Release date:2018, July 26
Duration:23 h 59 m
Author:Stephen Pearson
Skill level:Intermediate
Exercise files:Yes
This is the long-awaited sequel to the Complete Unity Developer – one of the most popular e-learning courses on the internet! Completely re-worked from scratch with brand-new projects and our latest teaching techniques. You will benefit from the fact we have already taught over 350,000 students programming and game development, many shipping commercial games as a result.
Unity 2017 is an incredible 3D package used for making video games, architectural and medical imaging and more. The challenge is that it’s big and complicated to use, especially for complete beginners to coding and game development. We make learning to code easy and fun by leading you step-by-step through the process of creating exciting games.
The course is 100% compatible with the newer Unity 2018 software update.
Duration 62h 08m
First Steps – Getting Setup 01:11:58
Why You Should Buy This Course 01:26
Get Unity & Visual Studio Downloading 08:05
How To Use This Course 12:12
Introducing Unity 15:29
The Wonder Of Prefabs 12:50
Introducing Visual Studio 12:56
Check Your Understanding 1.1 5 questions
Instructor Hangout 1.1 07:32
Section 1 Conclusion 01:28Terminal Hacker – Basic C# 03:23:00
Welcome To Section 2 00:59
Terminal Hacker Game Design 05:11
Import WM2000 Terminal Asset 09:28
Using Our Terminal.WriteLine() 08:40
Your First Function 07:10
Introducing Variables 07:58
Functions With Variable Parameters 05:37
Messages Are Special Functions 07:32
C# Operators & Expressions 07:12
Conditional Program Flow Using if 07:09
Check Your Understanding 2.1 10 questions
Instructor Hangout 2.1 10:08
We’re About To Pick-Up Pace 05:26
Member Variables To Hold State 09:22
Enumerating Our Game States 11:17
Refactoring Our Code 08:48
Your First Solo 12:36
Arrays Of Variables 06:35
switch vs if 11:24
Introducing Random Behaviour 10:31
Creating A Win Screen 09:20
Section 2 Integration Challenge 13:44
Instructor Hangout 2.2 10:49
Check Your Understanding 2.2 10 questions
Share Online & Play Test 09:21
Feedback & Bug Fixes 04:53
Section 2 Wrap-Up 01:50Project Boost – Basic Unity 06:12:45
Welcome To Section 3 02:01
Project Boost Game Design 05:47
Onion Design 05:31
SourceTree Differences on Mac 00:50
Introducing Version Control 11:04
Add Unity .gitignore Easily 10:55
The Origin Of Our World 10:25
Placeholder Art From Primitives 12:48
Basic Input Binding 11:44
Physics and Rigidbodies 10:05
Coordinate System Handedness 04:34
Using Time.deltaTime 08:58
Check Your Understanding 3.1 10 questions
Instructor Hangout 3.1 11:45
Adding A Touch Of Audio 13:52
Resolving Movement Bugs 08:53
Using SerializeField vs public 11:52
Tagging Game Objects As Friendly 10:39
Basic Level Design 08:59
Design Levers And Tuning 08:28
Making A Second Level 09:39
Prefabs In Detail 08:41
Level Loading & Scene Management 09:35
lnvoke() As A Coroutine Warm-up 13:43
Check Your Understanding 3.2 10 questions
Instructor Hangout 3.2 12:16
Playing Multiple Audio Clips 12:06
Introducing Particle Effects 12:38
Moving Platform Pattern 10:19
Mathf.SinO For Movement Cycles 11:49
Protecting Against NaN 05:49
Organise Your Assets 12:22
Light Your Scene 09:58
Nested Prefab Joy 08:57
Make Game Moments 12:01
Debug Keys & Builds 11:06
Check Your Understanding 3.3 10 questions
Instructor Hangout 3.3 10:14
Looping Through Levels 10:44
Sharing With Teaser Video 12:54
Spit & Polish 07:31
Section 3 Wrap-Up 01:13Argon Assault – Rails Shooter 07:29:31
Welcome To Section 4 01:15
Argon Assault Game Design 08:36
Update Unity & Create Project 04:01
Create Terrain 08:29
Texture The Terrain 11:42
Add A Skybox 07:15
Add Player Ship 08:08
Setup A Splash Screen 06:45
Playing Music Between Scenes 07:16
Unity’s Waypoint Utility Scripts 09:42
Check Your Understanding 4.1 10 questions
Instructor Hangout 4.1 06:46
Using Cross Platform Input 12:06
Input Sensitivity & Gravity 11:09
