Release date:2020, April 28
Author:Brian Morse
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
If you wanna master the PFTrack – this stunnig course is for you! 3D tracking is the foundation for advanced VFX. In this course, learn how to get up and running with PFTrack, the popular matchmoving and layout software used by professionals throughout the VFX industry. Instructor goes over the program’s most important capabilities for 3D camera solving and object tracking. Learn about the features you can use to prepare your shots for tracking, including features for masking and lens distortion removal. Explore options for both automatically and manually tracking shots. Plus, learn about the different options for solving shots, how to set up and solve tripod camera shots, how to export your scenes, and more.
001 PFTrack essentials 002 Using the exercise files 003 Project manager 004 Project list 005 PFTrack settings 006 Tracking tree 007 Cinema windows 008 Node Panel 009 Set up 010 Import footage 011 Automatic tracking 012 Solving and refining 013 Setting up coordinate system 014 Exporting to other software 015 Clip input 016 Rolling shuttter 017 Lens distortion 018 Enhancing the image 019 Masking with the Roto node 020 Animating masks 021 Keyer node 022 Auto match 023 Auto track 024 User track 025 Target track 026 Curves 027 Camera Solver overview 028 Solving our camera 029 Refining the camera solve 030 Orient camera in the solver 031 Orient Camera node 032 Test geometry 033 Image modeling 034 Tripod set up 035 Solving a tripod camera 036 Orienting the solve 037 Track object as static object 038 Make Object node 039 Joint camera and object 040 Geometry tracking 041 Exporting your scene 042 Conclusion Ex_Files_PFTrack_Essential_Training.7z
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