Release date:2019
Duration:07 h 25 m
Author: Fahir Mehovic
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Volume 4 of our Make Professional 2D and 3D Games With Unity series comes with a 3D ball game that I call Puzzle Ball.
This is a 3D game where we will learn how to write reusable code, create multiple levels and create a progress system to move from one level to another.
1. Class Preview 4:54
2. Where To Download The Assets 0:16
3. Important Note 0:20
4. Importing Assets And Organizing The Project 3:40
5. Creating Our Main Menu 11:06
6. Camera Script 27:30
7. Finishing The Camera Script 11:00
8. Ball Script 10:24
9. Getting Balls Direction 12:33
10. Camera Relative Position 28:07
11. Moving The Ball 18:52
12. Drag And Air Speed 14:48
13. Finishing Balls Movement 43:03
14. Creating Our First Level 21:22
15. Rescaling The Ball 22:34
16. Finishing Level1 17:31
17. Ball Roll Sound 13:47
18. Sound Volume Based On Collision 20:59
19. Importing Level2 6:55
20. Finishing Level2 20:03
21. Level 3 Introduction 7:28
22. Finishing Level 3 29:56
23. Level 4 Introduction 3:18
24. Enemy Ball AI 32:43
25. Enemy Ball Sound Effect 23:45
26. Level 5 10:40
27. Level 6 Introduction 3:42
28. Moving Floors 14:02
29. Moving Floors With Animations 9:2900-Class Preview 01-Where To Download The Assets 02-Important Note 03-Importing Assets And Organizing The Project 04-Creating Our Main Menu 05-Camera Script 06-Finishing The Camera Script 07-Ball Script 08-Getting Balls Direction 09-Camera Relative Position 10-Moving The Ball 11-Drag And Air Speed 12-Finishing Balls Movement 13-Creating Our First Level 14-Rescaling The Ball 15-Finishing Level1 16-Ball Roll Sound 17-Sound Volume Based On Collision 18-Importing Level2 19-Finishing Level2 20-Level 3 Introduction 21-Finishing Level 3 22-Level 4 Introduction 23-Enemy Ball AI 25-Enemy Ball Sound Effect 25-Level 5 26-Level 6 Introduction 27-Moving Floors 28-Moving Floors With Animations tmp.7z
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