Release date:2018
Duration:13 h 37 m
Author:Steve Huston
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Master artist Steve Huston shows you a step-by-step construction of the human head in this in-depth Learning Path. Steve covers the basic forms of the head, more detailed intermediate construction of the head, as well as the eyes, nose, mouth and ears.
1. Beginning Head Drawing | Part 1: Basic Head Construction
In this exciting in-depth drawing series, instructor Steve Huston shows you a step-by-step construction of the human head. He covers the basic forms and more detailed intermediate constructs of the head as well as the eyes, nose, mouth and ears. In this lesson, you will learn how to use basic shapes (boxes, cylinders, spheres) to form the basic structure of the head. This lesson is a fundamental step in learning how to create a solid foundation to place the features of the face on. He will also show you how to construct the basic head in different perspectives. Following Steve’s lecture, he will illustrate how the Old Masters constructed the human head. You will then be given a timed assignment from Steve to utilize what you have learned and practice your skills. Finally, Steve will share with you how he goes about the assignment through his own techniques.
MaterialsSharpie Markers
Digital Tablet
Waterman Paris Fountain Pen
Brown Fountain Pen Ink
Faber-Castell Polychromos Pencil – Indian Red
Seth Cole Heavy Ledger Paper2. Beginning Head Drawing | Part 2: Intermediate Head Construction
In this exciting in-depth drawing series, instructor Steve Huston shows you a step-by-step construction of the human head. He covers the basic forms and more detailed intermediate constructs of the head as well as the eyes, nose, mouth and ears. In this lesson, Steve will show you a more in-depth construction of the head using egg shapes, tubes and wedges. He will also show you how to construct the intermediate head in different perspectives in three dimensions: leaning, tilting and facing.
MaterialsSharpie Markers
Digital Tablet
Faber-Castell Polychromos Pencil – Indian Red
Seth Cole Heavy Ledger Paper3. Beginning Head Drawing | Part 3: The Eyes
In this exciting in-depth drawing series, instructor Steve Huston shows you a step-by-step construction of the human head. He covers the basic forms and more detailed intermediate constructs of the head as well as the eyes, nose, mouth and ears. In this lesson, Steve covers how to construct the eye within the eye socket. He will also show you how the eye lids are placed around the eye as well as the brow ridges.
MaterialsSharpie Markers
Digital Tablet
Waterman Paris Fountain Pen
Brown Fountain Pen Ink
Seth Cole Heavy Ledger Paper4. Beginning Head Drawing | Part 4: The Nose
In this exciting in-depth drawing series, instructor Steve Huston shows you a step-by-step construction of the human head. He covers the basic forms and more detailed intermediate constructs of the head as well as the eyes, nose, mouth and ears. In this lesson, Steve covers how to construct the three major parts of the nose: the tip of the nose, the left wings and the right wings. He will also show you how to draw the nose in different perspectives.
MaterialsSharpie Markers
Digital Tablet
Faber-Castell Polychromos Pencil – Indian Red and Indischrot
Seth Cole Heavy Ledger Paper5. Beginning Head Drawing | Part 5: The Mouth
In this exciting in-depth drawing series, instructor Steve Huston shows you a step-by-step construction of the human head. He covers the basic forms and more detailed intermediate constructs of the head as well as the eyes, nose, mouth and ears. In this lesson, Steve will show you how to draw the different parts of the mouth, such as the lips and the filtrum. He will also show you how to construct the mouth in different perspectives.
MaterialsSharpie Markers
Digital Tablet
Faber-Castell Polychromos Pencil – Indian Red and Indischrot
Seth Cole Heavy Ledger Paper6. Beginning Head Drawing | Part 6: The Ears
In this exciting in-depth drawing series, instructor Steve Huston shows you a step-by-step construction of the human head. He covers the basic forms and more detailed intermediate constructs of the head as well as the eyes, nose, mouth and ears. In this lesson, Steve will show you how to construct the different thicknesses of the ear. He will also illustrate how to draw the ears in different perspectives.
