needed.

You must have Blender installed. You can download it for free.

Basic knowledge or graphic editing software such as Photoshop will be helpful, although not necessary.

Wacom tablet or similar devices is recommended for texture painting and sculpting lessons.



The future Blender version 2.8 brings a lot of exciting new cool features but also big changes on the UI and how things work. Currently this course is being updated to version 2.8. You can find 2.8 lesson videos at the bottom part of the curriculum. After all of the 2.8 lessons finished and Blender foundation officially release version 2.8, the old version of the lesson videos will be removed. All updates are free for existing students.


3D skills are very important! Why? As 3D technologies developed rapidly, the market demands on 3D contents are increasing exponentially. There are so many industries require 3D expertise. Architecture, interior design, product design, animated movies, visual effects, advertising, virtual set, game industry, virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D printing industry and so much more, they are all rely heavily on 3D technologies and 3D skilled workers.

If you want to learn 3D using Blender from zero, meaning no prior experience needed at all. Then you’ve come to the right place. The curriculum in this course is carefully designed so that students can learn gradually from the easiest lesson to the more advanced lessons seamlessly. This will ensure the fastest path for you to master Blender.


I’ll be adding and updating this course -in sha Allah- . Planned for future updates are these chapters:

Cycles rendering

EEVEE rendering

Texture painting

Subdivision modeling

Line based modeling



and many more …

(All updates are free for existing students)

So join now! Take your first step into the world of 3D with Blender and become a master of it in the shortest time!

Happy learning and see you on the other side.

Who is the target audience?

Beginners who want to learn 3D from scratch using Blender.

People who want to make video games using game engines such as: Unity, Unreal, Godot etc.

Architects and interior designers who want to create stunning 3D visualization.

Graphic designers who want to add 3D elements in their design.

Anyone who needs strong 3D skills for different kind of purposes such as: 3D printing, virtual reality, augmented reality, product presentation etc.

001. Introduction 002. Conventions & Disclaimer 003. Blender UI 004. Customizing the UI 005. Mouse viewport navigation 006. Keyboard viewport navigation 007. Basic Object operations 008. 3d view settings 009. Transformations 010. Advanced transformations 011. coordinate reference 012. interaction mode 013. the origin 014. unit and measurement 015. object duplication 016. pivot point 017. display mode 018. Snapping 019. modifier 020. creating symmetrical object 021. Project simple table 022. Advanced selection 023. Selection mode custom shortcut 024. Mesh selection methods 025. modifying mesh selection 026. Adding edges 027. Inset extrude and bevel 028. Project Kindergarten Chair 029. deleting and Patching 030. merging vertices 031. Project Wardrobe 032. Good vs bad geometry 033. normal direction 034. face smoothing 035. Project Coffee table 036. Splitting and separating objects 037. matcap and AO 038. Undo system 039. Security outpost 040. security outpost 2 041. fish submarine 1 042. fish submarine 2 043. proportional editing 044. vertex group 045. simple deformation – twist 046. simple deformation – bend 047. lattice modifier 048. mesh deform modifier 049. curve modifier 050. project coconut tree basics 051. coconut tree trunk 053. rendering engines 054. basic material and color 055. managing materials 056. color models 057. Hexadecimal color code 058. introduction to texture 059. Procedural texture 061. Image texture 062. Blending modes 063. UV image editor 064. PBR workflow 065. Alpha texture 066. RGBA Image 067. Bump texture variations 068. Adding height map 069. Specular texture 070. UV mapping Basics 071. Project Barrel UV mapping 072. Unwrapping basics 073. Unwrapping process 074. Straightening UV 075. UV Snapping 076. Pinning 077. Smart UV project 078. UV Selection 079. Stitching and welding 080. Project – Polygonal tree – preparation 081. Project – Polygonal tree – modeling 082. Project Atlas 083. Project – Polygonal tree – texturing 084. Fish Submarine – UV seams 085. Fish submarine UV unwrapping 086. Fish submarine – texturing 087. Symmetrical UV part 1 088. Symmetrical UV part 2 089. UV maps data and live unwrap 090. Texture tiling 091. Seamless texture using Krita and Gimp 092. Magic UVW mapping 094. Cycles Introduction 095. CPU vs GPU 096. Devices and samples 097. Light paths 098. Transparency and caustics 099. Filmic tone mapping 100. Environmental light 101. Lamp objects 102. mesh lights 103. principled shader 104. Transmission 105. Subsurface scattering 106. Sheen and anisotopy 107. Clearcoat and specular 108. Material creation workflow 109. material examples 110. Material library 111. working with camera 112. rendering basics 113. more rendering options 114. Fish submarine setup 115. fish submarine materials 116. Project – Fish Submarine – post processing Resources.7z

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