Release date:2018
Duration:03 h 10 m
Author:Rich Armstrong
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Take your animation skills to the next level by learning all about 3D layers, cameras, and lights in Adobe After Effects. In this class, you’ll learn how to transform your 2D artwork into the 3rd dimension inside After Effects. Your flat artwork will become alive in space, giving it depth and energy.
Besides getting into 3D with Adobe After Affects, there are a bunch of tips and tricks you’ll pick up even if you’re an After Effects and 3D pro. That being said, this class is meant for beginner to intermediate students, who have a little bit of experience in Adobe After Effects.
Intro 1:48
The 2.5D Stage0:58
Get Your Artwork into After Effects 8:29
Arranging Your Layers in 3D Space 12:41
Adding Cameras 10:38
Parenting 3D Layers 9:12
Precomping 3D Layers 9:41
Animating Cameras and 3D layers 25:30
Rendering 4:05
Project Time 17:11
And There Was Light 9:49
More Lights 9:23
Material Options 10:10
Useful Camera Techniques 7:58
Rollercoaster Cameras and Auto orientation 9:25
Multiple Camera Angles 11:53
Make Better Stuff Faster 7:00
The Flickering Layers Issue 11:42
Your Project 1:17
Conclusion 1:04
Bonus! Layer-art in After Effects 4:46
Bonus! Make a cube 5:16001. Intro 002. The 2.5D Stage 003. Get Your Artwork into After Effects 004. Arranging Your Layers in 3D Space 005. Adding Cameras 006. Parenting 3D Layers 007. Precomping 3D Layers 008. Animating Cameras and 3D layers 009. Rendering 010. Project Time 011. And There Was Light 012. More Lights 013. Material Options 014. Useful Camera Techniques 015. Rollercoaster Cameras and Auto orientation 016. Multiple Camera Angles 017. Make Better Stuff Faster 018. The Flickering Layers Issue 019. Your Project 020. Conclusion 021. Bonus! Layer-art in After Effects 022. Bonus! Make a cube Skillshare – Animate with Depth Cameras, Lights and 3D Layers in After
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