Release date:2022
Author:Melissa Wiederrecht Generative Art
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Did you ever imagine you could create a painting like this in code? No? Well, you can, and it is actually not too hard to do. I would LOVE to show you how.
In this class we will be writing code to generate digital paintings based on reference images. We will…
Discuss how to pull colors out of a reference image Randomly throw brush strokes around the canvas in the correct colors Give the brush strokes random rotation Make the strokes decrease over time like an artist who starts with big strokes and then proceeds to add smaller details Add tints and gradient maps to adjust the colors of the painting and…Learn how to export high resolution paintings for printing!
This class is a perfect follow up to my first generative art class “Coding Easy Generative Art With Processing: The Basics”. If you have taken that class then you are more than ready for this one! If you have not, you can either check that one out first for a more gentle introduction, or just jump in right here.
I know you can do it! You got this.
1. Introduction 0:57
2. You Got This 1:43
3. Import the Image and Test It 5:30
4. Paint the Image With Basic Shapes 10:04
5. Paint with Brush Strokes 7:19
6. Save Frames 0:51
7. Rotate Brush Strokes Randomly 2:07
8. Decrease Brush Size Over Time 5:16
9. Color (Tints and Gradient Maps) 6:13
10. Paint in One Go 6:11
11. Export a High Res Image 6:14
12. Thank You 0:1601. Introduction 02. You got this 03. Import the Image and Test It 04. Paint the Image with Basic Shapes 05. Paint with Brush Stokes 06. Save Frames 07. Rotate Brush Strokes Randomly 08. Decrease Brush Size Over Time 09. Colors (Tints and Gradient Maps) 10. Paint in One Go 11. Export a High Res Image 12. Thank You [Skillshare] How To Easily Code Impressionistics Paintings from Photos With Processing_Subtitles.7z
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