Release date:2019

Duration:02 h 15 m

Author:Aaron Nace

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

If your computer is giving you headaches while you’re trying to edit, then this tutorial can help! Learn how to change Photoshop settings to work better with your hardware, get rid of common errors, and even make your workflow more efficient!

Why is Photoshop so Slow? We hear it all the time. You’re trying to finish a project, but Photoshop is lagging, your computer is crashing, or error messages keep getting in the way. We’re here to help you clear up common issues, help Photoshop run faster, and show you some great workflow tips to help you move on to yo

Photoshop Settings & Preferences There are a lot of settings that can help Photoshop run smoother no matter what kind of computer you’re using. Learn every setting, option, and customization that will make working in Photoshop a breeze. Then learn even more in The Beginner’s Guide to Photoshop.

Scratch Disks Full? No Problem One of the most common issues in Photoshop, we show you what to do when you get that message saying your Scratch Disks are full. Learn what Scratch Disks are, how they work, and how to keep those pesky pop-ups out of your way.

CPU, GPU, RAM, oh my! You don’t need a supercomputer to run Photoshop. We break down the basics of computer hardware and show you relevant settings that can boost performance across the board. Whether you’re working with the latest and greatest desktop or your trusty old laptop, we’ll show you how to help Photoshop run with ease.

Activity Monitor & Task Manager If you’re like us, you probably have a lot of programs open on your computer at any given time. We show you how to see what software is running and how to close unnecessary programs so that Photoshop gets all the processing power it needs!

8-bit vs. 16-bit Should you work in 8-bit or 16-bit? RAW or JPEG? We show you the pros and cons of each and break down how both can affect Photoshop performance. Once you’re done, learn more about RAW workflow in our PRO tutorial How to Master Adobe Camera RAW!

Keyboard Shortcuts Photoshop has a lot of options for customization and keyboard shortcuts are one of the best to speed up your workflow. Not only do we provide several shortcuts to common tools throughout the tutorial, we also show you how to make your own keyboard shortcuts from scratch!

File Size & Storage Are your Photoshop projects getting too large? Running out of hard drive space? We show you some methods to reduce the size of your PSDs, freeing up precious storage so that you can quickly move on to your next project.

Hardware & Software Learn how the Photoshop software uses and interacts with your computer’s hardware. Did you know reducing the undo limit can free up valuable RAM? Or that you can reduce Photoshop’s graphical demands if you don’t have a top-of-the-line graphics card? We show you all the ways you can help Photoshop run, no matter what type of computer you’re using.

Stay Organized Once your computer is up to speed, it’s time to get organized! Learn how to manage your Photoshop projects to keep track of your work and quickly make changes. If you want to take your workflow and organization to the next level, be sure to check out How to Master Layers & Groups in Photoshop!

Make Photoshop Yours A big theme in this tutorial is customization. From optimizing Photoshop to work best on your computer, to creating keyboard shortcuts for your favorite tools, to building a workspace that caters to your workfow, we show you how to make Photoshop yours.

Keep it Simple Learn how to simplify your Photoshop workflow. Manage Layers, close background programs, and manage your layout so that you can always find what you need. We show you how to get rid of all those little distractions so you can focus on your skills and creativity.

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