Release date:2019, February


Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

The 5 most important lessons:

Rapidly create a scenic fiction environment using a variety of basic and advanced techniques in Photoshop. Develop visually stunning space ships by adding and modifying detail. How to add believable and compelling detail for an overall realistic look. Paint stunning clouds, exhaust effects, and water to bring out the most in future paintings. Fully understand the professional development process of creating an environment concept.
Project 1 Finding Reference and Creating a Mountain Scene

01 Finding Images and Compositing Them 02 Adding Mountians, Rocks and Sketching in the Main Ship 03 Blocking in and adding Details to the Ship 04 Creating Cloads and the second Mountain 05 Adjusting the Shape and Value of the Mountains 06 Placing in the Background Mountains and Shrubury

Project 2 Creating and Detailing Spaceships

01 Placing in Streams and Adding Clouds 02 Creating the Fighter Ship 03 Detailing the Fighter Ship 04 Modifying and Adding to the Design of Both Ships 05 Adding Engineering Details to the Main Ship

Project 3 Creating Believe-ability in Detail

01 Adding Engineering Details to the Fighter Ships 02 Placing more Functional Details on the Ships 03 Adding Water Details to the Mountains 04 Placing Finer Details on the Main Ship 05 Inserting new Panels on the Main Ship 06 Adding Highlights

Project 4 Finishing the Painting

01 Laying in a Background Ship 02 Creating Flying Creatures 03 Creating Moons, Cloads and Exhaust Effects 04 Adding a Cliff Face and another Layer of Detail to the Main Ship 05 Placing in more Water Details 06 Adding Exhaust Trails 07 Completing the Painting

[Uartsy] Creating Sci-Fi Worlds_Subtitles.7z

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