Release date:2019, July
Author: Saber Jlassi , Igor Zanic & Urban Bradesko
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
This workshop has been completely updated with an entire new project that involves a building destruction and lots of particle based, smoke, pyro and rbd FX.
This new content is going to be used as an example to show students how the provided knowledge can be used to create a finished fx shot.
This new content will also be used to provide updates to everything Houdini 18 has to offer.
Due to this update and extra content the workshop is now much bigger and denser, approximately 14 weeks packed onto 10 weeks and we will provide guiding video on how to work through the content effectively.
The goal of this workshop is to get someone who never used Houdini before to become comfortable with the application and it’s various layers as-well producing high quality FX.
Notes: we are still working on the content and we may add or remove few topics depending on what we think is best for the student.
The promo trailer uses a lot of nuke compositing and in this workflow we will show a simple composite of everything, a more advanced/dedicate nuke workshop will cover compositing these types of shots/fx in more details.Description:
This course is designed for people who have a good understanding of CG and interested in gaining a full understanding of Houdini and how to properly utilize it’s capacity to create particles FX, water simulation, destruction and volume simulation.The course will also cover in depth how to render the various FX elements and how to composite them using Houdini COPs
We will be creating a variety of FX and with each topic we will cover a specific part of Houdini and learn how to work with a handful of nodes
We will have an interior scene to start with where we will design various particle while learning how create complex visuals and understand how particle simulation works
We will then continue and start choreographing the destruction of this environment and learn how to fracture geometry and use Bullets
Once we destroy our environment we will create a huge flooding to understand and learn how water simulation works in Houdini
Then we will learn how to use volume and smoke simulation to create various smoke based FX to enhance what we’ve created in week 2
We will learn how to shade and render a variety of FX, including particles, volumes and water using mantra
After all the fx creation and rendering we will learn how to composite all these passes using Houdini COPs.
By the end of the 8th week the student should acquired a very deep understanding of how Houdini works and be able to create and render Particles FX, water simulation, destruction.Disclaimer:
This workshop contains lot more information and the weekly breakdown is just the highlights.
Assignments and weekly lecture are very very demanding and can be challenging to new Houdini comers.
It is required that the student have a very good CG background in shading and lighting.WEEK1 –
Intro to proceduralism and Houdini’s interface
Maya vs Max vs Houdini, transition and differences
Intro to Houdini contexts
Intro to vex and pointvops
How to get the most out of the workshop
A deeper look at the various fx to be created and how to plan for the various assignment
Hardware requirement
NEW: Houdini 18, new features and what we should focus on
NEW: A look at the new FX Building project.
WEEK2 —Intro to pops
An introduction to Designing FX
Timing & Layering
Create a simple procedural system that uses path finding to create various particles streams
Create various FX elements using POPs
Particles Caching and optimization
NEW: FX Energy design and prototyping the look
NEW: Simulation setup
NEW: Guiding particles and creating intelligent paths and Colliders
NEW: Shockwave design, approach and executionWEEK3 —
Intro to Houdini volumes and vdb manipulation.
Intro to Dops and smoke solver
Create various smoke elements to enhance all the particles FX created week 2
Volume caching and optimization
NEW: Creating magical explosion
NEW: Adding more FX layers to the shockwave
NEW: Using smoke simulation to enhance particle simulationWEEK4 —-
Intro to mantra
Intro to shading in mantra
Shading all the particles FX previously created
Rendering the environment and setting up all the passes need to render our particles FX
Intro to cops in Houdini
NEW: Buildings, streets and environment rendering
NEW: Initial particle rendering
NEW: Introduction To CompositingWEEK5 —–
Intro to Bullets and constraints
Fracturing using voronoi and boolean
What is convex decomposition
Edge displacement and high-res interior
Create the constraint
Simulate the rbd
Caching the rbd and optimisation
Setup a workflow for using lowres/higer geometry for simulation vs rendering
NEW: Houdini 16/17 and 18 and how to transition
NEW: When to use sop level solvers vs dop level solvers
NEW: Creating the building destruction setup
NEW: Building destruction setup and tweakingWEEK6 ——
Create various debris systems using particles and bullets.
