Release date:2016, November 11

Duration:10 h 28 m

Author:Ashley Kennedy

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Final Cut Pro X 10.3 Essential Training offers a thorough exploration of Apple’s flagship software and focuses on getting users comfortable with each aspect of the video editing process. Senior staff instructor Ashley Kennedy covers all phases of post-production—from ingest and organization to editing and refining in the timeline, correcting audio, managing media, and delivering the final project. She also covers primary and secondary color correction, and shows how to use effects to change the look and feel of video, audio, and graphics. Each stage of the post-production workflow is explained thoroughly and concisely, using real-world examples within a series of short documentary and promotional projects.

Topics include: Ingesting and organizing your assets Editing and refining Basic audio editing Additional editing and organizational techniques Multicam editing Working with effects Color correcting footage Project and media management Sharing and exporting video
Table of Contents


Welcome 59s

Using the exercise files 5m 29s

What versions of FCP X does this course cover? 2m 2s

What’s new in Final Cut Pro X v10.3? 9m 6s

What’s new in Final Cut Pro X 10.4? 10m 9s

What’s new in Final Cut Pro X v.10.4.1? 12m 49s

1. Getting to Know the Editing Environment

An under-the-hood introduction: Understanding the FCP X file structure 5m 58s

A tour of the FCP X interface: Basic clip viewing and organization 12m 10s

A tour of the FCP X interface: Timeline and tools 11m 54s

2. Ingesting and Organizing Your Assets

Setting up libraries and importing your assets 13m 15s

Importing from file-based cameras and live cameras 5m 26s

Organizing footage with keywords and folders 8m 45s

Rating and filtering clips 9m 53s

Performing searches and crea ting Smart Collections 8m 53s

Importing iMovie projects (Mac and iOS) 4m 30s

3. Basic Editing: Laying the Foundation

Playing, navigating, and marking footage 7m 34s

Making the first edits: Using Insert and Append edits 10m 39s

Changing shots: Using Overwrite and Replace edits 9m 49s

Removing material to refine the story 4m 7s

Adding В-roll: Connecting clips to the primary storyline 10m 47s

Moving clips around in the timeline 7m 21s

Editing with audio in mind 7m 41s

Going deeper into timeline and interface navigation 9m 33s

4. Refining the Edit: Using Trimming Tools

Trimming clips: Rippling and performing extend edits 8m 18s

Manipulating transitions and creating split edits: Using the Roll tool 4m 8s

Changing shot content and position: Performing Slip and Slide edits 5m 50s

Understanding trimming limitations and working with the Precision Editor 4m 11s

5. Exploring Connected Clips and Secondary Storylines

Understanding features and limitations of connected clips 4m 48s

Working with secondary storylines 3m 54s

6. Basic Audio Editing

Setting audio channel configuration 9m 48s

Adjusting audio levels 11m 22s

Keyframing audio 6m 18s

Repairing audio problems automatically 6m 32s

Recording voiceover audio 5m 19s

Syncing your video to high-quality audio 4m 28s

7. Additional Editing and Organizational Techniques

Nesting shots and working with compound clips 5m 36s

Montage editing with Top and Tail Edits 6m 56s

Auditioning clips to try multiple editing options 6m 44s

Working with markers 4m 53s

Using roles to define clip categories 9m 59s

Customizing the keyboard 6m 26s

Working with closed captions (v. 10.4.1) 11m 24s

8. Multicam Editing

Syncing your multicam group clips 8m

Performing a multicam edit 6m 13s

Refining the multicam edit 5m 34s

9. Working with Effects

Working with basic motion effects: Transform, Crop, and Distort 10m

Working with still images 8m 5s

Adding and adjusting transition effects 10m 33s

Adding and adjusting video effects 7m 8s

Adding and adjusting audio effects 8m 37s

Keyframing video and audio effects over time 7m 39s

Copying and pasting effects and creating effect templates 7m 1s

Creating titles 11m 52s

Working with generator effects 5m 28s

Creating freeze frames 4m 50s

Using speed effects to retime clips 7m 15s

Working with layered Photoshop files 6m 2s

Understanding rendering options and preferences 4m 46s

10. Basic Color Correction

Analyzing shots for color problems 4m 55s

Following a proper color correction workflow (v. 10.3) 11m 27s

Color grading to add style (v. 10.3) 5m 4s

Using color correction templates (v. 10.3) 3m 32s

Using automatic color correction tools (v. 10.3 and 10.4) 6m 37s

Working with color masks and shape masks (v. 10.3) 8m 26s

Getting to know the color correction tools (v. 10.4) 10m 41s

Following a proper color correction workflow (v. 10.4) 12m 53s

Color grading to add style (v. 10.4) 9m 43s

Color grading to add style (v. 10.4) 4m 29s

Working with color masks and shape masks (v. 10.4) 9m 42s

11. Project and Media Management

