Release date:2019
Duration:05 h 46 m
Author: Fahir Mehovic
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Make Professional 2D and 3D Games With Unity Volume 16 brings a 2D bird game where you jump in order to pick up collectable items and avoid enemies on your way.
The more collectable items you pick up the more score you will have.
1. Class Preview 4:09
2. Where To Download The Assets 0:16
4. Awesome Bird Jumper 19:44
5. Prefabs, Colliders And BirdScript 27:21
6. Bird Animations 25:20
7. Spawner Script 31:32
8. Preparing Our Obstacles 13:31
9. Spawning Obstacles In Our Game 35:22
10. Unitys UI System 12:48
11. Counting And Displaying Score 25:52
12. Creating Our Main Menu, Game Over Panel And Bird Menu 27:36
13. GameplayController And UI Elements 27:52
14. Game Data 33:57
15. Saving Our Game Data 14:07
16. Unlocking Birds 32:39
17. Sound Manager 13:5900-Class Preview 01-Where To Download The Assets 02-IMPORTANT DONT SKIP THIS LECTURE 03-Awesome Bird Jumper 04-Prefabs Colliders And BirdScript 05-Bird Animations 06-Spawner Script 07-Preparing Our Obstacles 08-Spawning Obstacles In Our Game 09-Unitys UI System 10-Counting And Displaying Score 11-Creating Our Main Menu Game Over Panel And Bird Menu 12-GameplayController And UI Elements 13-Game Data 14-Saving Our Game Data 15-Unlocking Birds 16-Sound Manager tmp.7z
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