Release date:2020, January 14

Duration:03 h 45 m

Author:David CGMK

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

In this online course, the viewer will learn how to create terrain digital assets that can be used inside game engines like Unreal Engine 4.

Who is the tutorial designed for? This course has been designed for beginners with a basic understanding of Houdini’s workflow and also a very basic understanding of Unreal Engine 4.

What can I learn from this tutorial? After viewing this course, people can expect to be able to create a digital asset that generates procedural terrains with as many variations as you want, while automatically taking care of masks for the terrain materials as well as the scattering of the foliage and other landscape elements.

01-Basic Terrain Workflow 01-Setting up our houdini project 02-What are heightfields 03-Heightfield Noise 04-Heightfield Distort 05-Heightfield Erode 1 06-Heightfield Erode 2 Hydraulic 07-Heightfield Erode 3 Thermal 08-Heightfield Erode 4 09-Heightfield Slump 10-Heightfield Flow

02-Heightfield Masks 11-Mask by noise 12-Draw mask and mask by object 13-Mask by feature

03-Working with terraces Houdini 18 Terraces

04-Heightfield utilities 14-Layer and copy layer 15-Blur 16-Remap and trees layer

05-Heightfield Prep 17-Material layer system 18-Rock and soil layers 19-Grass layer 20-Finishing the material llayers

06-Heightfield Scatter 21-Scattering trees 22-Scattering bushes 23-Scattering ferns 24-Scattering boulders 25-Creating our terrain HDA

07-Unreal Engine 4 26-Setting up our UE4 project 27-Creating our landscape material 28-Improving our material 29-Adding grass 30-Choosing our instances 31-Adding fog and post effects

08-Finishing up 32-Unreal attributes on our hda 33-Finishing our HDA 34-Final Words


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