Release date:2022
Author:Ira Marcks
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
A unique class using color theory to inspire character design.
This course starts with a look at how artists (of all kinds) put color to use. Then, a brief study in what makes cartoon color so unique. Once our mind gears are turning, we’ll jump into Photoshop CC with a class project that will give you the tools and techniques necessary to bring more vibrancy to your drawings.
Here are the topics I’ll be covering:
A brief history of color and art A look at how color communicates The fundamentals of using color in cartooning Planning for color while sketching and inking Block coloring in Photoshop CC Refining the hues, saturation and value of an image Color lighting techniques (line color and rim light)All you’ll need for this class is a basic understanding of Adobe Photoshop CC (most older versions will work too).
01 – introduction 02 – class-overview 03 – lesson-story-of-color-pt-1 04 – lesson-story-of-color-pt-2 05 – lesson-story-of-color-pt-3 06 – lesson-communicating-with-color 07 – lesson-color-and-cartoons 08 – lesson-hues-of-a-story 09 – lesson-color-script-for-pixar-s-up 10 – lesson-style-and-character 11 – project-settings-tools-short-cuts
World-of-color.7z [Skillshare] World of Color – Using Color to Design a Character_Subtitles.7z
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