Mathf.ClampO To Restrict Movement 07:59
Understanding Roll, Pitch &Yaw 07:22
How To Set Local Rotation 10:19
Rotate Ship With Position & Throw 12:15
Time To Tweak And Tune 11:40
Create Bullet Particles 13:09
Explosion Particles & SFX 12:50
Dodge And Shoot 10:51
Check Your Understanding 4.2 10 questions
Instructor Hangout 4.2 19:11
Project Tidying Checklist 09:48
Triggers & Collisions In Unity 13:08
SendMessage() Between Components 12:12
Enable A Gameobject From C# 09:42
Singleton Pattern Without Statics 06:54
Detecting Particle Collisions 06:31
Making Scripts Add Components 09:14
Instantiating At Runtime 11:51
Add Simple Score Ul 09:12
AScoreBoard Class 11:56
Check Your Understanding 4.3 10 questions
Instructor Hangout 4.3 15:03
Introducing Encapsulation 11:52
Back-pedalling With Version Control 10:32
Iterating With foreach 08:06
Enemy Health System 08:19
Level Design Beat Chart 09:58
Level Design Iteration 09:22
Introduction To Unity Timeline 09:15
Unity Timeline For Player Path 12:20
Unity Timeline Enemy Waves 11:00
Adding Flavour With Timeline 10:01
Stop Particle Emission In C# 10:50
Visual Polish 11:57
Check Your Understanding 4.4 10 questions
Section 4 Wrap-Up 01:42Realm Rush – Tower Defence 08:04:56
Welcome To Section 5 03:10
Realm Rush Game Design 05:38
Limitations Of Unity Pathfinding 06:51
Z-Fighting And Quads 11:30
[ExecutelnEditMode] Attribute 14:17
Using Text Mesh For Labels 16:30
C-Sharp Lists For Custom Path 12:21
Introducing Coroutines 13:47
Types Of Pathfinding 09:42
The Path Ahead 03:36
Instance Variables And Constants 15:34
The Dictionary Data Structure 12:20
Check Your Understanding 5.1 10 questions
Finding Game Objects By Name 11:26
Explore Thy Neighbour 13:42
Breadth First Search Algorithm 11:24
Introducing C# Queues 12:28
Running Manual Tests 11:53
A Breadcrumb Trail 11:30
Reversing A List 14:18
Adding Production Assets 12:49
Tower LookAt Enemy 06:17
MagicaVoxel Bonus Content 04:40
Check Your Understanding 5.2 10 questions
Another Solo Challenge 03:04
Make Tower Shoot 12:06
Enemy HitPoints 03:38
Check For Distance 10:32
Subtleties Of Spawning 10:32
Revise Coroutines & Much More 15:25
Target Closest Enemy 13:57
Detecting Mouse In 3D 10:44
Conditional Instantiation 14:48
Check Your Understanding 5.3 10 questions
Bloom’s Taxonomy 07:23
Particles & Algorithm Improvements 15:54
Circular Or Ring Buffers 08:54
Implementing A Ring Buffer 13:07
Revising C# Queues 14:01
How To Destroy Particles 13:00
Complete Game Loop 09:18
Health For Base 08:03
Display Health & Score 11:53
Unity Post Processing Stack 08:08
Hook Up SFX 11:35
PlayClipAtPointO For SFX 13:27
Tune Your Game Moment 12:46
Check Your Understanding 5.4 13 questions
Section 5 Wrap Up 06:58Bonus Section 01:01
More To Come… 00:23
BONUS LECTURE: Our Other Courses 00:38001 Why You Should Buy This Course 002 Get Unity Visual Studio Downloading 003 How To Use This Course 004 Introducing Unity 005 The Wonder Of Prefabs 006 Introducing Visual Studio 007 Instructor Hangout 1.1 008 Section 1 Conclusion 003 01 First Steps – Getting Setup
02 Terminal Hacker – Basic C009 Welcome To Section 2 010 Terminal Hacker Game Design 011 Import WM2000 Terminal Asset 012 Using Our Terminal.WriteLine() 013 Your First Function 014 Introducing Variables 015 Functions With Variable Parameters 016 Messages Are Special Functions 017 C Operators Expressions 018 Conditional Program Flow Using if 019 Instructor Hangout 2.1 020 Were About To Pick-Up Pace 021 Member Variables To Hold State 022 Enumerating Our Game States 023 Refactoring Our Code 024 Your First Solo 025 Arrays Of Variables 026 switch vs if 027 Introducing Random Behaviour 028 Creating A Win Screen 029 Section 2 Integration Challenge 030 Instructor Hangout 2.2 031 Share Online Play Test 032 Feedback Bug Fixes 033 Section 2 Wrap-Up 011 02 Terminal Hacker – Basic
