Release date:2019
Author:The Redbeard, Matt Thorup
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
In this Advanced ZBrush Mega Bundle you will learn 2D and 3D character design principles, as well as techniques that improve and speed up your workflow. This course covers every aspect of the character design process, from breaking down the concept to posing and rendering your character. This Bundle also includes a Hard Surfacing Modeling 101 course where you will learn multiple techniques to approach hard surface in ZBrush.
Here are a few of the Topics covered:
Female Design Principles
Anatomy Landmarks
Blockout Modeling in ZBrush
Designed Anatomy
Fibermesh Hair
Sculpted Hair
Gesture Posing
Hard surface Modeling
Prepping for Rendering
Tips for Rendering in KeyshotAnd More!
00-IntroMsFeb 01-FemaleDesignPrinciples 02-BlockOut 03-RefiningBody01 04-RefiningBody02 05-HeadPart01 06-HeadPart02 07-HeadPart03 08-Hair_Part01 09-Hands 10-UnifyingBody 11-ClothingBlock-In 12-Clothing-Bra 13-Clothing-Shirt 14-Clothing-pants 15-Clothing-Gloves 16-Clothing-Shoes 17-Eyes 18-Polypaint-Skin 19-Polypaint-Pants 20-Polypaint-Clothes 21-Polypaint-Makeup 22-FiberMesh-Part1 23-FiberMesh-Part2 24-FiberMesh-Part3 25-EyeLashesAndEyebrows Moto_00_MotoIntro Moto_01-SetUp Moto_02-BlockIn_part01 Moto_03-BlockIn_part02 Moto_04-Polish01 Moto_05-Polish02 Moto_06-Polish03 Moto_07-Headlight Moto_08-PolyPaint Moto_09-Helmet Moto_10-NewHelmet Pose01-SetUp Pose02-SetUp02 Pose03-Gesture Pose04-Expression Pose05-Polish Pose06_Hair Pose07_SetUpandRenderFinal _MsFebLessonFiles.7z
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