Release date:2022, September
Author:Stephanie Michaels
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
What Will I Learn?
THE MATRIX – PRE- VIZ – You will learn to pre viz for Hollywood Directors Advanced Cameras used by Hollywood Directors – Real World Cameras & Effects for Film Creation Recreating The Matrix Scenes – What to animate vs what to leave to Post Production Video Editing Iclone 7 Settings, User Interface Overview and detailed Beginner information to get up and running Advanced Character Creation from start to finish – High Quality Skin Setup, Tattoos & Sub Surface Scattering Advanced Voice Acting – Lip Synching and Voice Acting Tips to increase Realism in your films VOICE RECORDING – Free Softwares to use, Inexpensive Microphones to get you started VIDEO OUTPUT & RENDERING – Choosing Highest Quality Video Output MP4 & best 4K settingsRequirements Understand basic animation principles and how to use basic functions of iclone before taking this course
Description How To Make a Film In Iclone 7! 2022 Edition. THE MATRIX PRE-VIZ
This newly revised course will teach you more than 3d animation and character Creation, we believe, most of you already know how to do these things. If you are seeking a film making course, chances are, you need to learn more about Character Design, Voice Acting, Hollywood Style Camera Set up, Cinematic lighting techniques not taught by any other Iclone course out there.
You want to learn how to actually make an animated film that producers may want to buy and turn into a real Hollywood movie.
Not everyone is a writer, some of us are visual creatures. So, if you have an idea for a movie, but writing a script to pitch to Hollywood sounds boring to you, then you have come to the right course.
Welcome to the ICLONE FILM SCHOOL for advanced film making within iclone 7.Who is the target audience?
Pre – Viz Artists01. Introduction 01.3 SECTION II STEP 3 02. Installation and Setting up Film Production Tools 03. THE MATRIX – PRE-VIZ 04. THE MATRIX – What is Pre-viz 05. THE MATRIX – Creating Scene 1 06. THE MATRIX – Editing Scene 1 07. THE MATRIX – Creating Scene 2 08. THE MATRIX – Editing Scene 2 09. THE MATRIX – Creating Scene 3 10. THE MATRIX – Creating Scene 4 11. THE MATRIX – FINAL SCENE – PARTICLE EFFECTS 12. END OF COURSE – FINAL EDIT [Udemy] ICLONE FILM SCHOOL 2022 Edition.7z [Udemy] ICLONE FILM SCHOOL 2022 Edition_Subtitles.7z
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