Release date:2019, June

Duration:05 h 51 m

Author: Darrin Lile

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

What Will I Learn?

UV mapping in Blender 2.8

Avoiding Stretching in Your UV Islands

Hiding Seams

The Smart UV Project Tool

The Importance of Uniform Scale

Blender 2.8’s Live Unwrap Tool

Align Tool

Optimizing a UV Map for a Game Character

Texturing in Krita

Applying Image Textures in Blender 2.8

Requirements The course uses Blender 2.8, and Krita for texturing.

Description UV Mapping is an essential skill for applying textures to 3D objects in Blender 2.8 for animation and games. In this course we will look at what UV Mapping is, why it is needed, as well as the tools and techniques to help you efficiently map your 3D objects in Blender 2.8. We begin the course with an overview of the UV Mapping fundamentals in Blender 2.8. And then we will work on 5 different UV Mapping projects, each of increasing complexity, to help you get comfortable with UV mapping and the workflows involved.

You will learn about:

Avoiding Stretching in Your UV Islands

Hiding Seams

The Importance of Uniform Scale

Blender 2.8’s Smart UV Project Tool

Blender 2.8’s Live Unwrap Tool

Blender 2.8’s Align Tool

Blender 2.8’s Stitch Tool

Optimizing a UV Map for a Game Character in Blender 2.8

Texturing in Krita

Applying Textures in Blender 2.8

We will also export our UV maps out of Blender 2.8 and take them into Krita to texture, so that you can see how UV maps are used in a standard pipeline and how your UV mapping decisions can affect your texturing.

In the end, you’ll have a better understanding of why and how UV maps are used in Blender 2.8 as well as tools and techniques you can use in your own projects. So, if you’re new to UV Mapping, or maybe it all hasn’t quite clicked yet, then join me, for this introduction to UV Mapping in Blender 2.8.

Who is the target audience? Anyone who is ready to learn the fundamentals of UV mapping in Blender 2.8

1. Introduction 1. Introduction 2. What is UV Mapping

2. UV Mapping Fundamentals 1. Marking Seams and Unwrapping 1.1 Blender Scene Files.7z 10. Creating and Applying a Normal Map 2. Testing for Stretching 3. Seams and Applying Scale 4. Arranging UV Islands 5. Using the UV Map for Texturing 6. UV Mapping a Cylindrical Object 7. Adding the Soda Can Texture 8. Using Smart UV Project 9. Creating a Wood Texture in Krita

3. Project #1 UV Mapping and Texturing a Dumpster 1. Beginning the UV Map of the Dumpster 2. Continuing the UV Map of the Dumpster 3. UV Mapping the Wheel. 4. Organizing the UV Map 5. Finishing the Dumpster UV Map 6. Beginning the Dumpster Texture in Krita 7. Finishing the Dumpster Texture Map 8. Applying the Texture Map to Different Materials

4. Project #2 UV Mapping and Texturing a Building 1. Beginning to UV Map Building 01 2. Continuing to UV Map Building 01 3. Finishing the Building 01 UV Map 4. Using the Stitch Tool 5. Testing the Texture Size in Krita 6. Creating the Color Map for the Building 7. Finishing the Building Textures 8. Creating Materials and Applying Textures

5. Project #3 Baking a Normal Map 1. UV Mapping the Trash Can 2. Adding Sculpt Detail to the Trash Can 3. Baking a Normal Map

6. Project #4 UV Mapping a Character 1. Beginning to UV Map the Head 2. UV Mapping the Head 3. Mapping the Torso, Arms, and Hands 4. UV Mapping the Legs and Boots 5. UV Mapping the Eyes and Teeth 6. Scaling and Packing the UV Islands

7. Project #5 UV Mapping an Alley 1. UV Mapping the Ground and Building 5 2. UV Mapping Building 2 3. UV Mapping Buliding 3 4. UV Mapping Building 4. 5. UV Mapping the Remaining Details

8. Conclusion 1. Conclusion

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