Release date:2018, October
Duration:03 h 00 m
Author:Amir Javad Sharifian
Skill level:Advanced
Exercise files:Yes
What you’ll learn
get familiar with essensional panels and tools bar and work comfortably with Photoshop
Mastering layers and masking
Create and apply blending mode and layer styles.
Create and apply adjustments on layers.
Crop and resize images using various settings.
Cut away a person from their background
using selection tools and apply them in various ways.
changing some part of images quiet naturally that no one can recognize it.
Manipulating any kind of image and scanned document
Add objects to photosRequirements
Photoshop installed
No prior Photoshop Experience Necessary.Description This course is designed to teach you how to montage and manipulate all kinds of images and also make stunning photo compositing. You will learn how to change some part of images quiet naturally that no one can recognize it. You can use all these techniques to work in design companies or as a freelancer on a lot of websites and you can also make profits through these techniques by using them in the right ways.
As you know, Photoshop is an amazing software that you can do everything with, graphics, photography, and all needs involve designing.
But it doesn’t have a specific tool for a specific thing we want to do. The major tools are not many. And also it is easy to learn what each tool does. But it is important to learn how to combine tools to obtain our goal in a specific project.
There are many photoshop tutorials in youtube but in most of them, instructors use complicated methods and professional tools of photoshop to get the result.
In this course, I am gonna teach you how to do big things with just basic tools. And also, you will learn professional tools and menus.For example, you may know how to use clone sample tools, But maybe you don’t know how to use this tool to change things in complicated photos or to remove some parts pretty naturally.
This is an activity-based course. I have handpicked projects in which I will teach you every experiment you need to know for montaging, removing, adding and changing images.
In this course, you will also learn to use image tone and light adjustments and work with text tools.
In the first lecture you will learn how to use basic photoshop tools very quickly, then we would start projects from easy to expert ones.In this course I didn’t trim unsuccessful actions and didn’t just show you the perfect works, you will see I do and undo in some cases and it would help you to know what problem you may face. and how you can fix them.
Who is the target audience?
Everyone who want to change or manipulate the images professionally.
This course is designed to teach my experience in montaging images.Introduction 55:13
Introduction 00:39
Panels, workspace, and tools bar 01:09
Basic Actions 02:56
Using ruler, tools and history panel 12:14
Selection tools 09:54
Working with layers 04:09
Working with the text tool 07:27
Adding Layer style, blending options 02:41
Activity: removing some parts of images 14:04
Projec 1 (elementary) 23:20Rebuilding sea and wooden areas 10:08
Constructing missing shadows 06:51
More Detailing 06:21
Projec 2 (pre-intermediate) 19:23Removing and sampling objects 13:39
Color and light adjustments on a specific object 05:44
Projec 3 (intermediate) 33:54Rebuilding and duplicating objects 12:54
Adding realistic shadows to objects 04:29
Rebuilding objects that located beside an object and polishing 16:31
Projec 4 (pre-advanced) 23:36introduction 00:45
Enlarging an object and challenging with perspective 08:01
Attaching irrelevant objects 09:53
Changing a solid, 3d object’s color and texture 04:57
Projec 5 (advanced) 25:15Color changing, duplicating objects 10:01
Rebuilding a missing part by using an external image 15:141. Introduction 1. Introduction 2. Panels, workspace, and tools bar 3. Basic Actions 4. Using ruler, tools and history panel 5. Selection tools 6. Working with layers 7. Working with the text tool 8. Adding Layer style, blending options 9. Activity removing some parts of images
2. Projec 1 (elementary) 1. Rebuilding sea and wooden areas 2. Constructing missing shadows 3. More Detailing
3. Projec 2 (pre-intermediate) 1. Removing and sampling objects 2. Color and light adjustments on a specific object
4. Projec 3 (intermediate) 1. Rebuilding and duplicating objects 2. Adding realistic shadows to objects 3. Rebuilding objects that located beside an object and polishing
5. Projec 4 (pre-advanced) 1. introduction 2. Enlarging an object and challenging with perspective 3. Attaching irrelevant objects 4. Changing a solid, 3d object’s color and texture
6. Projec 5 (advanced) 1. Color changing, duplicating objects 2. Rebuilding a missing part by using an external image
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