Basic library and event management 8m 54s

Managing libraries, events, and clips 7m 40s

Managing your projects and collaborating with others 6m 58s

Managing generated content: Transcoded and render files 5m 32s

12. Sharing and Exporting

Exporting a still image 2m 2s

Export settings interface change in FCPXv. 10.4.1 2m 17s

Exporting a hi-res QuickTime movie with chapter markers 7m 14s

Exporting projects for the web, Apple devices, and DVD 7m 46s

Exporting stems out of the timeline using roles (10.3/10.4) 8m 48s

Exporting stems out of the timeline using roles (10.4.1 and beyond) 5m 49s

13. Working with Compressor

Introduction to compression concepts 6m 27s

Interface tour 8m 39s

Basic Compressor workflows 7m 22s

Useful effect add-ons 4m 31s

Customizing templates and saving presets 6m 35s

Creating droplets 3m 2s


Finished promo: The Mission of Project RELO 4m 16s

Next steps 2m 33s

001 Welcome 002 Using the exercise files 003 What versions of FCP X does this course cover_ 004 What’s new in Final Cut Pro X v10.3_ 005 What’s new in Final Cut Pro X 10.4_ 006 What’s new in Final Cut Pro X v. 10.4.1_ 007 An under-the-hood introduction – Understanding the FCP X file structure 008 A tour of the FCP X interface – Basic clip viewing and organization 009 A tour of the FCP X interface – Timeline and tools 010 Setting up libraries and importing your assets 011 Importing from file-based cameras and live cameras 012 Organizing footage with keywords and folders 013 Rating and filtering clips 014 Performing searches and creating Smart Collections 015 Importing iMovie projects (Mac and iOS) 016 Playing, navigating, and marking footage 017 Making the first edits – Using Insert and Append edits 018 Changing shots – Using Overwrite and Replace edits 019 Removing material to refine the story 020 Adding B-roll – Connecting clips to the primary storyline 021 Moving clips around in the timeline 022 Editing with audio in mind 023 Going deeper into timeline and interface navigation 024 Trimming clips – Rippling and performing extend edits 025 Manipulating transitions and creating split edits – Using the Roll tool 026 Changing shot content and position – Performing Slip and Slide edits 027 Understanding trimming limitations and working with the Precision Editor 028 Understanding features and limitations of connected clips 029 Working with secondary storylines 030 Setting audio channel configuration 031 Adjusting audio levels 032 Keyframing audio 033 Repairing audio problems automatically 034 Recording voiceover audio 035 Syncing your video to high-quality audio 036 Nesting shots and working with compound clips 037 Montage editing with Top and Tail Edits 038 Auditioning clips to try multiple editing options 039 Working with markers 040 Using roles to define clip categories 041 Customizing the keyboard 042 Working with closed captions (v. 10.4.1) 043 Syncing your multicam group clips 044 Performing a multicam edit 045 Refining the multicam edit 046 Working with basic motion effects – Transform, Crop, and Distort 047 Working with still images 048 Adding and adjusting transition effects 049 Adding and adjusting video effects 050 Adding and adjusting audio effects 051 Keyframing video and audio effects over time 052 Copying and pasting effects and creating effect templates 053 Creating titles 054 Working with generator effects 055 Creating freeze frames 056 Using speed effects to retime clips 057 Working with layered Photoshop files 058 Understanding rendering options and preferences 059 Analyzing shots for color problems 060 Following a proper color correction workflow (v. 10.3) 061 Color grading to add style (v. 10.3) 062 Using color correction templates (v. 10.3) 063 Using automatic color correction tools (v. 10.3 and 10.4) 064 Working with color masks and shape masks (v. 10.3) 065 Getting to know the color correction tools (v. 10.4) 066 Following a proper color correction workflow (v. 10.4) 067 Color grading to add style (v. 10.4) 068 Color grading to add style (v. 10.4) 069 Working with color masks and shape masks (v. 10.4) 070 Basic library and event management 071 Managing libraries, events, and clips 072 Managing your projects and collaborating with others 073 Managing generated content – Transcoded and render files 074 Exporting a still image 075 Export settings interface change in FCP X v. 10.4.1 076 Exporting a hi-res QuickTime movie with chapter markers 077 Exporting projects for the web, Apple devices, and DVD 078 Exporting stems out of the timeline using roles (10.3-10.4) 079 Exporting stems out of the timeline using roles (10.4.1 and beyond) 080 Introduction to compression concepts 081 Interface tour 082 Basic Compressor workflows 083 Useful effect add-ons 084 Customizing templates and saving presets 085 Creating droplets 086 Finished promo – The Mission of Project RELO 087 Next steps

Ex_Files_FCPX_10_3_EssT.rar Ex_Files_FCPX_10_4_EssT.rar Lo_Res_Media_Ex_Files.rar

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