03 Project Boost – Basic Unity034 Welcome To Section 3 035 Project Boost Game Design 036 Onion Design 038 Introducing Version Control 039 Add Unity .gitignore Easily 040 The Origin Of Our World 041 Placeholder Art From Primitives 042 Basic Input Binding 043 Physics and Rigidbodies 044 Coordinate System Handedness 045 Using Time.deltaTime 046 Instructor Hangout 3.1 047 Adding A Touch Of Audio 048 Resolving Movement Bugs 049 Using SerializeField vs public 050 Tagging Game Objects As Friendly 051 Basic Level Design 052 Design Levers And Tuning 053 Making A Second Level 054 Prefabs In Detail 055 Level Loading Scene Management 056 Invoke() As A Coroutine Warm-up 057 Instructor Hangout 3.2 058 Playing Multiple Audio Clips 059 Introducing Particle Effects 060 Moving Platform Pattern 061 Mathf.Sin() For Movement Cycles 062 Protecting Against NaN 063 Organise Your Assets 064 Light Your Scene 065 Nested Prefab Joy 066 Make Game Moments 067 Debug Keys Builds 068 Instructor Hangout 3.3 069 Looping Through Levels 070 Sharing With Teaser Video 071 Spit Polish 072 Section 3 Wrap-Up 03 Project Boost – Basic 047 058 059 037 SourceTree Differences on Mac.html
04 Argon Assault – Rails Shooter073 Welcome To Section 4 074 Argon Assault Game Design 075 Update Unity Create Project 076 Create Terrain 077 Texture The Terrain 078 Add A Skybox 079 Add Player Ship 080 Setup A Splash Screen 081 Playing Music Between Scenes 082 Unitys Waypoint Utility Scripts 083 Instructor Hangout 4.1 084 Using Cross Platform Input 085 Input Sensitivity Gravity 086 Mathf.Clamp() To Restrict Movement 087 Understanding Roll Pitch Yaw 088 How To Set Local Rotation 089 Rotate Ship With Position Throw 090 Time To Tweak And Tune 091 Create Bullet Particles 092 Explosion Particles SFX 093 Dodge And Shoot 094 Instructor Hangout 4.2 095 Project Tidying Checklist 096 Triggers Collisions In Unity 097 SendMessage() Between Components 098 Enable A Gameobject From C 099 Singleton Pattern Without Statics 100 Detecting Particle Collisions 101 Making Scripts Add Components 102 Instantiating At Runtime 103 Add Simple Score UI 104 A ScoreBoard Class 105 Instructor Hangout 4.3 106 Introducing Encapsulation 107 Back-pedalling With Version Control 108 Iterating With foreach 109 Enemy Health System 110 Level Design Beat Chart 111 Level Design Iteration 112 Introduction To Unity Timeline 113 Unity Timeline For Player Path 114 Unity Timeline Enemy Waves 115 Adding Flavour With Timeline 116 Stop Particle Emission In C 117 Visual Polish 118 Section 4 Wrap-Up 04 Argon Assault – Rails 077 078 079 080 091 093 103 111 115 117
05 Realm Rush – Tower Defence119 Welcome To Section 5 120 Realm Rush Game Design 121 Limitations Of Unity Pathfinding 122 Z-Fighting And Quads 123 ExecuteInEditMode Attribute 124 Using Text Mesh For Labels 125 C-Sharp Lists For Custom Path 126 Introducing Coroutines 127 Types Of Pathfinding 128 The Path Ahead 129 Instance Variables And Constants 130 The Dictionary Data Structure 131 Finding Game Objects By Name 132 Explore Thy Neighbour 133 Breadth First Search Algorithm 134 Introducing C Queues 135 Running Manual Tests 136 A Breadcrumb Trail 137 Reversing A List 138 Adding Production Assets 139 Tower LookAt Enemy 140 MagicaVoxel Bonus Content 141 Another Solo Challenge 142 Make Tower Shoot 143 Enemy HitPoints 144 Check For Distance 145 Subtleties Of Spawning 146 Revise Coroutines Much More 147 Target Closest Enemy 148 Detecting Mouse In 3D 149 Conditional Instantiation 150 Blooms Taxonomy 151 Particles Algorithm Improvements 152 Circular Or Ring Buffers 153 Implementing A Ring Buffer 154 Revising C Queues 155 How To Destroy Particles 156 Complete Game Loop 157 Health For Base 158 Display Health Score 159 Unity Post Processing Stack 160 Hook Up SFX 161 PlayClipAtPoint() For SFX 162 Tune Your Game Moment 163 Section 5 Wrap Up 05 Realm Rush – Tower 138 151 160
06 Bonus Section164 More To Come….html 165 BONUS LECTURE Our Other Courses.html
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