Release date:2016
Duration:01 h 20 m
Author:Francis Vallejo
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Advanced Gesture Drawing for Artists – Everything you need to express yourself in your figure drawings
Have you ever wished you could capture all the movement and life of a pose with just a few, almost effortless strokes?
Or perhaps you’re tired of your life drawings looking flatter than a pancake?
Relax. In less than 2 hours, you could be drawing figures more skilfully than you ever thought possible.
Because in 6 fun lessons, acclaimed artist and teacher, Francis Vallejo, will be sharing his top-level skills with you and helping you get the results you’ve always wanted.
But before you start, make sure you’ve completed his previous course, Gesture Drawing for Beginners.
Trust us, you need to have this course under your belt before attempting any of these advanced techniques.
Oh wait, you already have?
Awesome! Let’s get started…You’ll learn:
How the world’s best artists have used these same gesture drawing techniques in their own work
Fast shading techniques to help you create figures with form
How to draw expressive hands and other parts of the body
How to get the best results from your pencils and pastels and capture poses effortlessly
Just click the button to get access to this course and more than 80 othersJust think…
After watching this course on advanced gesture drawing, you’ll be able to tackle any life drawing pose with complete confidence.
The pencil or pastel you’re holding in your fingers will actually start to feel like an extension of your own hand…
…and the marks you make with it will seem to flow naturally in a way they probably haven’t before.
Which is a pretty good result in less than 2 hours, right?
So don’t hold your talent back any longer. Your passport to creating professional, expressive, dynamic figure drawings is right here in our new advanced gesture drawing course.1、登录后,打赏30元成为VIP会员,全站资源免费获取!
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