MaterialsSharpie Markers
Digital Tablet
Faber-Castell Polychromos Pencil – Indian Red and Indischrot
Seth Cole Heavy Ledger Paper01 Basic Head Construction
1. Lesson Overview 46s
2. Basic Shapes of the Face and Skull 37m 34s
3. Sections of the Head 14m 4Ss
4. Thickness of the Neck 10m 5s
5. Drawing the Head in Different Perspectives 12m 52s
6. Perspective of the Ear 11m 16s
7. Height of the Еar 12m 36s
8. Old Masters’ Analysis; Holbein, Raphael, Piazetta 16m 14s
9. Old Masters’ Analysis; “Tiepolo 8m 41s
10. Old Masters’ Analysis: Raphael 12m 16s
11. Old Masters’ Ага lysis; Raphae, Rockwell 18m 43s
12. Old Masters’ Analysis; Manet, Raphae, Tiepclo 15m 23s
13. Assignment 16m 48s
14. Steve’s Approach to the Assignment 13m 15s
15. Steve’s 11m 33s02 Intermediate Head Construction
1. Lesson Overview 1m 3s
2. Cresting the Geogrsphy for Facial Features 15m 34s
3. Tilting Perspectives 16m 51s
4. Top and Bottom Planes 15m 13s
5. Corners of the Head 18m Os
6. Old Masters’ Analysis; Hoibein. Raphael, Piazetta, Rockwell 17m 55s
7. Old Masters’ Analysis; Raphael, Rockwell 15m 48s
8. Old Masters’ Analys s: Manet, Tiepolo 10m 48s
9. Assignment 16m 6s
10. Assignment Cont. 10m 20s
11. Steve’s Approach to the Assignment 17m 5s
12. Steve’s Approach Cont 12m 47s03 The Eyes
1. Lesson Overview 1m 7s
2. Structure of the Eye 12m 25s
3. The Eye Socket 10m 45s
4. Placement of the Eye 12m Os
5. Old Masters’ Aralys s: Holbein. Raphael.. Piazetta, Tiepolo 8m 46s
6. Old Masters’ Aralys s: Raphae 10m 49s
7. Old Masters’ Analys s: Manet, Bernini 10m 40s
8. Assignment 16m 3s
9. Assignment Cont. 15m 31s
10. Steve’s Approach to the Assignment 14m 58s
11. Steve’s Approach Cort. 11m 57s04 The Nose
1. Lesson Overview 1m 4s
2. The Shapes of the Nose 10m Os
3. Perspectives of the Nose 9m 1 Ss
4. Old Masters’ Analysis; Holbein, Raphael, Piazetta 11 m 56s
5. Old Masters’ Analysis: Raphae, Rockwell, Manet 14m 44s
6. Assigrrrent 11m 14s
7. Steve’s Approach tо the Assignment 12m 7s
8. Steve’s Approach Cent. 7m 20s05 The Mouth
1. Overview 1m 3s
2. Shapes of the Mouth 18m 17s
3. Upper and Lower Lips 16m 32s
4. Drawing Mouths in Perspective 18m 33s
5. Old Masters’ Analysis; Holbein, Raphael, Piazetta 14m Os
6. Old Masters’ Analysis; Raphael 11m 14s
7. Old Masters’ Аnаlysis; Rockwell, Manet 9m 43s
8. Assignment 16m 6s
9. Assignment Cont. 15m 30s
10. Steve’s Approach to the Assignment 13m 33s
11. Steve’s Approach Cont. 16m 7s06 The Ears
Lesson Overview 1m 15s
2. Placement of the Ear 11 m 50s
3. Perspectives of the Ear 13m 20s
4. Old Masters’ Analysis; Holbein, Raphael, Piazetta, Tiepolo 11m 30s
5. Old Masters’ Analysis; Rockwell, Manet, Raphael, Tiepolo 12m 57s
6. Assignment 15m 30s
7. Sieve’s Approach io the Assignment 16m 47s01 Basic Head Construction 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
02 Intermediate Head Construction 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
03 The Eyes 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
04 The Nose 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
05 The Mouth 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
06 The Ears 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
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