Release date:2019

Duration:01 h 02 m

Author:Nick Greenawalt

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Do you want to earn more money, score dream clients, and work on your passion projects?

Me neither! That’s why we’re going to learn how to animate this hot dog. Welcome to How to Make Dope Animated Loops Volume 2.

When you take my advanced motion skills and chill demeanor, combined with your shocking good looks and passion for animated sausages, we’re going to breeze through all the steps including:


animating a hot dog

secondary animations

working with 3D cameras


even downloading images from the dang internet!

You can download my project files and follow along, or create your own designs and do whatever you want! In no time you’ll have all the skills required to bring this wiener to life. I believe this class is for beginners, but last time I said that I was clearly wrong. So let’s go ahead and call this one Intermediate.

So hold on to your buns and I’ll see you in class.

Frequently asked questions:

Do I need to take Dope Animated Loop Volume 1 prior to taking this class?

No. The classes are independent of each other. However there are a few reasons you might want to take Volume 1 first: It’s easier, it’s shorter, and I will earn more money if you do.

What programs will be covered in this class?

Adobe Illustrator and After Effects. You may use a different illustration program such as Photoshop or Procreate if you prefer.

Do I have to animate a Hot Dog? No! I encourage you to animate anything you want. However, the course covers specific steps involved in animating this hot dog loop. You may download the project files if you want to dissect my work and follow along.

What is your hair care routine? I use conditioner roughly everyday and shampoo every other day.

Table of Contents

1. Dope Trailer 0:57

2. Class Rundown 0:41

3. Design 6:35

4. Animating the Dog 6:46

5. Secondary Animations 6:27

6. Animating the Text 6:53

7. Camera Movements 5:59

8. Camera Rotation 2:49

9. Finalizing our Loop 1:58

10. Adding a Stroke 2:20

11. Creating a Texture 9:06

12. Using a Texture 1:53

13. Chromatic Abberation 1:50

14. Grit 1:38

15. Vignette 0:53

16. Camera Shake 1:40

17. Warp Speed 2:11

18. Make Some Noise 0:50

19. Final Thoughts 0:49

372076-01 – Dope Trailer – How to Make Dope Animated Loops Vol 2 372076-02 – Class Rundown – How to Make Dope Animated Loops Vol 2 372076-03 – Design – How to Make Dope Animated Loops Vol 2 372076-04 – Animating the Dog – How to Make Dope Animated Loops Vol 2 372076-05 – Secondary Animations – How to Make Dope Animated Loops Vol 2 372076-06 – Animating the Text – How to Make Dope Animated Loops Vol 2 372076-07 – Camera Movements – How to Make Dope Animated Loops Vol 2 372076-08 – Camera Rotation – How to Make Dope Animated Loops Vol 2 372076-09 – Finalizing our Loop – How to Make Dope Animated Loops Vol 2 372076-10 – Adding a Stroke – How to Make Dope Animated Loops Vol 2 372076-11 – Creating a Texture – How to Make Dope Animated Loops Vol 2 372076-12 – Using a Texture – How to Make Dope Animated Loops Vol 2 372076-13 – Chromatic Abberation – How to Make Dope Animated Loops Vol 2 372076-14 – Grit – How to Make Dope Animated Loops Vol 2 372076-15 – Vignette – How to Make Dope Animated Loops Vol 2 372076-16 – Camera Shake – How to Make Dope Animated Loops Vol 2 372076-17 – Warp Speed – How to Make Dope Animated Loops Vol 2 372076-18 – Make Some Noise – How to Make Dope Animated Loops Vol 2 372076-19 – Final Thoughts – How to Make Dope Animated Loops Vol 2

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