Release date:2018, March 17
Duration:08 h 00 m
Author:Fleur Clapham
Skill level:Advanced
Exercise files:Yes
Character Concept Art with Cinema 4D & Arnold from Elementza
In this tutorial, Mario from Elementza covers the process behind the creation of a character concept from just an idea, to final image render.
In this 8 hour session you will learn how to approach a character 3D model design, and how to deal with situations and challenges that one project of this scale may hold.
View the video below for a breakdown of the complete process in this tutorial.What Are The Topics?
Here are some general topics covered in this tutorial:
Developing the idea, character role and features. Introduction to the Cinema 4D Doodle tool. Creating base forms and features of the character. Going through a revision process on the current model. Creating details on established features. Working with materials in the scene. Going through another revision and working on necessary changes. Preparing the model for render. Rendering final image in Arnold (PLEASE NOTE: this is not an in-depth Arnold tutorial.)There are 21 project files included with this tutorial, in order to assist you should you wish to follow along or try and recreate the process.
Final model, Arnold materials and final scene are included.Introduction
Setting up references
What is the Doodle Tool?
Shape Blockout Part 1
Shape Blockout Part 2
Creating the shoulder details
Creating chest details
Creating neck details
Working on final adjustments
Setting up materials and render with Arnold01.Introduction to general modeling tools 02.Setting up references 03.Doodle Tool 04.Chapter 01-Shape Blockout 05.Chapter 02-Shape Blockout 06.Chapter 03 – Revision 07.Chapter 04 – Shoulder 08.Chapter 05 – Chest 09.Chapter 06 – Neck 10.Chapter 07 – Revision 11.Chapter 08 – Final Adjustments 12.Chapter 09 – Render with Arnold 13.Chapter 10 – UPDATE – Render with Arnold [1920×1026] Bonus Tutorials 1 [1920×1026] Bonus Tutorials 2
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