Release date:2022
Author:Tree House
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Welcome to Tracks Treehouse Tracks are guided curriculums that cover all relevant Courses and Workshops necessary to master a subject. Treehouse’s learning library includes dozens of Tracks on a variety of topics including web design, programming, and more. With Compass, you’ll also be able to test out of subjects you already know, and create a custom curriculum for your learning goals.
01. Design Thinking Origins 02. Design Thinking Terms and Practices 03. Mindsets vs. Methods
02. Becoming Acquainted with Your User01. Empathy Maps 02. Data Collection 04. Who is My User
03. Understanding Your User’s “As-Is” Scenario01. Journey Maps 02. Phases 04. Identifying the Opportunity
04. Designing for Your User’s To-Be01. Solving for Pain 02. Big Ideas 04. Storyboarding the New Journey
05. Telling the Story01. Roadmapping 02. Presenting Your Findings 03. Conclusion
04. UX Content Strategy 01. UX Content Basics01. Understanding UX Content 02. Why UX Content Matters
02. UX Content Attributes01. Descriptive UX Content 02. Helpful UX Content 03. Transparent UX Content 04. Inspirational UX Content
03. Creating UX Content01. Defining Personality 03. Personality Trait Exercise 04. Status and Error Messages 05. Help and Support Content 06. Product Pages and Descriptions 07. Brand Identity and Values
04. Implementing UX Content01. Who is Responsible for UX Content 02. Creating a UX Content Guide 03. Making UX Content Work
05. Solving Problems with UX Design01. What is a Problem 02. Wants vs. Needs 03. Attitudes vs. Behaviors 04. Developing a Hypothesis
06. Conducting User Interviews 01. Recruiting Participants01. Why Research 02. Identifying Your Target Audience 03. Creating Screening Questions 04. Finding Participants
02. Interviewing01. Introduction to Interviewing 02. Ask the Right Questions 03. Follow-ups 04. Identify Leading Questions 05. What to Avoid
03. Analysis01. Making Sense of it All 02. Affinity Diagramming 03. Is the Product Needed
07. Creating User Personas01. User Personas 02. Steps to Create a Persona 03. Practice Creating a User Persona 04. User Persona Solution
08. Information Architecture 01. What is Information Architecture01. Defining Information Architecture 02. IA and Related Design Concepts 03. The Role of IA in Web Design and Development
02. Main Principles of IA01. The MorvilleRosenfield Approach 02. Organizing Content 03. Labeling Content 04. Navigation Systems 05. Search Systems
03. Evaluating IA01. User Research 02. Card Sorting 03. Card Sorting Exercise 04. Card Sorting Exercise Results 05. Competitor Research 06. Site Maps
04. Applying IA01. Improving Website Organization 02. Improving Navigation 03. Improving Functions and Processes 04. Going Forward
09. Evaluating Design 01. Introduction01. The Three Phases of Research 02. Understanding Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research
02. Preparing for Usability Testing01. Approaches to Usability Research 02. Moderated Testing 03. Unmoderated Testing 04. Preparing for Your Usability Study 06. Introducing the Usability Test Plan 07. Choosing Your Target Audience 08. Writing a Test Script
03. Running a Usability Study02. Running a Test 03. Moderator Best Practices 04. Analysis 05. The Write-Up 06. Guerilla Usability Testing
04. Quantitative Methods01. AB Testing 02. AB Testing Analysis 03. Funnel Analysis 04. User Survey Basics 05. Creating User Surveys 06. Analyzing User Surveys
[Tree house] UX – Research Process (Track).7z [Tree house] UX – Research Process (Track)_Subtitles.7z
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