Release date:2019
Duration:04 h 51 m
Author:Noa Calice (aka Blackthornprod)
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
What Will I Learn?
Learn how to sketch and paint 2D game characters.
Create awesome 2D game animations using Unity.
Make a player character that can move around an environment and shoot projectiles.
Program some cool AI behaviors for various enemy game characters using C#.
Code a customizable enemy wave spawner.
Make a multi staged boss fight using state machine behaviors.
Make multiple weapons and power ups.
Learn how to make great main menus and responsive UI.
Create epic particle systems and sound effects.
Be able to make an entire game from A to Z using Unity, C# and some 2D application like Ps or Gimp. And then publish that finished product on Itch io, Newgrounds or Gamejolt.Requirements
Have Unity and some 2D application like Ps, Gimp, SketchPad or MS Paint installed on your computer.
Before starting this course you should understand the basics of Unity. Like saving scenes, navigating the interface, using the three basic manipulation tools (Translate, Rotate and Scale), create prefabs and add and modify components inside of the inspector.
You should have a strong understanding of the basics of C#, such as creating variables, modifying those and calling functions.
Have a strong desire to learn, have fun and create awesome games !Description In this game development course you’ll learn how to create a commercial quality 2D action game using Unity, C# and a 2D application like Photoshop or Gimp (whatever 2D drawing tool you have installed on your computer).
Here is a list of the key things you will learn by watching this course :
First of all you’ll have a stronger understanding of what it takes to actually finish a game from A to Z in Unity!
You’ll learn how to sketch and paint 2D game characters, then import those creations inside of Unity, rig them and finally make game animations such as run cycles, attack animations, idle animations and more !
Learn how to make a player character than can move around an environment and shoot projectiles by programming in C# !
Create various enemy game characters : a melee monster that runs fast towards the player and leaps at him to attack | A spooky necromancer that summons small, vicious skeletons that chase after the player | a dangerous bat that shoots dark fireballs at the game’s hero !
Understand how to use state machine behaviors to create a multi stage boss fight in Unity!
Make multiple weapons the player can equip and use against the game’s various foes. As well as a health pickup !
Create cool looking effects using Unity’s particle system and 2D sprites !
Create fun sound effects using Audacity and then implement those inside of your game !
You’ll learn how to make a nice main menu with responsive, animated UI !
Create smooth scene transitions using UI panels and animations !
Publish your finished game to Itch io, Newgrounds or Gamejolt !Why learn from us?
Me and my brother created this course to share our passion for making games and help others bring their unique visions to life !
We’ve been teaching aspiring game developers how to use Unity, code with C# programming language and make game art and animations. Our tutorials have been viewed by thousands and are very popular, every day we get dozens of developers thanking us for helping them out on their own game dev journey !We’ve not only made tons of tutorials but we’ve also created plenty games using Unity, both 2D and 3D !
So we know what it’s like to create a complete, polished experience from A to Z, and really want to equip you with the right tools and knowledge so you can do the same !Who is the target audience?
A beginner/intermediate game developer interested in learning how to create a fun, commercial quality 2D action game from A to Z using Unity and C#.
This course is also for those curious about programming AI using C#.
Someone wanting to learn how to draw and animate 2D game characters using a 2D application like Ps or Gimp and Unity.
This course is NOT for complete beginners having never touched Unity or C#. You should have understood the basics of both Unity and C# if you wish to properly follow along and get the most out of this course.01. HOW TO USE THIS COURSE 01. Course introduction 02. How to Use this Course 03. How to Use this Course 03.1 The project 03.2 The Discord 04. Games Made by other Students
02. CREATING THE PLAYER GAME CHARACTER 01. Section Introduction 02. Sketching the Player Character 03. Painting the Player Character 04. Importing the Character in Unity 05. Creating the Characters Rig 06. Introduction to Unitys Animation Tools 07. Creating the Players Animations 08. Programming the Players Movement 09. Creating the Animation Transitions 10. Creating the Players Weapon 11. The Weapons Rotation 12. Shooting Projectiles 13. Creating the Projectiles Particle Effect 14. Making the Camera Follow Script
03. CREATING THE ENEMIES 01. Section Introduction 02. Drawing and Animating the Melee Enemy 03. Setting up the Enemy Class 04. Programming the Melee Enemy 05. Drawing and Animating the Summoner 06. Programming the Summoner 07. Drawing and Animating the Ranged Enemy 08. Programming the Ranged Enemy 09. Making a Wave Spawner
04. MORE WEAPONS & HEALTH PICKUPS 01. Section Introduction 02. Creating More Weapons and Projectiles 03. Enemy Drops 04. Creating Health UI Part 1 05. Creating Health UI Part 2 06. Creating Health Pickups
05. CREATING THE BOSS CHARACTER 01. Section Introduction 02. Drawing and Animating the Boss Part 1 03. Drawing and Animating the Boss Part 2 04. Programming the Boss Part 1 05. Programming the Boss Part 2 06. The Importance of Playtesting
06. ADDING DETAILS AND POLISH TO OUR GAME 01. Section Introduction 02. Creating Particle Effects 03. Adding Screen Shake and a Hurt Panel 04. Creating a Cool Custom Cursor 05. Creating Sound Effects 06. Implementing the Sound Effects 07. Creating a Health Bar for the Boss
07. MAKING A MAIN MENU & A WIN AND LOSE SCENE 01. Section Introduction 02. Creating the Main Menu 03. Making Scene Transitions 04. Creating the Win and Lose Scenes
08. FINISHING UP 01. Publishing your Game on Itch.Io 02. Bonus Lecture What next
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