Release date:2018, June 20

Duration:01 h 40 m

Author:Robert Vanelli

Skill level:Advanced


Exercise files:Yes

ON1 Photo RAW 2018 includes the essential tools and features photographers need in their workflow. Fast photo management, hundreds of customizable photo effects, fast and beautiful HDR, masking and selection tools, layers, and much more—all in one app. If you’re interested in learning about alternatives to Adobe Lightroom, this course can help you get up to speed with a powerful option: ON1 Photo RAW. Here, discover how to leverage this photo app to develop and neatly organize your digital images. Instructor Robert Vanelli shows how to create a file structure for your photography, organize a digital library, leverage advanced development strategies for RAW images, apply effects to images, work with smart layers, and more.

Topics include:

Planning a digital file structure Developing a naming convention for your files Importing new images to a library Albums, catalogs, browsing, and searching Developing an image Controlling magnification and view to examine an image Applying and adjusting effects Using smart layers Creating an initial mask Sharpening an image Outputting images
Table of Contents


Welcome 2m 18s

What you should know before watching this course 20s

Exercise files 28s

1. Planning a Digital File Structure

Why is a well-planned file structure important? 47s

Developing a naming convention for your files 2m 6s

How to create folders and subfolders 5m 18s

2. Organizing a Digital Library

How to import new images to a library 2 m 47s

Adding metadata on import 4m 54s

Re-organizing current Images 4m 25s

Migrating images from Adobe Lightroom CC Classic 3m 3s

3. Albums, Catalogs, Browsing, and Searching

What is an album and why do you need one? 3m 34s

What is a catalog and why do you need one? 1m 19s

How do we browse and search 2m 50s

4. Developing an Image

Essential raw development strategies 4m 22s

Advanced raw development strategies 2m 7s

Global vs. local adjustments 5m 54s

Controlling magnification and view to examine an Image 2m 1s

Cloning and healing to remove problems and blemishes 3m 4s

Merging high dynamic range (HDR) Images 5m 14s

Merging panoramic images 2m 31s

5. The Effects Module

Applying and adjusting Effects 2m 33s

An introduction to masks to refine effects 1m 40s

Creating and sharing a preset 2m 49s

6. The Layers Module

What are layers? 2m 52s

Using smart Layers 3m 10s

Organizing Layers 43s

Controlling layers with opacity and blend modes 2m 50s

Merging Layers 2m 15s

7. Selections and Masking

Creating an initial mask 2m 24s

Refining a mask 2m 57s

Saving and reusing masks 2m 16s

Creating a stamp layer 2m 39s

8. The Resize Module

Sharpening an image 1m 51s

Adding film grain 2m 4s

Wrapping for output 2m 7s

9. Outputting Images

Choosing a file type to store an edited image 2m 8s

Exporting other image types 1m 32s

Creating export and resize presets 2m 3s

Conclusion Next steps 26s

001 Welcome 002 What you should know before watching this course 003 Exercise files 004 Why is a well-planned file structure important_ 005 Developing a naming convention for your files 006 How to create folders and subfolders 007 How to import new images to a library 008 Adding metadata on import 009 Re-organizing current images 010 Migrating images from Adobe Lightroom CC Classic 011 What is an album and why do you need one_ 012 What is a catalog and why do you need one_ 013 How do we browse and search 014 Essential raw development strategies 015 Advanced raw development strategies 016 Global vs. local adjustments 017 Controlling magnification and view to examine an image 018 Cloning and healing to remove problems and blemishes 019 Merging high dynamic range (HDR) images 020 Merging panoramic images 021 Applying and adjusting effects 022 An introduction to masks to refine effects 023 Creating and sharing a preset 024 What are layers_ 025 Using smart layers 026 Organizing layers 027 Controlling layers with opacity and blend modes 028 Merging layers 029 Creating an initial mask 030 Refining a mask 031 Saving and reusing masks 032 Creating a stamp layer 033 Sharpening an image 034 Adding film grain 035 Wrapping for output 036 Choosing a file type to store an edited image 037 Exporting other image types 038 Creating export and resize presets 039 Next steps

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