Release date:2022
Duration:23 h 59 m
Author:Creativity Unleashed
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
This course is designed to be a personal guide for individuals interested in interface design using Figma. Students will start from the basics and progress to working professionally in the field.
Have you ever had an idea for an app, website, or blog, but didn’t know how to bring it to life? In today’s world, these digital interfaces are essential for both personal and business use, but designing them can seem like a daunting task. That’s where Figma comes in. Figma is a free, collaborative UI/UX design tool that allows you to design intricate interfaces with ease, and this course will teach you how to use it.
Throughout this course, you will learn the ins and outs of Figma, from opening the program for the first time to producing a polished design. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the tools at your disposal, as well as when and how to use them. Collaboration is made simple through Figma’s collaborative feature, and we will show you how to take advantage of it.
In addition to learning how to use Figma, you will also learn about User Interface Design principles, Human-Computer Interaction, and how to wireframe in order to create a functional prototype. You will be able to adapt your design to meet the specific needs of any project.
Through this course, students will learn: The principles of User Interface Design and Prototyping The basics of Human-Computer Interaction How to read a User Flow Diagram How to use Figma and its given tools for designing interfaces Wireframing techniques to produce a functional prototype How to use Figma’s collaborative feature for teamwork How to give and receive feedback on prototypes The principles of UX design for enhancing user experience The importance of color theory in interface design How to avoid common beginner mistakes in interface design The principles of forms, buttons, and plugins for designing functional interfaces How to create an app and a website in Figma All about content creation for interfaces How to animate elements in Figma How to create interactive calendars in Figma How to make a Netflix prototype using Figma What do you need to participate in this course, requirements: No previous knowledge in Figma is required Desire and passion to learn about interface design and layouts Flexibility in design to meet target audience’s requirements Good internet connection Patience and a positive mindset towards learning and experimenting with design01. Welcome to the Course + User Interface Overview 02. User Research and User Needs 03. User Interface Principles
02. Drafting01. Creating a Figma Account 02. Creating a New Design File 03. Mapping the User Journey pt 1 04. Mapping the User Journey pt 2 05. Creation of Wireframes
03. Prototyping01. Creating frames 02. Function of tools 03. Font usage 04. Layout planning 05. Framing, layering, and grouping 06. Creating and editing shapes 07. Images and Masking 08. Components 09. Constraints and Versioning 10. Prototyping 11. Team libraries and setups 12. Previewing and Commenting 13. Exporting assets
04. Demonstrations01. App Scenario 1 02. App Scenario 2 03. App Scenario 3 04. Website Scenario 1 05. Website Scenario 2
05. Keep Learning01. Color Theory 02. UI Comparisons 03. 3D Button and Gradient Graph Tricks 04. Content Creation 05. Professional UI Discussion 06. Professional UI Discussion Pt 2 07. Forms 08. Buttons 09. Plugins 10. Animating Like Buttons 11. Animating a Burger Menu 12. Interactive Calendar 13. Netflix Prototype 14. Beginner Mistakes 15. Figma Interface Preview
06. Bonus Learn about UX01. Introduction to the Content 02. What is UX and UX Design 03. Importance of UX Design 04. 7 Key Factors of User Experience 05. Mind the Empathy Gap
07. Advanced Figma Course – Introduction01. Introduction 02. Welcome 03. Course Roadmap 04. Course 1 Overview and Recap
08. The Approach01. Think – Setup – Design – Iterate 02. Best Practices in Figma
09. Mastering Auto Layout01. Basics 02. Properties Functionality Examples Pt. 1 03. Properties Functionality Examples Pt. 2 04. Properties Functionality Examples Pt. 3 05. Properties Functionality Examples Pt. 4 06. Wrap up Pt. 1 07. Wrap up Pt. 2
10. Design Systems01. Styles Intelligent Work Pt. 1 02. Styles Intelligent Work Pt. 2 03. Everything as a Component Making Designs Efficient and Scalable Pt. 1 04. Everything as a Component Making Designs Efficient and Scalable Pt. 2 05. Everything as a Component Making Designs Efficient and Scalable Pt. 3 06. Everything as a Component Making Designs Efficient and Scalable Pt. 4 07. Advanced Prototyping Pt. 1 08. Advanced Prototyping Pt. 2 09. External Libraries 10. Documentation 11. Wrap Up Design Systems Master
11. Wrap Up01. Recommended Resources and Summary of Concepts
12. Use Cases Applying Concepts01. Responsive Web (Landing page) Pt. 1 02. Responsive Web (Landing page) Pt. 2 03. Responsive Web (Landing page) Pt. 3 04. Responsive Web (Landing page) Pt. 4 05. Responsive Web (Landing page) Pt. 5 06. Responsive E-commerce Site (Registration Flow) Pt. 1 07. Responsive E-commerce Site (Registration Flow) Pt. 2 08. Responsive E-commerce Site (Registration Flow) Pt. 3 09. Responsive E-commerce Site (Registration Flow) Pt. 4 10. Responsive E-commerce Site (Registration Flow) Pt. 5 11. Crypto Exchange Dashboard (Converting Crypto Assets Flow) Pt. 1 12. Crypto Exchange Dashboard (Converting Crypto Assets Flow) Pt. 2 13. Crypto Exchange Dashboard (Converting Crypto Assets Flow) Pt. 3 14. Crypto Exchange Dashboard (Converting Crypto Assets Flow) Pt. 4 15. Crypto Exchange Dashboard (Converting Crypto Assets Flow) Pt. 5 16. Android App – Smart Translate (Translation Flow) Pt. 1 17. Android App – Smart Translate (Translation Flow) Pt. 2 18. Android App – Smart Translate (Translation Flow) Pt. 3 19. Android App – Smart Translate (Translation Flow) Pt. 4 20. Android App – Smart Translate (Translation Flow) Pt. 5 21. IOS App – Banking App (Sending Money Flow) Pt. 1 22. IOS App – Banking App (Sending Money Flow) Pt. 2 23. IOS App – Banking App (Sending Money Flow) Pt. 3 24. IOS App – Banking App (Sending Money Flow) Pt. 4 25. IOS App – Banking App (Sending Money Flow) Pt. 5 26. IOS App – Car Rental App (Renting a Car Flow) Pt. 1 27. IOS App – Car Rental App (Renting a Car Flow) Pt. 2 28. IOS App – Car Rental App (Renting a Car Flow) Pt. 3 29. IOS App – Car Rental App (Renting a Car Flow) Pt. 4 30. IOS App – Car Rental App (Renting a Car Flow) Pt. 5
13. Next Steps[Udemy] Complete Figma Megacourse – UI-UX Design Beginner to Expert by Creativity Unleashed.7z.rar [Udemy] Complete Figma Megacourse – UI-UX Des
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