Release date:2019, January 28

Duration:01 h 49 m

Author:Eran Stern

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

Learn how to use Illustrator artwork to build amazing videos, animations, and 3D motion graphics. Discover how to share artboards, layers, type, colors, and paths between Illustrator, Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Cinema 4D in the most efficient way possible. Instructor Eran Stern explains how to prep Illustrator artwork for use in other applications, how to animate Illustrator layers in Premiere Pro, and how to reuse text and shapes from Illustrator to build 3D motion graphics in After Effects. Plus, learn how to open Illustrator files in Cinema 4D and use a variety of free and paid plugins that make sharing assets between apps even easier.

Topics include:

Importing Illustrator files in Premiere Pro

Animating Illustrator layers with keyframes, transitions, and plugins

Importing Illustrator files in After Effects

Creating shapes from vectors

Extruding vectors

Auto-animating vector layers with Animation Composer

Working with Cinema 4D

Using the CV-ArtSmart and Cineware plugins
Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Animate using vectors 1m 4s

What you should know 45s

Using the exercise files 51s

2. Integration with Video Editing

Working in RGB color space 3m 21s

Importing to Premiere Pro 6m 17s

Animating using keyframes 3m 48s

Animate using transitions 5m 16s

Animate using Film Impact plugins 4m 40s

3. Prepare for Animation

Importing to After Effects 4m 33s

Using the video presets 4m 15s

Adding artboard manually 2m 52s

Copying text attributes 6m 17s

Avoiding flickering 5m 26s

Releasing to layers 4m 49s

Creating shapes from vectors 5m 50s

Extruding vectors 4m 27s

Removing embedded graphics 3m 33s

Rasterize settings 3m 3s

Separating multiple artboards 5m 6s

Using Overlord 5m 10s

Using Animation Composer 7m 23s

4. Integration with 3D Applications

Preparing for 3D 4m 11s

Working with Cinema 4D 3m 6s

Using the CV-ArtSmart plugin 7m 12s

Cineware plugin overview 5m 38s

Conclusion Next steps 57s

01 Introduction 001 Animate using vectors 002 What you should know 003 Using the exercise files

02 Integration with Video Editing 001 Working in RGB color space 002 Importing to Premiere Pro 003 Animating using keyframes 004 Animate using transitions 005 Animate using Film Impact plugins

03 Prepare for Animation 001 Importing to After Effects 002 Using the video presets 003 Adding artboard manually 004 Copying text attributes 005 Avoiding flickering 006 Releasing to layers 007 Creating shapes from vectors 008 Extruding vectors 009 Removing embedded graphics 010 Rasterize settings 011 Separating multiple artboards 012 Using Overlord 013 Using Animation Composer

04 Integration with 3D Applications 001 Preparing for 3D 002 Working with Cinema 4D 003 Using the CV-ArtSmart plugin 004 Cineware plugin overview

05 Conclusion 001 Next steps


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