Release date:2018, November
Duration:00 h 47 m
Author:Awesome Tuts
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Who is the target audience?
Learn To Code in C#
Develop strong and transferrable problem solving skills
Learn good coding and design patterns
Get experience using Unity 2017
Understand the capabilities of game development using Unity
Gain an excellent knowledge of game creation
Learn how object oriented programming works in practice
Create Stunning 2D and 3D GamesRequirements Must have a Mac or PC capable of running Unity3D
Enroll Now And Become A Professional Game Developer!
This is the most comprehensive online course that will take you from beginner to creating stunning 2D & 3D games in Unity Game Engine!
The course is completely project based, and we are going to create 5 games from scratch using Unity Game Engine.We will start with simple things so you will be comfortable even if you are using Unity for the first time. This also applies to your coding skills, if you did not code before, don’t worry, we will deeply cover C# from basic to advanced features.
I took advantage of my 3 years of online teaching experience and have structured this course in a professional way. I had beginners and intermediate game developers on my mind when I structured this course, so it will not only give you all the information you need as a beginner, but it will also teach you advanced game development techniques if you already know how to make games. Every section in the course starts with basic information about the specific topic, and slowly progresses in difficulty as we finish every video.
You will also benefit from my super fast response if you have any issue that you are stuck with(I check Udemy forums every day if someone posts a question). Oh and all the students taking the course will also be there to help you!
Some of the things you will learn in the course:
Unity’s interface
Importing Assets
Organizing The Project
Basic, Intermediate And Advanced C# Programming
Basic AI(Artificial Intelligence)
Advanced AI(Artificial Intelligence)
Basic And Advanced Character Animations
Sound FX And Music
Basic, Intermediate And Advanced Particle FX
Melee Battle Systems
Boss Fights
Procedural Level Generation
Pooling Techniques
Learn How To Use Unity’s UI System
Create And Animate Menus
Create Animation Trigger Events With Mecanim
Save And Load Your Game Data
That And Much More Is Awaiting You In This CourseWho is the target audience?
Anyone Who Wants To Learn Game Development But Does Not Know Where To Start
Beginners with no coding experience
Programmers who want to learn game development
Experienced Game Developers01. Introduction 01. Introduction – Watch This Before You Buy The Course Or If You Already Bought 02. Downloading Unity 03. Installing Unity And Taking A Look At Its Interface 04. Awesome Bomber Man – Your First Game
02. Learn To Code In C# 01. Introduction To Variables 02. Operations With Variables 03. Functions 04. Conditional Statements 05. Loops 06. Arrays 07. Arrays And Functions 08. Classes And Objects 09. Constructors 10. Passing Values And References To Function Parameters 11. Visibility Modifiers 12. Inheritance 13. Monobehaviour 14. Static Variables And Functions 15. Coroutines 16. Delegates 17. Enumerations 18. Arrays And Lists
03. Awesome Platformer (Mario Clone) 01. Awesome Platformer Game Preview 02. Importing Assets And Creating Player Animations 03. Moving Our Player 04. Animating Players Movement And Changing His Direction 05. Detecting Collisions In Our Code 06. Making The Player Jump 07. Making The Players Movement Smoother 08. Snail Enemy 09. Stunning The Snail Enemy 10. Beetle Enemy 11. Player Shoot 12. Kill The Enemy With The Bullet 13. Bird Enemy 14. Bird Attack 15. Spider Enemy 16. Frog Enemy 17. Fixing Frog Animations 18. Creating Our Level 19. Camera Follow Script 20. Unitys UI System 21. ScoreScript 22. Player Damage Script 23. Bonus Block 24. Boss Script 25. Creating Our Main Menu
04. Awesome Road Runner 01. Awesome Road Runner Game Preview 02. Importing Assets And Preparing Tile Elements 03. Preparing Map Generator 04. Map Generator Part 1 05. Map Generator Part 2 06. MapGenerator Part 3 07. Moving The Camera 08. Tiles Of Screen 09. Preparing Our Player 10. Player Controller Script 11. Preparing Our Obstacles 12. Obstacle Holder 13. Spawning Obstacles In Our Game 14. Colliding With Obstacles And Collectable Items 15. SoundManager 16. Creating Our Main Menu 17. MainMenu Controller 18. GameData And Game Manager 19. Gameplay UI 20. Finishing GameplayController Script 21. Wrapping Up Our Game
05. Awesome Zombie Crasher 01. Awesome Zombie Crasher Game Preview 02. Importing Assets And Organizing The Project 03. Materials 04. Creating Our Level And BaseController Script 05. PlayerController Script 06. Smooth Follow 07. GroundBlock Script 08. Adding The Bullet And Making Our Tank Shoot 09. Introduction To Particle Effects 10. Preparing Our Obstacles 11. Spawning Obstacles In Our Game 12. Obstacle Scripts 13. Creating Gameplay UI 14. Shoot Button 15. Adding Finishing Touches 16. Creating Our Main Menu
06. Awesome Maze Warrior 01. Awesome Maze Warrior Game Preview 02. Importing Assets And Creating Player Animations 03. Player Script 04. Player Script Part 2 05. Enemy Goblin 06. Enemy Script 07. Detecting And Dealing Damage 08. GameplayController 09. Adding Coins In Our Game 10. Gameover Panel And Main Menu Scene 11. Creating Levels
07. Animations In Unity 01. Importing Assets And Creating Animations 02. Animator Controller 03. Animation Transitions 04. Multiple Transition Conditions 05. Jump Animation
08. Lightning And Mood In Unity 01. Lightning And Mood In Unity Preview 02. Directional Lights And Skyboxes 03. Creating Mood With Point Lights 04. Spot Lights 05. Shadow Effects 06. Baking Lights
09. Updates – Everything New In Unity + Tips And Tricks 01. How To Change The Screen Size In Game Tab
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