Release date:2018, June
Duration:01 h 24 m
Author:Widhi Muttaqien
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
In this course we’re going to explore different 3D modeling techniques using deformation tools in Blender. Now this course is not designed for beginners, so you need at least a basic understanding about Blender’s UI and how to create simple 3D models. If you really new to Blender, I suggest that you take the essential course first and or the 3D modeling fundamentals first before taking this one.
In this course. We will start exploring the proportional editing mode which is a transformation mode that allows us to transform mesh object with falloff influence. With this, we can transform complex mesh object easily and organically. Then we’re going to cover a feature in Blender called “vertex group” and how to utilize it further with deformation modifiers. We’re going to cover twist modifier, taper and stretch. Then we’re going to learn in depth on how to bend mesh correctly using the bend modifier. After that we move on to lattice modifier where we can deform object using a set of box like control points. And then we’re going to discuss how we can deform object with more flexibility using our own custom mesh as the controller with mesh deform modifier. The last deformation technique we’re going to cover is curve deform modifier which allows us to deform mesh object along a curve object.
After discussing all of the techniques we’re going to create a project which is modeling a coconut tree suitable for real time rendering such as for game asset or VR. We’re going to cover several methods, tips and tricks that will be very useful in the actual production workflow.
After finishing this course, I recommend you to join my next advanced courses on Blender to sharpen your 3D skills even more. So join now and take your 3D modeling skill to the next level!
1. Introduction 2:17
2. Proportional editing 7:49
3. Vertex group 5:52
4. Simple deformation twist 8:34
5. Simple deformation bend 8:23
6. Lattice modifier 4:47
7. Mesh deform modifier 5:01
8. Curve modifier 8:44
9. Project : Coconut tree basics 7:55
10. Project : Coconut tree trunk 8:44
11. Project : Coconut leaves 13:10
12. Next step 2:4200 – Introduction (4) 01 – Proportional editing 02 – Vertex group 03 – Simple deformation twist 04 – Simple deformation bend 05 – Lattice modifier 06 – Mesh deform modifier 07 – Curve modifier 08 – Project Coconut tree basics 09 – Project Coconut tree trunk 10 – Project Coconut leaves 11 – Next step
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