Create smoke trail simulation using pops and smoke solver
Create a smoke sim to use as an air field for particle advection.
NEW: Adding debris trails for buildings to enhance the overall visualWEEK7 NEW——
NEW: Rendering all the additional elements needed
NEW: Balancing and tweaking.
NEW: Putting everything togetherWEEK8 ——
Intro to flipfluids in Houdini
Prepping the geometry for flip fluids and collision
Create Custom forces to enhance the flip fluid sim
Create the Highres sim
Meshing in Houdini
Intro to whitewater in Houdini
Create whitewater source
Create a highres foam simulation including, bubbles, spray and foam.
NEW: Houdini 18 workflow/changes and how to transitioWeek 01 01_intro 02_houdini_versions 03_proceduralism 04_houdini_structure 05_houdini_interface 06_houdini_data 07_houdini_maya_3dsmax 08_manipulating_geometry 09_myth_about_proceduralism 10_procedural_example 11_square_to_circle 12_animated_curve 13_portal_procedural 14_nurbs_tricks1 15_nurbs_tricks2 16_timing 17_hardware 18_assignment
Week 02 00_intro 01_week2_content_explained 02_vex_and_numbers 03_math_intro 04_intro_to_pops 05_particle_flow 06_statue_prep 07_curves_setup 08_improve_emisison 09_magic_fx_city 10_better_paths 11_switching_system 12_meteor_trail 13_impact 14_layering_fx 15_review 16_portal_circle 17_custom_attraction 18_portal_circle_part2 19_adding_curve_id 20_post_processing 21_advanced_attraction 22_advanced_curve_expansion 23_advanced_curve_expansion_part2 24_assignment
Week 03 00_intro 01_volumes 02_vdb 03_volume_noise 04_smoke_sim_part1 05_adding_velocity 06_SDF 07_advanced_emission 08_fast_moving_object 09_velcotiy_field 10_custom_point_advection 11_smoke_sim_portal 12_advecting_particles 13_rolling_dust_idea 14_assignment
Week 04 00_intro 01_mat_context 02_mantra 03_custom_shader 03_custom_shader_part2 04_particle_shading 05_translucent_look 06_translucent_look_part2 07_portal_shading_look1_part1 07_portal_shading_look1_part2 07_portal_shading_look3_secret 08_raytraced_look 09_cables_prepp 10_cables_part2 11_cables_target 12_cables_collision 13_wire_sim 14_animated_lights 15_lighting_cables_scene 16_COMPOSITING 17_assignment
Week 05 00_intro 01_destruction_workflow_explained 02_geo_prep 03_constraints 04_pin 05_environment_destruction_part1 06_environment_destruction_part2 07_environment_destruction_part3 08_environment_destruction_part4 09_wood_and_highres_interior 10_assignment
Week 06 01_intro 02_debris_sourcing 03_debris_from_moving_objects 04_debris_src_houdini 05_debris_src_houdini_part2 06_smoke_trail_source 07_smoke_trail_simulation 08_airfield_simulation 09_airfield_simulation_part2 10_particles_rendering 11_particles_rendering_part2 12_volume_shading 13_overlay 14_adv_volume 15_assignment
Week 07 00_intro 01_flip_workflow 01_intro 02_flip_workflow 03_flip_workflow_meshing 04_statue_rise_setup 05_adding_forces 06_flip_solver_settings 07_preview 08_whitewater_solver_setup 08_whitewater_workflow 10_whitewater_solver_import 11_assignment
Week 08 01_intro 02_workflow_theory 03_water_workflow_in_houdini 04_water_shading 05_water_volume 06_fake_caustic 07_foam_and_bubbles 08_compositing 09_review 10_conclusion
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