Release date:2018, November
Author:Ryan Cashman
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Bring your HUD and UI designs to life in this After Effects-focused course by industry veteran Ryan Cashman. If you have an interest in animating HUDs for feature films or AAA video games, this course will be a perfect solution for you.
Lesson 1 – After Effects Basics 01-Lesson Overview 02-After Effects Basics 03-Compositions 04-Positioning Layers 05-Basic Keyframing 06-Easing 07-Curves 08-Duplication 09-Parenting 10-Effects 11-Keyframe Techniques 12-Masks 13-Precomps 14-RGB Split Effect 15-Adjustment Layers 16-Wrap Up 17-Homework
Lesson 2 – Mattes and Channels 01-Lesson Overview 02-Adding a Track Matte 03-Matte Detail 04-Adding an Edge Matte 05-Edge Effects 06-Displacement Map 07-Time Displacement 08-Homework
Lesson 3 – Advanced Techniques 01-Lesson Overview 02-Shape Layers 03-Text Layers 04-PSD Smart Objects 05-Animated Reveal 06-Targer Rings 07-Using Expressions 08-Expression Controls 09-Interpolation Methods 10-Expanding on Target Rings 11-Homework
Lesson 4 – Finishing Touches 01-Lesson Overview 02-Loading Bar 03-Proximity Expression 04-Proximity Controls 05-3D Layers and Cameras 06-3D Spread and Scale 07-Proximity 3D 08-Camera Wiggle 09-Homework [LearnSquared] HUD Animation with Ryan Cashman.7z [LearnSquared] HUD Animation with Ryan Cashman_Subtitles.7z
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