Release date:2019
Duration:01 h 07 m
Author:Anne Bollman
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
This class is for illustrators who have the talent but lack the know-how to get their illustrations on products. Within 2 years of quitting her in-house design job, teacher Anne Bollman was able to create a six-figure self-employed salary as an illustrator using this method. She will take you step by step through her marketing and portfolio development strategy so that you have the tools you need to get your art on products. Students of the class will be able to download an illustrated roadmap to fill out as well as a workbook so that they can easily follow along and establish their own plan for success.
Class PrepDefining Your Goal
Artist Marketing Overview
Step 1: Identify Top 3 Target MarketsMarkets Overview
Step 2: Conduct Market ResearchHow to Find Manufacturers
How to Determine if They are a Fit
How to Determine if They Work with Artists
How to Find Contact Info
Step 3: Portfolio ReviewSelecting Existing Pieces for Submission
Determining How Many New Pieces You Need
Step 4: SchedulingDetermine Time Needed for Developing Online Presence
Determine Time Needed for Portfolio Development
Calendar Blocking and Establishing Submission Due Dates
Step 5: Online PresenceWebsite Development
Online Portfolio Development
Instagram Account Development
Step 6: Portfolio DevelopmentMarket Research Based Concepting
Submission Presentation Formatting
Step 7: Email PitchHow to Write a Brief Yet Effective Submission Email
Step 8, 9, 108: Adjusting Your Schedule
9: Repeating Steps 6 & 7 for Remaining Markets
10: Email Responses to Expect and Follow Up1. Introduction 1:15
2. Class Prep 5:55
3. Step 1: Identify Top 3 Target Markets 3:34
4. Step 2: Conduct Market Research 12:18
5. Step 3: Portfolio Review 5:37
6. Step 4: Scheduling 11:22
7. Step 5: Online Presence 13:12
8. Step 6: Portfolio Development 5:14
9. Step 7: Email Pitch 3:05
10. Step 8, 9 & 10 3:24
11. Project & Closing 1:3600-Introduction 01-Class Prep 02-Step 1 Identify Top 3 Target Markets 03-Step 2 Conduct Market Research 04-Step 3 Portfolio Review 05-Step 4 Scheduling 06-Step 5 Online Presence 07-Step 6 Portfolio Development 08-Step 7 Email Pitch 09-Step 8 9 10 10-Project Closing RoadmapToGettingIllustrationsOnProducts.7z
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