Release date:2022, July
Author:Victory3D LLC
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
What Will I Learn?
Learn the underlying structure of the human face including, skull, fat, and muscles Gain exceptional observational skills to identify every bump and forms on human face Sculpt a photo realistic human face Create custom high resolution skin textures Make complex nodes for believable skin shader Use vertex group and weight painting to control particle hair system Understand cloth simulation to create realistic folds Render cinematic film shotRequirements Blender and Photoshop (you can also use any free 2d software programs out there)
Description Have you tried sculpting and texturing a realistic face and no matter how much effort you put into it, it doesn’t turn out the way you want it? Are you just fed up of not getting anywhere with your skillset? Then welcome to the Facial Anatomy and Portrait Course for Blender Artists. My name is Corazon Bryant, professional 3D artist and educator. I will be your instructor here.
In this course, we will take the time to truly understand the underlying structure of the human face. We will dive in deep and study the facial anatomy the correct way by dissecting each important parts of the skull, fat, and muscles. You will gain exceptional observational skills that will allow you to identify every little bump and forms that show on the surface of the human face.
After you obtain the foundation of the facial anatomy, you will apply what you have learned by creating a realistic portrait. We will sculpt and make connections between our references and our anatomy knowledge. I will show you have to retopologize, unwrap, bake and texture. We will create custom skin stamps that we can utilize as high resolution textures for skin pores and wrinkles. Another huge part of creating believable skin is understanding the nodes of Blender and how to construct a network of them to achieve lifelike results.
We will make realistic eyes, eyebrows, lashes, facial fuzz, and hair. Vertex group and weight painting are significant methods we will use to control our particle hair system.
To create our realistic cloth, we will use Blender’s cloth simulation. I will show you how to create fabric and how to project a photo on the mesh to add an extra texture on our jacket.
Once everything is done, you will learn how to generate a cinematic film shot of your character that you can use for future job opportunities.
If you have the patience, time, and self-motivation, then this course will do extreme wonders for you. If you feel that your character creation skill is not improving, then it is time for you to learn the anatomy. Come and join this course at Victory3D.
Who is the target audience? For those who want to know the secrets to creating accurate and realistic human face
01 – Introduction 001 Promo 002 Why Learn the Anatomy
02 – Facial Anatomy 001 Skull 002 Skull Dissections 003 Facial Muscles 004 Facial Muscle Dissections 005 Facial Fat 006 Facial Fat Dissections 007 Nose 008 Nose Drawing 009 Eye 010 Eye Drawing 011 Lips 012 Lips Drawing 013 Ears 014 Ear Drawing
03 – Portrait Sculpting 001 References & Analyze 002 Sculpting Intro 003 Basic Forms 1 004 Basic Forms 2 005 Basic Forms 3 006 Basic Hair & Shoulders 007 Facial Expression 1 008 Facial Expression 2 009 Face Edits & Lighting 010 Torso Basic Shape 011 Hands Basic Shape 012 Edits and Real World Size
04 – Retopology 001 Intro to Retopo 002 Essential Loops 1 003 Essentials Loops 2 004 Retopo Face 005 Retopo Ears & Back Head 006 Retopo Upper Body 1 007 Retopo Upper Body 2 008 Retopo Arms 009 Retopo Mouth & Eye 010 Eye Cavity 011 Topology Check
05 – UV Creation & Projection 001 Intro to Unwrapping 002 Unwrap Character 003 Detail Projection
06 – Details, Texturing and Baking 001 Secondary Forms 1 002 Secondary Forms 2 003 Tertiary Forms 1 004 Tertiary Forms 2 005 Tertiary Forms 3 006 Skin Overview 007 Custom Skin Textures 1 008 Custom Skin Textures 2 009 Custom Skin Textures 3 010 Custom Skin Textures 4 011 Minor Fixes 012 Micro Details 1 013 Micro Details 2 014 Asymmetrical Shape 015 Extra Details 016 Baking & Skin Shader 017 SSS Vertex Color 018 Skin Paint 1 019 Skin Paint 2 020 Skin Paint 3 021 Skin Enhancement 022 Specular Map
07 – Realistic Cloth Creation 001 Cloth Pattern 1 002 Cloth Pattern 2 003 Cloth Position & Stitch 004 Cloth Simulation 005 Cloth UVs & Edits 006 Cloth Collar & Zipper 007 Collar Focus 008 Zipper Area 009 Zipper Metal 1 010 Zipper Metal 2 011 Zipper Metal 3 012 Seam Area 013 Cloth Number Geo 014 Intensity Folds 015 More Folds & Displacement 016 Pic Projection 017 Value Displacement 018 Shoulder White Design 019 Shoulder Design Details 020 Stitches & Displacement 021 Cotton Fabric 022 Color Variance 023 Jacket Fuzz 1 024 Jacket Fuzz 2
08 – Realistic Eye Creation 001 Eye Modeling 002 Eye Texturing 003 Eye Veins 004 Iris Details 005 Caruncle 006 Tear Duct
09 – Hair, Tweaks, and Final Render 001 Eyelashes 1 002 Eyelashes 2 003 Eyebrows 1 004 Eyebrows 2 005 Peach Fuzz 006 Beard 1 007 Beard 2 008 Main Hair 1 009 Main Hair 2 010 Main Hair Breakups 011 Main Hair Tweaks 012 Hair Fly Away 013 Teeth Placement 014 Tongue 015 Extra Tweaks 1 016 Extra Tweaks 2 017 Final Render
[Udemy] Facial Anatomy and Character Portrait for Blender Artists.7z [Udemy] Facial Anatomy and Character Portrait for Blender Artists_Subtitles.7z
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