Release date:2018
Duration:05 h 00 m
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
In this tutorial/walkthrough i am showing my current design workflow.
-Rough thumbnails in Photoshop
-3d Block in with Blender
-Paintover the rough 3d to define a more specific design direction
-Finalizing the design in 3d with Blender 2.79
-Rendering with Octane Standalone (i have added some guides for rendering with Cycles too in the Blender Crash Course video)Over 5 hours of video. Almost all of them have narration in english. The mech design videos are speed up most of the time and the techniques that i have used are explained in realtime in the intro to blender video.
Extra videos and PSD Blender 2.79 crash course Mech intro Steps and PSD.7z Turning low poly into high poly
Lineart Real Time 2d video part 1 2d video part 2
Mech Design Videos Mech Part 1 Mech Part 2 Mech Part 3
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