Release date:2022
Author:Clayton Barton
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
In this lesson you’ll learn how to draw the upward and downward views of the female head from the front.
These points of view are incredibly powerful for presenting your comic book girls with a potent level of drama and intensity. The reason they’re so impactful is because we’ll be drawing the female head in perspective, introducing a whole new level of depth and dimension to the standard portrait or eye level head shot.
To draw the female face from these points of view effectively however you’ll need to understand how perspective affects the proportions, facial features and shape of the head’s overall structure.
So the first thing you’ll learn about in this lesson is how to structure the foundational model of the female head from an upward and downward facing angle, then how to use that basic structure to plot out the proportions and placement of the facial features accurately.
I’ll then show you how foreshortening affects the shape of the head and facial features when drawing it in the top down and bottom up perspectives. We’ll discuss the major changes you’re likely to see in the way the face is shaped and how the eyes, nose, mouth and ears are drawn from these angles.
You’ll also learn how to shade the female head from these angles using a range of hatching techniques, as well as how to block out and render an eye-catching hair style for your characters.
By the end of this class you’ll have learned how to establish the foundations of the female head in an upward and downward view from the front, how to shape the face and facial features, and foreshorten its proportions according the perspective it’s presented in.
I hope that you get a ton of value out of this lesson. Thanks for watching, and good luck!
1 – Dynamic Heads Introduction 2 – Top Down Front View 3 – Top Down Three Quarter View 4 – Bottom Up Front View 5 – Bottom Up Three Quarter View 6 – Head Perspective Exercise 7 – Dynamic Heads Assignment [Skillshare] How To Draw Dynamic Heads & Faces In Perspective – Drawing Downward & Upward Angles_Subtitles.7z
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